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K8s demo app with microswervices and go


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This is a Demo app. can be used to demo or testing purposes. It's a kubernetes-native picture gallery.

Design Goals

This application was created as an example for Kubernets-native application

Why this app is kubernetes-native:

  1. The application has 2 backend microservices metadata and store.
  2. These services are written in golang.
  3. This application follows API-first pattern.
  4. The application has swagger generated servers and clients.

Quick Start


  • docker
  • golang
  • helm

How To Build

Just run


This script will run swagger, glide, go install, go test and build docker images.

~/demoapp$ docker images
REPOSITORY                                               TAG                   IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE
frontend-server                                          latest                7ffa0c3358a6        About a minute ago   109MB
metadata-server                                          latest                a0b50306f58e        About a minute ago   15.8MB
store-server                                             latest                42ed98766f26        About a minute ago   14.1MB

How To Just Deploy Without Build

helm install helm/demoapp/ --name demoapp --namespace demoapp

This chart will deploy demoapp. Alongside with it, MongoDB will be deployed and configured. Also all-in-one jaeger will be deployed.

How To Access

Get access by default demoapp will be exposed via cluster ingress controller.

To get access to jaeger

kubectl port-forward svc/demoapp-jaeger-query -n kube-system 8001:80

then open

You also can deploy app with internal ingress controller

helm install helm/demoapp/ --name demoapp --namespace demoapp --set nginx.enabled=true

Then you should be able to kubectl port-forward to nginx service

How to add photos

!For now, picture gallery works with png only!

for i in $(ls ./my_pictures); do (echo -n '{ "base64": "'"$(base64 -w 0 ./my_pictures/$i)"'"}')|curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- https://mytestcluster/demoapp/metadata/v0/images ; done