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ERIC - An Efficient and Practical Software Obfuscation Framework

Compiler Level RISC-V Encryption Tool

This is a prototype for the paper called "ERIC: An Efficient and Practical Software Obfuscation Framework" which is published in 2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN).

Lightning Talk:


Presentation in Turkish:

The tool is designed for academic research needs, therefore there can be still bugs, issues, so feel free to ask and help us to improve.

To understand quickly what we have tried to achieve, please go to sections:

The Problem

Proposed Architecture

Implemented Architecture

Code Transformation Flow and An Example Usage of ERIC


Please cite ERIC as:

  title={ERIC: An Efficient and Practical Software Obfuscation Framework},
  author={Bolat, Alperen and Celik, Seyyid Hikmet and Olgun, Ataberk and Ergin, O{\u{g}}uz and Ottavi, Marco},
  booktitle={2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)},



ERIC (Encryption tool for RISCV with Compiler) has an LLVM-based compiler that provides many encryption options for riscv-based systems.

By using ERIC, you can make the programs you compile run on authorized hardware. For this, you need to have a key or password synthesized in your user processor.

In addition, it can be used in cases where you want the data kept in memory to remain encrypted or depending on the needs such as keeping the program securely.

ERIC can work as cross platform (OS independent, ISA independent) and consists of the following parts:

  • kasirga compiler --> This is LLVM/Clang based custom full C/C++ cross compiler that drives elf2encryptedhex tool. Has special flags to use from command-line. The compiler is ISA independent (depends on your LLVM built that depends on -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD={your-isa-target} flag) like clang but here we focused on RISC-V ISA. Also, you can use most of the clang features, as adding your optimization passes with -Xclang flag.

  • elf2encryptedhex tool --> This tool disassembles the object (risc-v elf) code to hex code and does all the encryption operations. Driven by kasirga compiler. Has over 500 special flags to use from command-line.

  • encIDE user interface --> This is an C/C++ IDE and encryption GUI for kasirga compiler to write your codes and generate compiler flags easily to get rid of command-line pain.

ERIC offers fully customizable encryption. There are currently 3 different encryption methods supported (and also user desired custom encryption):

This method encrypts the instructions one by one. It provides encryption of all instructions in the program by entering a specific key.

This method supports unlimited customization. You can choose the types of instructions you think are critical to your program and only encrypt them. You can also encrypt each instruction to correspond to different bits within itself.

In this method, you can completely encrypt the program with a public key that we will use in ERIC. Unlike the previous options, all data expected to be in memory here is encrypted with the RSA encryption method. There is encryption not at the instruction level, but as much as the size of the program in memory. You can give --rsa flag to use 32 bit RSA encryption and manually give the public and private key pairs to the system yourself internally.

The thing to remember is that ERIC is a compiler with an interface developed for encryption. In order to run the encrypted programs you have compiled here, you need at least some hardware that does decryption. We will soon publish our hardware module that can work in integration with ERIC.


Required Installations For Linux

1. LLVM Library Installation

1.1 Necessary Tools Installation

CMake Installation

sudo snap install cmake --classic

Ninja Installation

sudo apt install ninja-build

1.2 LLVM Installation

Recommended Installation

Here normally you can clone LLVM library as:

git clone

However we are using LLVM 11.1.0, so download from: unzip and change directory:

cd llvm-project-llvmorg-11.1.0

or after cloned the library from github:

cd llvm-project
git checkout 1fdec59bffc11ae37eb51a1b9869f0696bfd5312

and after that for build (We think that we will update for newer versions of LLVM and Clang such as 14 version):

mkdir build && \ 
cd build && \
cmake -G Ninja \
cmake --build .

Recommended Light Installation

mkdir build && \
cd build && \
cmake -G Ninja \
cmake --build .

2. wxWidgets Library Installation

2.1 Necessary Tools Installation

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev

2.2 wxWidgets Installation

git clone && \
cd wxWidgets && \
mkdir gtk-build && \
cd gtk-build && \
../configure && \
make && \
sudo make install && \
sudo ldconfig

Cloning Repository

git clone

Building Repository

1. Building kasirga Compiler and elf2encryptedhex Encryption Tool

1-) Go to kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex directory. Then create a build directory and change directory:

cd kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex
mkdir build
cd build

2-) Export your LLVM directories(LLVM build and main directory are seperated because build directory can be anywhere):

export LLVM_PROJECT_DIR={your-llvm-project-directory} # LLVM main directory
export LLVM_DIR={your-llvm-install-or-build-directory} # LLVM build directory


export LLVM_PROJECT_DIR=~/llvm/llvm-project
export LLVM_DIR=~/llvm/llvm-project/build

3-) Configure with cmake:


4-) Build with cmake or make:

cmake --build .

Alternative build with make:


If you can't build because of a compiler error, install a new compiler if does not exist, change your compiler as for example:

export CC=clang-11
export CXX=clang++-11

then delete build directory and start with the first step again. Even if this does not change your compiler, you can try set your compilers at 3. step (while configuring with cmake) with -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER={your-c-compiler} and -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER={your-c++-compiler} flags. Try either with gcc or clang. Here is an example configuration:


Further information, you can look for changing compiler that answered on stackoverflow.

Now you can find your executables in /kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/build/bin folder as elf2encryptedhex and kasirga variants.

2. Building encIDE

1-) Go to encIDE directory. Then create a build directory and change directory:

cd encIDE
mkdir build
cd build

2-) Configure with cmake:

cmake -G Ninja ..

3-) Build with cmake or make:

cmake --build .

Alternative build with make:


Usage of Tools, Compiler and IDE

elf2encryptedhex LLVM Based Encryptor and Hex Generator

You can use 'elf2encryptedhex' to obfuscate any compiled object code to non-encrypted or encrypted hex code. For encryption you have three options:

We can use --enckeyall flag to encrypt all rv32i, rv32m, rv32a, rv32f, rv32d, rv64i, rv64m, rv64a, rv64f, rv64d, rvc quadrant 0, rvc quadrant 1 and rvc quadrant 2 instructions. (Not supported RSA encryption for now.)

Usage of the flag:

--enckeyall="<your32bitkeyasbinary>(for 16 bit compressed instructions it uses most significant(left) 16 bit of this as key)"

Example usage:

/home/shc/ERIC/kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/build/bin/elf2encryptedhex --enckeyall="10100100101000000000001000000101" -d example.o

This will xor all instructions (all of hex code) with given enckeyall.


In example

32 bit instructions (rv32, rv64) xor 10100100101000000000001000000101

16 bit instructions (rvc) xor 1010010010100000 (most left 16 bit of enckeyall)


We have two options to encrypt hex code partially, extension specific and instruction specific.

We have 15 flags (+2 unsupported rvq extension flags) to extension specific instruction encryption:

--ienc32insts="<your47bitrv32iinstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--menc32insts="<your8bitrv32minstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--aenc32insts="<your11bitrv32ainstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--fenc32insts="<your26bitrv32finstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--denc32insts="<your26bitrv32dinstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"

*** --qenc32insts="<your28bitrv32qinstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>" ***  --> not supported yet

--ienc64insts="<your15bitrv64iinstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--menc64insts="<your5bitrv64minstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--aenc64insts="<your11bitrv64ainstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--fenc64insts="<your4bitrv64finstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--denc64insts="<your6bitrv64dinstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"

*** --qenc64insts="<your4bitrv64qinstlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>" ***  --> not supported yet

--cencq0insts="<your11bitrvcq0instlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--cencq1insts="<your21bitrvcq1instlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"
--cencq2insts="<your17bitrvcq2instlistasbinary(use 1 to encrypt corresponding instruction)>"

and 15 key flags (+2 unsupported rvq extension flags) to encrypt given instructions by extension:


*** --qenc32key="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  --> not supported yet


*** --qenc64key="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  --> not supported yet


Also we have instruction flags as seperately instead of instruction bit lists. (They can be used interchangeably.) Instruction encryption flags can be seen as spoilers below. (Dots are converted to underscores in instructions which containing dots.)

Encryptable rv32i Instruction List (47 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 46. instruction of --ienc32insts)

0 -) --lui

1 -) --auipc

2 -) --jal

3 -) --jalr

4 -) --beq

5 -) --bne

6 -) --blt

7 -) --bge

8 -) --bltu

9 -) --bgeu

10-) --lb

11-) --lh

12-) --lw

13-) --lbu

14-) --lhu

15-) --sb

16-) --sh

17-) --sw

18-) --addi

19-) --slti

20-) --sltiu

21-) --xori

22-) --ori

23-) --andi

24-) --slli

25-) --srli

26-) --srai

27-) --add

28-) --sub

29-) --sll

30-) --slt

31-) --sltu

32-) --xor_

33-) --srl

34-) --sra

35-) --or_

36-) --and_

37-) --fence

38-) --fence_i

39-) --ecall

40-) --ebreak

41-) --csrrw

42-) --csrrs

43-) --csrrc

44-) --csrrwi

45-) --csrrsi

46-) --csrrci

Encryptable rv32m Instruction List (8 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 7. instruction of --menc32insts)

0 -) --mul

1 -) --mulh

2 -) --mulhsu

3 -) --mulhu

4 -) --div_

5 -) --divu

6 -) --rem

7 -) --remu

Encryptable rv32a Instruction List (11 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 10. instruction of --aenc32insts)

0 -) --lr_w

1 -) --sc_w

2 -) --amoswap_w

3 -) --amoadd_w

4 -) --amoxor_w

5 -) --amoand_w

6 -) --amoor_w

7 -) --amomin_w

8 -) --amomax_w

9 -) --amominu_w

10-) --amomaxu_w

Encryptable rv32f Instruction List (26 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 25. instruction of --fenc32insts)

0 -) --flw

1 -) --fsw

2 -) --fmadd_s

3 -) --fmsub_s

4 -) --fnmsub_s

5 -) --fnmadd_s

6 -) --fadd_s

7 -) --fsub_s

8 -) --fmul_s

9 -) --fdiv_s

10-) --fsqrt_s

11-) --fsgnj_s

12-) --fsgnjn_s

13-) --fsgnjx_s

14-) --fmin_s

15-) --fmax_s

16-) --fcvt_w_s

17-) --fcvt_wu_s

18-) --fmv_x_w

19-) --feq_s

20-) --flt_s

21-) --fle_s

22-) --fclass_s

23-) --fcvt_s_w

24-) --fcvt_s_wu

25-) --fmv_w_x

Encryptable rv32d Instruction List (26 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 25. instruction of --denc32insts)

0 -) --fld

1 -) --fsd

2 -) --fmadd_d

3 -) --fmsub_d

4 -) --fnmsub_d

5 -) --fnmadd_d

6 -) --fadd_d

7 -) --fsub_d

8 -) --fmul_d

9 -) --fdiv_d

10-) --fsqrt_d

11-) --fsgnj_d

12-) --fsgnjn_d

13-) --fsgnjx_d

14-) --fmin_d

15-) --fmax_d

16-) --fcvt_s_d

17-) --fcvt_d_s

18-) --feq_d

19-) --flt_d

20-) --fle_d

21-) --fclass_d

22-) --fcvt_w_d

23-) --fcvt_wu_d

24-) --fcvt_d_w

25-) --fcvt_d_wu

(Not supported yet) Encryptable rv32q Instruction List (28 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 27. instruction of --qenc32insts)
***0 -)*** ``` --flq ```        --> *** not supported yet ***               

***1 -)*** ``` --fsq ```        --> *** not supported yet ***     

***2 -)*** ``` --fmadd_q ```    --> *** not supported yet ***         

***3 -)*** ``` --fmsub_q ```    --> *** not supported yet ***         

***4 -)*** ``` --fnmsub_q ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***5 -)*** ``` --fnmadd_q ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***6 -)*** ``` --fadd_q ```     --> *** not supported yet ***        

***7 -)*** ``` --fsub_q ```     --> *** not supported yet ***        

***8 -)*** ``` --fmul_q ```     --> *** not supported yet ***        

***9 -)*** ``` --fdiv_q ```     --> *** not supported yet ***        

***10-)*** ``` --fsqrt_q ```    --> *** not supported yet ***         

***11-)*** ``` --fsgnj_q ```    --> *** not supported yet ***         

***12-)*** ``` --fsgnjn_q ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***13-)*** ``` --fsgnjx_q ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***14-)*** ``` --fmin_q ```     --> *** not supported yet ***        

***15-)*** ``` --fmax_q ```     --> *** not supported yet ***        

***16-)*** ``` --fcvt_s_q ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***17-)*** ``` --fcvt_q_s ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***18-)*** ``` --fcvt_d_q ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***19-)*** ``` --fcvt_q_d ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***20-)*** ``` --feq_q ```      --> *** not supported yet ***       

***21-)*** ``` --flt_q ```      --> *** not supported yet ***       

***22-)*** ``` --fle_q ```      --> *** not supported yet ***       

***23-)*** ``` --fclass_q ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***24-)*** ``` --fcvt_w_q ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***25-)*** ``` --fcvt_wu_q ```  --> *** not supported yet ***           

***26-)*** ``` --fcvt_q_w ```   --> *** not supported yet ***          

***27-)*** ``` --fcvt_q_wu ```  --> *** not supported yet ***
Encryptable rv64i Instruction List (15 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 14. instruction of --ienc64insts)

0 -) --lwu

1 -) --ld

2 -) --sd

*** 3 -) *** --slli  --> *** not supported yet ***

*** 4 -) *** --srli  --> *** not supported yet ***

*** 5 -) *** --srai  --> *** not supported yet ***

6 -) --addiw

7 -) --slliw

8 -) --srliw

9 -) --sraiw

10-) --addw

11-) --subw

12-) --sllw

13-) --srlw

14-) --sraw

Encryptable rv64m Instruction List (5 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 4. instruction of --menc64insts)

0 -) --mulw

1 -) --divw

2 -) --divuw

3 -) --remw

4 -) --remuw

Encryptable rv64a Instruction List (11 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 10. instruction of --aenc64insts)

0 -) --lr_d

1 -) --sc_d

2 -) --amoswap_d

3 -) --amoadd_d

4 -) --amoxor_d

5 -) --amoand_d

6 -) --amoor_d

7 -) --amomin_d

8 -) --amomax_d

9 -) --amominu_d

10-) --amomaxu_d

Encryptable rv64f Instruction List (4 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 3. instruction of --fenc64insts)

0 -) --fcvt_l_s

1 -) --fcvt_lu_s

2 -) --fcvt_s_l

3 -) --fcvt_s_lu

Encryptable rv64d Instruction List (6 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 5. instruction of --fenc64insts)

0 -) --fcvt_l_d

1 -) --fcvt_lu_d

2 -) --fmv_x_d

3 -) --fcvt_d_l

4 -) --fcvt_d_lu

5 -) --fmv_d_x

(Not supported yet) Encryptable rv64q Instruction List (4 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 3. instruction of --qenc64insts)
***0 -)*** --fcvt_l_q   --> *** not supported yet ***

***1 -)*** --fcvt_lu_q  --> *** not supported yet ***

***2 -)*** --fcvt_q_l   --> *** not supported yet ***

***3 -)*** --fcvt_q_lu  --> *** not supported yet ***
Encryptable rvc quadrant 0 Instruction List (11 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 10. instruction of --cencq0insts)

0 -) --c_addi4spn

1 -) --c_fld

***2 -)*** ``` --c_lq ```  --> *** not supported yet ***

3 -) --c_lw

4 -) --c_flw

5 -) --c_ld

6 -) --c_fsd

***7 -)*** ``` --c_sq ```  --> *** not supported yet ***

8 -) --c_sw

9 -) --c_fsw

10-) --c_sd

Encryptable rvc quadrant 1 Instruction List (21 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 20. instruction of --cencq1insts)

0 -) --c_nop

1 -) --c_addi

2 -) --c_jal

3 -) --c_addiw

4 -) --c_li

5 -) --c_addi16sp

6 -) --c_lui

7 -) --c_srli

***8 -)*** ``` --c_srli64 ```  --> *** not supported yet ***

9 -) --c_srai

***10-)*** ``` --c_srai64 ```  --> *** not supported yet ***

11-) --c_andi

12-) --c_sub

13-) --c_xor

14-) --c_or

15-) --c_and

16-) --c_subw

17-) --c_addw

18-) --c_j

19-) --c_beqz

20-) --c_bnez

Encryptable rvc quadrant 2 Instruction List (17 instructions, most left bit is 0. most right bit is 16. instruction of --cencq2insts)

0 -) --c_slli

***1 -)*** ``` --c_slli64 ```  --> *** not supported yet ***

2 -) --c_fldsp

***3 -)*** ``` --c_lqsp ```    --> *** not supported yet ***

4 -) --c_lwsp

5 -) --c_flwsp

6 -) --c_ldsp

7 -) --c_jr

8 -) --c_mv

9 -) --c_ebreak

10-) --c_jalr

11-) --c_add

12-) --c_fsdsp

***13-)*** ``` --c_sqsp        --> *** not supported yet ***

14-) --c_swsp

15-) --c_fswsp

16-) --c_sdsp

We can encrypt (xor) given instructions with given keys by combining them. Here is an example:

/home/shc/ERIC/kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/build/bin/elf2encryptedhex \
--ienc32key=11011010110100010001101001100001 \
--ienc32insts=10000010000001100000010000000000100100001000000 \
--cencq1key=0000111010100010 \
--c_addi --c_addi16sp \
-d example.o

This will encrypt (xor) instructions (if these instructions exist in the compiled program):

  • which are given as 1 in --ienc32insts bit list flag with --ienc32key. (To see corresponding instructions you can look above Encryptable rv32i Instruction List spoiler.)
  • which are given as --c_addi and --c_addi16sp seperate instruction flags with --cencq1key.

To illustrate more, these encryptions will be performed (for each corresponding instruction in the compiled program):

lui     ^  11011010110100010001101001100001  
blt     ^  11011010110100010001101001100001
lbu     ^  11011010110100010001101001100001
lhu     ^  11011010110100010001101001100001
xori    ^  11011010110100010001101001100001
xor     ^  11011010110100010001101001100001
or      ^  11011010110100010001101001100001
ebreak  ^  11011010110100010001101001100001

c.addi      ^  0000111010100010
c.addi16sp  ^  0000111010100010

Xoring with 1 means flipping corresponding bit. So for example above, 3. 4. 5. 7. 9. and 13. bits (assume that most left bit is 0.) of c.addi instructions in the compiled program will flip.

For any instruction, we can encrypt (xor) each instruction with the given key that given for a specific instruction. Instruction partial encryption flags can be seen as spoilers below. Every flag has b_p_ prefix that means bits partial.

rv32i Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (47 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_lui="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lui instruction with the given key          
--b_p_auipc="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt auipc instruction with the given key      
--b_p_jal="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt jal instruction with the given key    
--b_p_jalr="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt jalr instruction with the given key     
--b_p_beq="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt beq instruction with the given key    
--b_p_bne="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt bne instruction with the given key    
--b_p_blt="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt blt instruction with the given key    
--b_p_bge="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt bge instruction with the given key    
--b_p_bltu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt bltu instruction with the given key     
--b_p_bgeu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt bgeu instruction with the given key     
--b_p_lb="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lb instruction with the given key   
--b_p_lh="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lh instruction with the given key   
--b_p_lw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lw instruction with the given key   
--b_p_lbu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lbu instruction with the given key    
--b_p_lhu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lhu instruction with the given key    
--b_p_sb="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sb instruction with the given key   
--b_p_sh="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sh instruction with the given key   
--b_p_sw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sw instruction with the given key   
--b_p_addi="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt addi instruction with the given key     
--b_p_slti="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt slti instruction with the given key     
--b_p_sltiu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sltiu instruction with the given key      
--b_p_xori="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt xori instruction with the given key     
--b_p_ori="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt ori instruction with the given key    
--b_p_andi="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt andi instruction with the given key     
--b_p_slli="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt slli instruction with the given key     
--b_p_srli="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt srli instruction with the given key     
--b_p_srai="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt srai instruction with the given key     
--b_p_add="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt add instruction with the given key    
--b_p_sub="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sub instruction with the given key    
--b_p_sll="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sll instruction with the given key    
--b_p_slt="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt slt instruction with the given key    
--b_p_sltu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sltu instruction with the given key     
--b_p_xor_="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt xor instruction with the given key     
--b_p_srl="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt srl instruction with the given key    
--b_p_sra="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sra instruction with the given key    
--b_p_or_="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt or instruction with the given key    
--b_p_and_="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt and instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fence="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fence instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fence_i="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fence_i instruction with the given key        
--b_p_ecall="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt ecall instruction with the given key      
--b_p_ebreak="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt ebreak instruction with the given key       
--b_p_csrrw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt csrrw instruction with the given key      
--b_p_csrrs="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt csrrs instruction with the given key      
--b_p_csrrc="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt csrrc instruction with the given key      
--b_p_csrrwi="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt csrrwi instruction with the given key       
--b_p_csrrsi="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt csrrsi instruction with the given key       
--b_p_csrrci="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt csrrci instruction with the given key
rv32m Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (8 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_mul="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt mul instruction with the given key         
--b_p_mulh="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt mulh instruction with the given key  
--b_p_mulhsu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt mulhsu instruction with the given key    
--b_p_mulhu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt mulhu instruction with the given key   
--b_p_div_="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt div instruction with the given key  
--b_p_divu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt divu instruction with the given key  
--b_p_rem="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt rem instruction with the given key 
--b_p_remu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt remu instruction with the given key
rv32a Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (11 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_lr_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lr_w instruction with the given key         
--b_p_sc_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sc_w instruction with the given key
--b_p_amoswap_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoswap_w instruction with the given key     
--b_p_amoadd_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoadd_w instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amoxor_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoxor_w instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amoand_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoand_w instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amoor_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoor_w instruction with the given key   
--b_p_amomin_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amomin_w instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amomax_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amomax_w instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amominu_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amominu_w instruction with the given key     
--b_p_amomaxu_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amomaxu_w instruction with the given key
rv32f Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (26 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_flw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt flw instruction with the given key          
--b_p_fsw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsw instruction with the given key  
--b_p_fmadd_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmadd_s instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fmsub_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmsub_s instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fnmsub_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fnmsub_s instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fnmadd_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fnmadd_s instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fadd_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fadd_s instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fsub_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsub_s instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fmul_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmul_s instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fdiv_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fdiv_s instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fsqrt_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsqrt_s instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fsgnj_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnj_s instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fsgnjn_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnjn_s instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fsgnjx_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnjx_s instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fmin_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmin_s instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fmax_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmax_s instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fcvt_w_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_w_s instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fcvt_wu_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_wu_s instruction with the given key        
--b_p_fmv_x_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmv_x_w instruction with the given key      
--b_p_feq_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt feq_s instruction with the given key    
--b_p_flt_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt flt_s instruction with the given key    
--b_p_fle_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fle_s instruction with the given key    
--b_p_fclass_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fclass_s instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fcvt_s_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_s_w instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fcvt_s_wu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_s_wu instruction with the given key        
--b_p_fmv_w_x="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmv_w_x instruction with the given key
rv32d Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (26 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_fld="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fld instruction with the given key           
--b_p_fsd="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsd instruction with the given key  
--b_p_fmadd_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmadd_d instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fmsub_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmsub_d instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fnmsub_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fnmsub_d instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fnmadd_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fnmadd_d instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fadd_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fadd_d instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fsub_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsub_d instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fmul_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmul_d instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fdiv_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fdiv_d instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fsqrt_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsqrt_d instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fsgnj_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnj_d instruction with the given key      
--b_p_fsgnjn_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnjn_d instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fsgnjx_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnjx_d instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fmin_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmin_d instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fmax_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmax_d instruction with the given key     
--b_p_fcvt_s_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_s_d instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fcvt_d_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_d_s instruction with the given key       
--b_p_feq_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt feq_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_flt_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt flt_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_fle_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fle_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_fclass_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fclass_d instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fcvt_w_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_w_d instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fcvt_wu_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_wu_d instruction with the given key        
--b_p_fcvt_d_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_d_w instruction with the given key       
--b_p_fcvt_d_wu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_d_wu instruction with the given key
(Not supported yet) rv32q Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (28 instruction specific flags)
*** --b_p_flq="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt flq instruction with the given key        --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fsq="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsq instruction with the given key        --> *** not supported yet *** 
*** --b_p_fmadd_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmadd_q instruction with the given key    --> *** not supported yet ***         
*** --b_p_fmsub_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmsub_q instruction with the given key    --> *** not supported yet ***         
*** --b_p_fnmsub_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fnmsub_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fnmadd_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fnmadd_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fadd_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fadd_q instruction with the given key     --> *** not supported yet ***       
*** --b_p_fsub_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsub_q instruction with the given key     --> *** not supported yet ***       
*** --b_p_fmul_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmul_q instruction with the given key     --> *** not supported yet ***       
*** --b_p_fdiv_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fdiv_q instruction with the given key     --> *** not supported yet ***       
*** --b_p_fsqrt_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsqrt_q instruction with the given key    --> *** not supported yet ***         
*** --b_p_fsgnj_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnj_q instruction with the given key    --> *** not supported yet ***         
*** --b_p_fsgnjn_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnjn_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fsgnjx_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fsgnjx_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fmin_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmin_q instruction with the given key     --> *** not supported yet ***       
*** --b_p_fmax_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmax_q instruction with the given key     --> *** not supported yet ***       
*** --b_p_fcvt_s_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_s_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fcvt_q_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_q_s instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fcvt_d_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_d_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fcvt_q_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_q_d instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_feq_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt feq_q instruction with the given key      --> *** not supported yet ***     
*** --b_p_flt_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt flt_q instruction with the given key      --> *** not supported yet ***     
*** --b_p_fle_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fle_q instruction with the given key      --> *** not supported yet ***     
*** --b_p_fclass_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fclass_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fcvt_w_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_w_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fcvt_wu_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_wu_q instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***
*** --b_p_fcvt_q_w="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_q_w instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***           
*** --b_p_fcvt_q_wu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_q_wu instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***
rv64i Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (15 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_lwu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lwu instruction with the given key       
--b_p_ld="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt ld instruction with the given key 
--b_p_sd="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sd instruction with the given key 
*** --b_p_slli="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt slli instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***   
*** --b_p_srli="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt srli instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***   
*** --b_p_srai="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt srai instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***
--b_p_addiw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt addiw instruction with the given key    
--b_p_slliw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt slliw instruction with the given key    
--b_p_srliw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt srliw instruction with the given key    
--b_p_sraiw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sraiw instruction with the given key    
--b_p_addw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt addw instruction with the given key   
--b_p_subw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt subw instruction with the given key   
--b_p_sllw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sllw instruction with the given key   
--b_p_srlw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt srlw instruction with the given key   
--b_p_sraw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sraw instruction with the given key
rv64m Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (5 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_mulw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt mulw instruction with the given key  
--b_p_divw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt divw instruction with the given key
--b_p_divuw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt divuw instruction with the given key 
--b_p_remw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt remw instruction with the given key
--b_p_remuw="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt remuw instruction with the given key
rv64a Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (11 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_lr_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt lr_d instruction with the given key        
--b_p_sc_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt sc_d instruction with the given key
--b_p_amoswap_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoswap_d instruction with the given key     
--b_p_amoadd_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoadd_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amoxor_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoxor_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amoand_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoand_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amoor_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amoor_d instruction with the given key   
--b_p_amomin_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amomin_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amomax_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amomax_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_amominu_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amominu_d instruction with the given key     
--b_p_amomaxu_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt amomaxu_d instruction with the given key
rv64f Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (4 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_fcvt_l_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_l_s instruction with the given key   
--b_p_fcvt_lu_s="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_lu_s instruction with the given key 
--b_p_fcvt_s_l="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_s_l instruction with the given key
--b_p_fcvt_s_lu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_s_lu instruction with the given key
rv64d Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (6 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_fcvt_l_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_l_d instruction with the given key    
--b_p_fcvt_lu_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_lu_d instruction with the given key  
--b_p_fmv_x_d="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmv_x_d instruction with the given key
--b_p_fcvt_d_l="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_d_l instruction with the given key 
--b_p_fcvt_d_lu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_d_lu instruction with the given key  
--b_p_fmv_d_x="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fmv_d_x instruction with the given key
(Not supported yet) rv64q Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (4 instruction specific flags)
*** --b_p_fcvt_l_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_l_q instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***  
*** --b_p_fcvt_lu_q="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_lu_q instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***  
*** --b_p_fcvt_q_l="<your32bitkeyasbinary>"  ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_q_l instruction with the given key   --> *** not supported yet ***
*** --b_p_fcvt_q_lu="<your32bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt fcvt_q_lu instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***
rvc quadrant 0 Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (11 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_c_addi4spn="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_addi4spn instruction with the given key      
--b_p_c_fld="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_fld instruction with the given key 
*** --b_p_c_lq="<your16bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_lq instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***
--b_p_c_lw="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_lw instruction with the given key
--b_p_c_flw="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_flw instruction with the given key 
--b_p_c_ld="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_ld instruction with the given key
--b_p_c_fsd="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_fsd instruction with the given key 
*** --b_p_c_sq="<your16bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_sq instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***
--b_p_c_sw="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_sw instruction with the given key
--b_p_c_fsw="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_fsw instruction with the given key 
--b_p_c_sd="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_sd instruction with the given key
rvc quadrant 1 Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (21 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_c_nop="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_nop instruction with the given key       
--b_p_c_addi="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_addi instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_jal="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_jal instruction with the given key 
--b_p_c_addiw="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_addiw instruction with the given key   
--b_p_c_li="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_li instruction with the given key
--b_p_c_addi16sp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_addi16sp instruction with the given key      
--b_p_c_lui="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_lui instruction with the given key 
--b_p_c_srli="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_srli instruction with the given key  
*** --b_p_c_srli64="<your16bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_srli64 instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***   
--b_p_c_srai="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_srai instruction with the given key  
*** --b_p_c_srai64="<your16bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_srai64 instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***   
--b_p_c_andi="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_andi instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_sub="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_sub instruction with the given key 
--b_p_c_xor="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_xor instruction with the given key 
--b_p_c_or="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"        -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_or instruction with the given key
--b_p_c_and="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"       -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_and instruction with the given key 
--b_p_c_subw="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_subw instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_addw="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_addw instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_j="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"         -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_j instruction with the given key
--b_p_c_beqz="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_beqz instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_bnez="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_bnez instruction with the given key
rvc quadrant 2 Extension Partial Instruction Specific Encryption Options (17 instruction specific flags)
--b_p_c_slli="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_slli instruction with the given key       
*** --b_p_c_slli64="<your16bitkeyasbinary>" ***  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_slli64 instruction with the given key  --> *** not supported yet ***    
--b_p_c_fldsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_fldsp instruction with the given key   
*** --b_p_c_lqsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>" ***    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_lqsp instruction with the given key    --> *** not supported yet ***
--b_p_c_lwsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_lwsp instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_flwsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_flwsp instruction with the given key   
--b_p_c_ldsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_ldsp instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_jr="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_jr instruction with the given key
--b_p_c_mv="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"      -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_mv instruction with the given key
--b_p_c_ebreak="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"  -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_ebreak instruction with the given key    
--b_p_c_jalr="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_jalr instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_add="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"     -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_add instruction with the given key 
--b_p_c_fsdsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_fsdsp instruction with the given key   
*** --b_p_c_sqsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>" ***    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_sqsp instruction with the given key    --> *** not supported yet ***  
--b_p_c_swsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_swsp instruction with the given key  
--b_p_c_fswsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"   -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_fswsp instruction with the given key   
--b_p_c_sdsp="<your16bitkeyasbinary>"    -->  partial encryption option to encrypt c_sdsp instruction with the given key

We can partially encrypt (xor) given instructions with given keys. Here is an example:

/home/shc/ERIC/kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/build/bin/elf2encryptedhex \
--b_p_auipc=00010001100111000001110000000101 \
--b_p_c_add=1001000000000100 \
-d example.o

This will encrypt (xor) instructions (if these instructions exist in the compiled program):

  • which is given as --b_p_auipc with direct given key.
  • which is given as --b_p_c_add with direct given key.

To illustrate more, these encryptions will be performed (for each corresponding instruction in the compiled program):

auipc  ^  00010001100111000001110000000101
c.add  ^  1001000000000100

Xoring with 1 means flipping corresponding bit. This encryption will flip 3. 7. 8. 11. 12. 13. 19. 20. 21. 29. 31. bits (assume that most left bit is 0.) of auipc instructions and 0. 3. 13. bits of c.add instructions in the compiled program.

kasirga LLVM Based Compiler

kasirga is a c/c++ compiler that ported from clang compiler driver to compile c/c++ files and drive hex code obfuscator. So, you can use kasirga with full-featured as clang or gcc like compiler. If you compile a .c code to object code and give --elf2encryptedhex="<elf2encryptedhex-encryption options>" flag it will also run elf2encryptedhex obfuscator and give encrypted or non-encrypted hex code according to your choices.

Example usages:

Host pc executable (when kasirga is in path):

kasirga example.c -o example

Host pc assembly code (when in /home/shc/ERIC/kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/build/bin directory):

./kasirga -S example.c -o example.s 

Host pc llvm ir code:

/home/shc/ERIC/kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/build/bin/kasirga -S -emit-llvm example.c -o example.ll 

Host pc object code:

/home/shc/ERIC/kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/build/bin/kasirga -c example.c -o example.o

riscv32 object code:

/home/shc/Desktop/kasirga/build/bin/kasirga -c -target riscv32-unknown-elf --sysroot=/home/shc/riscv-new/_install/riscv64-unknown-elf --gcc-toolchain=/home/shc/riscv-new/_install/ example.c -o example.o

I am using --sysroot and --gcc-toolchain flags to compile for riscv. You need to have riscv-gnu-toolchain pre installed. For --sysroot and --gcc-toolchain flags you can look here that answered on stackoverflow.

riscv32 object code (also --elf2encryptedhex="<elf2encryptedhex-encryption options>" flag given, so driver will run elf2encryptedhex obfuscator and also give .hex file output):

/home/shc/Desktop/kasirga/build/bin/kasirga \
-c \
-target riscv32-unknown-elf \
--sysroot=/home/shc/riscv-new/_install/riscv64-unknown-elf \
--gcc-toolchain=/home/shc/riscv-new/_install/ \
example.c -o example.o \
--elf2encryptedhex=" --enckeyall=00000000000000000000000000000000 --b_p_lw=10100100101000000000001000000100 "

As seen above, kasirga compiler driver compiles example.c code to example.o object code, then drives elf2encryptedhex obfuscator with the given encryption options and gives encrypted .hex code. This will not encrypt all instructions because there is no 1 in the given --enckeyall bits but will encrypt lw instructions in the compiled program with the given key.

To illustrate more, this encryption will be performed (for each corresponding instruction in the compiled program):

lw  ^  10100100101000000000001000000100

Xoring with 1 means flipping corresponding bit. This encryption will flip 0. 2. 5. 8. 10. 22. 29. bits (assume that most left bit is 0.) of lw instructions in the compiled program.

Attention: For using standard headers export your build path

export LLVM_BUILD_DIR={your-llvm-install-or-build-directory}

and give this path in every compilation:


For example:

export LLVM_BUILD_DIR=/home/shc/llvm/llvm-project/build
/home/shc/Desktop/kasirga/build/bin/kasirga \
-c \
-I${LLVM_BUILD_DIR}/lib/clang/11.1.0/include \
-target riscv32-unknown-elf \
--sysroot=/home/shc/riscv-new/_install/riscv64-unknown-elf \
--gcc-toolchain=/home/shc/riscv-new/_install/ \
example.c -o example.o \
--elf2encryptedhex=" --enckeyall=00000000000000000000000000000000 --b_p_lw=10100100101000000000001000000100 "

We think that we can fix by cmake in the future for not giving include flag in every compilation.

Note: Here also you may need to use following flags (link.ld will be your linker script according to your hardware) when using kasirga:

-nostartfiles -nostdlib -Wl,-T,link.ld
/home/shc/Desktop/kasirga/build/bin/kasirga \
-c \
-I${LLVM_BUILD_DIR}/lib/clang/11.1.0/include \
-target riscv32-unknown-elf \
--sysroot=/home/shc/riscv-new/_install/riscv64-unknown-elf \
--gcc-toolchain=/home/shc/riscv-new/_install/ \
-nostartfiles \
-nostdlib \
-Wl,-T,link.ld \
example.c -o example.o \
--elf2encryptedhex=" --enckeyall=00000000000000000000000000000000 --b_p_lw=10100100101000000000001000000100 "

How can anyone add his own encryption method by IDE or internally?

For this, custom-encryptor.h in ERIC/kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/src/elf2encryptedhex directory can be editable according to instructions and after that you need to build library again in your build directory (with cmake -- build . command in ERIC/kasirga-compiler-and-elf2encryptedhex/build)

Your second option is using IDE. After you gave your kasirga compiler path, open IDE(with ./encIDE command) and then go to Add Custom Encryptor Tab above in Options (Ctrl+H), then you can see custom_encryptor.h file in the editor. Edit file as you desired and then select Push Custom Encryptor (Ctrl+J) option. After that in all compilations your encryption method will be used. To disable custom method again you need to edit file and set custom flag to false in the same ways.

encIDE wxWidgets Based User Interface For kasirga

encIDE is an easy to use c/c++ IDE to run kasirga compiler on desired c/c++ files to encrypt them desired choices that as we mentioned above options. It automatically generates compilation string and give encrypted or non-encrypted hex code according to your choices. It prompts also a command prompt when the compilation steps are done successfully, like any other IDE but the difference is that it can be usable as cross-platform. (Although we didn't mentioned build steps for MacOS and Windows, both compiler and IDE can be built similar way in Linux, MacOS or Windows)

You can run IDE after built in your built binary directory (ERIC/encIDE/build/bin) with just ./encIDE command.

The Problem

image image

Proposed Architecture


Implemented Architecture


Code Transformation Flow and An Example Usage of ERIC






Cloning, Building and Usage of ERIC GIFs

Sorry for the gif qualities. (also example std::cout with stdio.h :P) Maybe one day I will fix it.








