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Data Analysis on the Maven's Pizza Dataset using SQL & Microsoft Excel.

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Maven's Pizza Sales Insight

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For the Maven Pizza Challenge, you’ll be playing the role of a BI Consultant hired by Plato's Pizza, a Greek-inspired pizza place in New Jersey. You've been hired to help the restaurant use data to improve operations, and just received the following note:

Welcome aboard, we're glad you're here to help!

Things are going OK here at Plato's, but there's room for improvement. We've been collecting transactional data for the past year, but really haven't been able to put it to good use. Hoping you can analyze the data and put together a report to help us find opportunities to drive more sales and work more efficiently.

Thanks in advance,

Mario Maven (Manager, Plato's Pizza)

Data Summary

The dataset is found on Maven Analytics under the name Pizza Place Sales with a total of 4 tables with 48,620 records and 12 fields.

  • Order Details

    The table has the order_details_id which is the primary key of the table along with the order_id, pizza_id as the foreign key of the orders and pizzas table and last, we have the quantity column of each type of pizza.

  • Orders

    This table includes the order_id which is the primary key, and the date and time of each order.

  • Pizza Types

    We have the pizza_type_id as the primary key, along with each pizza's name, category and ingredients.

  • Pizzas

    The pizzas table has the pizza_id as the primary key, and the pizza_type_id as the foreign key from the pizza types table, it also includes the size and price of the pizzas.

ER Diagram

Pizza ER Diagram

Queries and Insights

1. What is the average number of customers per day?

SELECT count(order_id)/count(distinct date) as average_customers_per_day
FROM pizza.dbo.orders;

The average daily customer traffic is 59.

2. How many pizzas are typically in an order?

SELECT COUNT(order_details_id)/COUNT(distinct order_id) as avg_no_of_pizzas_per_order
FROM pizza.dbo.order_details;

On average, customers order 2 pizzas per order.

3. Do we have any bestsellers?

SELECT AS pizza_name, ROUND(SUM(p.price * od.quantity),2) AS revenue
FROM pizza.dbo.order_details od 
JOIN pizza.dbo.pizzas p ON od.pizza_id = p.pizza_id
JOIN pizza.dbo.pizza_types pt ON p.pizza_type_id = pt.pizza_type_id
ORDER BY revenue DESC; 

Based on sales, the three most popular pizzas are The Thai Chicken Pizza, The Barbecue Chicken Pizza, and The California Chicken Pizza.

4. How many pizzas are we making during peak hour?

count(distinct(o.order_id)) as total_orders, 
count(quantity) as total_quantity 
FROM pizza.dbo.orders o 
JOIN pizza.dbo.order_details od 
ON o.order_id = od.order_id
ORDER BY total_orders DESC;

At 12 p.m., the restaurant received 2520 orders, which consisted of 6543 pizzas in total.

5. Are there any peak days?

SELECT count(order_id) as orders, weekday
FROM pizza.dbo.orders
GROUP BY weekday 

Friday, Thursday, and Saturday are the peak days.

6. Which month experienced the highest number of orders?

SELECT count(order_id) as orders, month
FROM pizza.dbo.orders
GROUP BY month 

July had the highest number of orders of 1935.

7. What is the total revenue from 2015?

SELECT ROUND(SUM(p.price * od.quantity),2) AS Revenue
FROM  pizza.dbo.pizzas p
JOIN pizza.dbo.order_details od
ON p.pizza_id = od.pizza_id;

Total revenue for the year 2015 is $8,17,860.05.

8. Which month had the highest revenue?

SELECT o.month, ROUND(SUM(p.price),2) AS total_price
FROM pizza.dbo.order_details od
JOIN pizza.dbo.orders o ON od.order_id = o.order_id
JOIN pizza.dbo.pizzas p ON od.pizza_id = p.pizza_id
GROUP BY o.month
ORDER BY total_price DESC;

July had the highest revenue of $71,027.45.

9. What are top-selling pizza sizes?

SELECT p.size as size, SUM(od.quantity) AS quantity
FROM pizza.dbo.pizza_types pt
JOIN pizza.dbo.pizzas p ON pt.pizza_type_id = p.pizza_type_id
JOIN pizza.dbo.order_details od ON p.pizza_id = od.pizza_id
ORDER BY quantity DESC;

The large-size pizza received the most orders, totalling 18,956.

10. What pizza categories are ordered?

SELECT pt.category, SUM(od.quantity) AS quantity
FROM pizza.dbo.pizza_types pt
JOIN pizza.dbo.pizzas p ON pt.pizza_type_id = p.pizza_type_id
JOIN pizza.dbo.order_details od ON p.pizza_id = od.pizza_id
GROUP BY pt.category
ORDER BY quantity DESC;

There are 4 categories: Classic, Supreme, Veggie and Chicken.

11. What is the average order value?

SELECT ROUND(SUM(od.quantity * p.price) / COUNT(DISTINCT o.order_id),2) AS avg_order_value
FROM pizza.dbo.orders o
JOIN pizza.dbo.order_details od ON o.order_id = od.order_id
JOIN pizza.dbo.pizzas p ON od.pizza_id = p.pizza_id;

The average order value is $38.31.

12. What is the average price per pizza?

SELECT ROUND(AVG(price),2) AS average_price_per_pizza
FROM pizza.dbo.pizzas;

The average price per pizza is $16.44.

13. How many orders are in total?

SELECT count(order_id) AS no_of_orders
FROM pizza.dbo.orders;

Total number of orders is 21,350.

14. What is the quantity of pizzas sold?

SELECT count(quantity) as quantity
FROM pizza.dbo.order_details;

The total number of pizzas sold is 48,620.

15. How many different pizza varieties are on the menu?

SELECT count(*) AS pizza_varieties 
FROM pizza.dbo.pizza_types;

There are a total of 32 pizza varieties on the menu.

16. Which ingredients are the most popularly ordered?

SELECT DISTINCT(TRIM(value)) AS ingredient, COUNT(TRIM(value)) AS count
FROM pizza.dbo.pizza_types pt
JOIN pizza.dbo.pizzas p ON pt.pizza_type_id = p.pizza_type_id
JOIN pizza.dbo.order_details od ON p.pizza_id = od.pizza_id
CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(pt.ingredients, ',') AS ingredients_split

Garlic, Tomatoes, Red Onions, Red Peppers, and Mozzarella Cheese are the most popularly ordered ingredients.

17. What is the distribution of order quantities by time of day?

        WHEN o.time BETWEEN '00:00:00' AND '11:59:59' THEN 'Morning'
        WHEN o.time BETWEEN '12:00:00' AND '17:59:59' THEN 'Afternoon'
        WHEN o.time BETWEEN '18:00:00' AND '23:59:59' THEN 'Evening'
   	    ELSE 'Night'
    END AS time_of_day,
    SUM(od.quantity) AS total_quantity
    pizza.dbo.orders o
    pizza.dbo.order_details od
ON o.order_id = od.order_id
        WHEN o.time BETWEEN '00:00:00' AND '11:59:59' THEN 'Morning'
        WHEN o.time BETWEEN '12:00:00' AND '17:59:59' THEN 'Afternoon'
        WHEN o.time BETWEEN '18:00:00' AND '23:59:59' THEN 'Evening'
   	    ELSE 'Night'

The number of orders is highest in the afternoon with 29,468, followed by the evening with 17,356, and the morning with 2,750.

Excel Dashboard

Maven Pizza Dashboard


Having conducted a thorough analysis of the data, I've identified some valuable insights that have the potential to enhance the business. I would like to propose the following recommendations to the business owners.

  • Store credit or points can be applied as discounts when purchasing pizzas. Additionally, by occasionally multiplying these points on random days, sales may experience an uplift.
  • To enhance Sunday revenue, think about reducing working hours to support employee well-being while also driving pizza sales through limited-time B1G1 flash sales.
  • Let customers design custom pizzas with up to 5 toppings. The best ones chosen by the top chef can be added to the menu, and the customer who created it can name the pizza, allowing for regular menu updates based on customer choices.
  • October has the lowest revenue, likely due to its seasonal nature, with Halloween as a key factor. To leverage this, think about introducing Halloween-themed pizzas for the whole month or the week leading up to the event. If successful, this approach could extend to incorporating themed pizzas for other festivals too.
  • At the close of the year, gather feedback from customers to identify areas for improvement in the restaurant.
  • Due to the lower demand for XL and XXL-sized pizzas, consider introducing a half-and-half pizza option, allowing customers to enjoy two different pizza varieties on a single pie.


Data Analysis on the Maven's Pizza Dataset using SQL & Microsoft Excel.







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