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AtliQ Hardware - Sales Insights Data Analysis

Table of Contents

Problem Statement

AtliQ Hardware, an India-based company specializing in computer hardware and peripherals, faces challenges in tracking sales and achieving growth in a dynamically evolving market. With its headquarters in Delhi and numerous regional offices across India, the company serves various clients including surge stores and Nomad stores.

The sales director encounters difficulties as the market expands rapidly, leading to a decline in overall sales. The absence of concrete data and reliance on verbal reports from regional managers exacerbates the problem. Despite verbal updates, the director lacks tangible evidence to assess the business's performance accurately.

The sales director seeks a comprehensive data visualization tool to address these issues and enable data-driven decision-making. Such a tool would provide clear insights into regional and overall sales trends, facilitating informed decisions to drive business growth.

In this project, we aim to assist AtliQ Hardware in developing its own sales dashboard using Power BI. This dashboard will offer real-time access to sales data, empowering the company to make strategic decisions based on concrete insights and thereby enhance its sales performance.



  1. Purpose - To unlock sales insights that were not visible before for the sales for decision support and automate them to reduce manual time spent in data gathering.
  2. Stake Holders
    • Sales Director
    • Marketing Team
    • Customer Service Team
    • Data & Analytics Team
    • IT
  3. End result - An automated dashboard providing quick and latest sights to support Data-driven decision making.
  4. Success Criteria
    • Dashboard uncovering sales order insights with the latest data available.
    • Sales team able to make better decisions and prove 10% cost saving of total spend.
    • Sales analysis stops data gathering manually to save 20% of business time and reinvest it value added activity.

Tools Used

  • MySQL
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • Power Query Editor

ER Diagram

sales drawio

Analysis using MySQL

Server -> Data Import -> Select from self-contained file -> Import Progress Tab -> Start Import

  1. Total no of products sold in 2020
SELECT count(customer_code) as customer_total, sales_quantity
     SELECT customer_code, sum(sales_qty) as sales_quantity
     FROM atliq.transactions 
     WHERE year(order_date) = 2020
     GROUP BY customer_code) AS total_products_sold;

The total no of products sold in 2020 is 14933.

  1. Total Revenue made in 2020 [2017 has 2 international clients]
SELECT sum(sales_amount) AS total_revenue_2020
INNER JOIN atliq.transactions t 
ON t.order_date =
WHERE year = 2020;

Total Revenue made in 2020 is Rs 14,22,35,559/-

  1. Total Revenue per month in 2020
SELECT month_name AS month, sum(sales_amount) AS sales_amount
INNER JOIN atliq.transactions t 
ON t.order_date =
WHERE year = 2020
GROUP BY month_name;

The highest revenue in 2020 is February with Rs 2,69,25,734/-

  1. Total Revenue per month in 2020 by the Mumbai Market
SELECT month_name AS month, sum(sales_amount)AS sales_amount
INNER JOIN atliq.transactions t 
ON t.order_date =
WHERE year = 2020 AND market_code = 'Mark002'
GROUP BY month_name
ORDER BY sales_amount DESC;

The highest revenue in 2020 is February with Rs 49,68,501/- by the Mumbai Market

  1. What are the peak sales months?
SELECT month_name as month, year, sum(sales_qty) as total_sales 
INNER JOIN atliq.transactions t 
ON t.order_date =
WHERE year = 2020
GROUP BY month_name
ORDER BY total_sales DESC;

March produced a sale of 73384 in 2020.

  1. How many unique customers are there in the dataset?
SELECT DISTINCT count(*) AS customers 
FROM atliq.customers;

There are 38 unique customers.

  1. Which customers generate the highest sales volume?
SELECT customer_name, sum(sales_qty) AS sales_amount
FROM atliq.customers c
JOIN atliq.transactions t
ON t.customer_code = c.customer_code
WHERE year(order_date) = 2020
GROUP BY customer_name
ORDER BY sales_amount DESC;

Electricalsara Stores with 100374, Premium Stores with 28211, and Surge Stores with 22317 are the top 3 customers who generated the highest sales volumn in 2020.

  1. What are the different customer types present?
SELECT DISTINCT customer_type
FROM atliq.customers; 

Brick & Mortar and E-Commerce are the two customer types.

  1. What are the sales performances across different markets in 2020?
SELECT markets_name, sum(sales_amount) AS sales_amount
FROM atliq.transactions t
ON m.markets_code = t.market_code
WHERE year(order_date) = 2020
GROUP BY market_code
ORDER BY sales_amount DESC; 

Among the 15 markets, Delhi exhibited the most outstanding sales performance, amounting to Rs 7,77,32,602/- in 2020.

  1. Which products contribute the most to sales revenue?
SELECT product_type,
        WHEN t.currency = 'USD' THEN sales_amount * 83 
        ELSE sales_amount
    END) AS sales_amount_inr
FROM atliq.transactions t
JOIN atliq.products p ON p.product_code = t.product_code
GROUP BY product_type
ORDER BY sales_amount_inr DESC; 

Own Brand products contributed Rs 36,98,74,148/-, and Distribution products contributed Rs 14,60,39,576/- to the total sales revenue.

  1. Can we identify the top-selling products in each market?
SELECT markets_name, product_type, 
        WHEN t.currency = 'USD' THEN sales_amount * 83 
        ELSE sales_amount
    END) AS sales_amount_inr
FROM atliq.products p 
JOIN atliq.transactions t ON p.product_code = t.product_code
JOIN m ON m.markets_code = t.market_code
GROUP BY markets_name, product_type
ORDER BY sales_amount_inr DESC;

In Delhi NCR, Own Brand products generated Rs 15,58,36,149/- in sales, while Distribution products amounted to Rs 86,85,9406/-

  1. What is the distribution of customers across different customer types?
SELECT customer_type, COUNT(*) AS customer_count
FROM atliq.customers
GROUP BY customer_type;

In the customer base, there are 19 customers each categorized under E-Commerce and Brick & Mortar types.

  1. What is the overall sales quantity and sales amount?
SELECT sum(sales_qty) AS sales_quantity, SUM(CASE
        WHEN currency = 'USD' THEN sales_amount * 83 
        ELSE sales_amount
    END) AS sales_amount_inr
FROM atliq.transactions;

The total sales quantity amounts to 24,29,282, with a total sales amount of Rs 98,48,74,963/-.

Power BI Analysis and Dashboard

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) & Data Cleaning - Power Query

  1. The market table has two international markets with no zones allocated. Filtering it out using the dropdown. or Market table -> Home tab -> Transform data -> Transform data
= Table.SelectRows(sales_markets, each ([zone] <> ""))
  1. The transaction table has a ton of 0 and negative values in the sales_amount column.
= Table.SelectRows(sales_transactions, each ([sales_amount] <> -1 and [sales_amount] <> 0))
  1. Converting USD currency to INR [General currency conversion for now] Add column -> Conditional column
= Table.AddColumn(#"Filtered Rows", "norm_sales_amount", each if [currency] = "USD" or [currency] = "USD#(cr)" then [sales_amount]*83 else [sales_amount])

Key Measures:

  1. Average Sales per Transaction
Average Sales per Transaction = DIVIDE(SUM('atliq transactions'[norm_sales_amount]), COUNTROWS('atliq transactions'))
  1. Profit Margin %
Profit Margin % = DIVIDE([Total Profit Margin],[Revenue],0)
  1. Profit Margin Contribution %
Profit Margin Contribution % = DIVIDE([Total Profit Margin],CALCULATE([Total Profit Margin],ALL('atliq products'),ALL('atliq customers'),ALL('atliq markets')))
  1. Total Revenue
Revenue = SUM('sales transactions'[sales_amount])
  1. Revenue Contribution %
Revenue Contribution % = DIVIDE([Revenue],CALCULATE([Revenue],ALL('atliq products'),ALL('atliq customers'),ALL('atliq markets')))
  1. Total Sales Quantity
Sales Quantity = SUM('atliq transactions'[sales_qty])
  1. Total Profit Margin
Total Profit Margin = SUM('atliq transactions'[profit_margin])
  1. Average Sales Amount per Customer
Avg Sales Amt per Customer = DIVIDE(SUM('atliq transactions'[norm_sales_amount]), DISTINCTCOUNT('atliq customers'[customer_code]))
  1. Total Customer Types
Customer Types = DISTINCTCOUNT('atliq customers'[customer_type])
  1. Total Markets
Markets = DISTINCTCOUNT('atliq transactions'[market_code])
  1. Total Product Types
Product Types = DISTINCTCOUNT('atliq products'[product_type])
  1. Total Customers
Unique Customers = DISTINCTCOUNT('atliq transactions'[customer_code])


Atliq Hardware Sales Insight Dashboard-cropped Atliq Hardware Sales Insight Dashboard-cropped-2 Atliq Hardware Sales Insight Dashboard-cropped-3