Contributors: kasparsd
Tags: cache, caching, widget, widgets, output, transient, object cache, memcache, apc, performance
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.5.2
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
Improve website performance by caching widget output in WordPress transients.
Use PHP output buffering to extract widget output and store it into WordPress transients for faster retrieval. It also adds a checkbox to widget controls to exclude it from being cached.
It is a quick fix for bad behaving plugins that parse RSS feeds or call remote URLs on every page load.
Install it from the official WordPress repository or use the plugin search in your WordPress dashboard.
- Tested with WordPress 4.5.2.
- Fixed transient name generation issue.
- Remove menu cache due to "active" menu item bug.
- Allow individual widgets to be excluded from being cached.
- Honor widgets being hidden using the
- Add cache versioning for simple invalidation.
- Store menu cache only if WordPress supports
- Add support for menu output caching.
- Initial release.