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Learn markdown in 3 minutes

Karthik Ram edited this page Feb 17, 2013 · 7 revisions

Markdown syntax is extremely simple and you can learn all you need to know within a few minutes.

Formatting headings

# First level
## Second Level
### Third level
#### Fourth level
##### Fifth level
###### Sixth level

Bold and Italics

Bold: **some text**

Italics:  _some other text_

Also italics: *this is also italics*


[link text](link)
example: [click here for a web page](

Figures and Images

Figures are formatted the same as links but just add a ! before the square bracked.

![text description](/path/to/image)

You can have a picture with a link:

[![text description](/path/to/image)](

Horizontal lines




Code and verbatim

Inline code: `some code`

Code block:

some code and another line of code some more code

That's most of the formatting you'll need to get by. I'll get into citation and table formatting on a separate page.

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