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How to run this app with data

  • Replace reduced.csv empty placeholder with real data.
  • Run app with console arguments. I used IntelliJ IDEA.

Take-home Test test says: “This exercise should take you no more than two days.”.
Usually I spent at least first half the day thinking about design decisions of the future solution (not jumping straight to write code), as it’s (arguably) most crucial phase & recommended by many experienced engineers/architects.

Distributed Big Data platforms (Spark, Flink) don't look like the best fit for purposes of local demo.

This exercise is my first Monix trial

Monix is fast implementation of reactive streams.
with Task (similar/compatible to IO from Cats) - deferred execution, effects (Alex Nedelcu, creator of Monix, contributes to Cats lib as well).
Popular Reactive Extensions approach.
Monix implements interface that supports pure-function programming & type-safety.

Algorithm design

I propose an approximate solution to the problem, mostly to increase performance;
anyway human intellect is only a limited-ratio model of an outside world.

The first decision point is what is a meet(ing)/seen.

In the “Software Engineer Take-home Test” doc, the term “met/meeting” is found 4 times, the term “seen” occurs once.
So, what does it mean two people have met (may be shortly)?

Actually my first idea was to solve movement path intervals intersection problem.

But there are a few issues with it / points on it:

  • It suits best for transportation cases - where points move on large distances, and rarely intersected. (There could be optimizations on skipping points check with large distances, or Bounding Boxes check)
  • In the office people move with max speed of 5 km/h = 1.4 m/s, & if people have met (incl. shortly), it does not guarantee their paths have intersected (on the same floor & within the same/similar time). So, lets approximately say, that 2 people have met if they spent 10-30 seconds on the distance less or equal to 5 metres (on the same floor & in within the same/similar time).
  • While I do real-time streaming approach, I calculate coordinates averages per traditional Minutes & process them per-Hour.
    To solve incoming old-data asynchronous problem (or sparseness of the events) (when we’re on the 3rd minute with Id #1 & we got data on the 1st minute from Id #2) I wait for 10 minutes shift, before processing the whole Hour coordinates data.
  • Since my smallest approximation time is 1 minute, I’d work with an average of coordinates for each minute.

Design Rationale

I decided to move with streaming solution, instead of giving thoughts on
“What changes are necessary to support either … an infinite stream of input” - I converted file to stream.
A large batch could be streamed.

Performance of the algorithm, i.e., space and time complexity:

  • Time complexity: after incoming data is aggregated by minute & hour per Id, it's processed through a pipeline of algorithms:
    such as sorts (which should be O(nln(n))), sparseness calculation would have a binary search time complexity O(ln(n)) * (multiplied by) filter of whole of 2 Lists & sort inside each recursively-declining range, distance calculation should be linear in time, since it consists of a few O(1) per-coordinate operations.
  • Space complexity: storing 2 hours of minute data per Id in Processor.scala, Algorithm.scala; storing meetups list.
    Sparseness calculation would use O(ln(n)) * n space, as it would store in v1,v2 whole List per each sum of recursive stacks/calls of the same level.

Functional Programming thoughts on purity

My design moved from pure FP to KISS principle.

Yet, Processor.scala has one Task[MVar[F]] (Monix) to allow concurrent synchronization & mutual exclusion (replace var).
(Cats has similar MVar[F[], A]; and Ref[F[], A])

val meetups: MVar[List[Meet]]
private val ids: Array[Option[PerId]] = Array(None, None)
TODO: replace this mutable Array (vars) with MVar. Less critical than meetups MVar, since
1. it's private
2. because I use Monix Synchronous Subscriber & subscribed to single Observable (i.e. single thread)

TODO: DI with CAKE pattern?


Monix Task, MVar to process data file






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