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Tower of Decay is a roguelike with a twist: the player levels backwards, becoming weaker as the game goes on.

Python 3 is required to play Tower of Decay

To start the game, run towerofdecay.exe

  @: the player character! That's you.
  #: wall
  .: ground
  <: upwards staircase
  >: downwards staircase
  !: potion
  o: ring
  [: armor
  ]: shield
  ?: scroll
  /: weapon

Item stats:
    Flaming Sword: +5 atk
    Longsword: +4 atk
    Sword: +3 atk
    Short Sword: +2 atk
    Rusty Dagger: +1 atk
    Plate Armor: 6 def
    Breastplate: 5 def
    Mail Shirt: 4 def
    Leather Armor: 3 def
    Cloth Gambeson: 2 def
    Mirror Shield: +4 def
    Tower Shield: +3 def
    Shield: +2 def
    Buckler: +1 def

  Normal Gameplay
     	Arrow keys or number pad to move
	W: move up
	X: move down
	A: move left
	D: move right
     	Q: move up and to the left
     	E: move up and to the right
     	Z: move down and to the left
     	C: move down and to the right
     	,: move up a flight of upwards stairs
     	.: move down a flight of downwards stairs
     	F: open spellcasting menu
     	V: open character sheet
     	I: Use an item in your inventory
     	R: Drop an item in  your inventory
     	G: pick up an item
     	Escape: Quits the game
     	Hover the mouse over a space to look at its contents
        Keyboard looking is not yet implemented
	S and 5: wait
    Select the letter next to the menu option you wish to select
    Escape: exits the menu
    Cursor movement is identical to normal gameplay
    G: selects target
    Escape: return to normal gameplay

Tower of Decay uses lybcodpy, as well as some material from TStand90's roguelike tutorial
Special thanks to Chuzo15, Penny, and Lukewarm Ice Girl, our amazing playtesters. We couldn’t have done this without you.