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Ionic SQL service

This is another SQLite provider solution write in typerscript for Ionic version 2 & 3. The master branch have the latest Ionic version supported (3.x.x), use the tags to get other versions like 2.3.0

Using this project

You'll need the last Ionic CLI: More info on this can be found on the Ionic Getting Started page.


This provider use another one called settingsService for separate the database schema in a external config file, but you can leave out it.

Database schema setting

The database schema are the same using or not the setting provider. There two arrays, one of them, the list of the tables available, the other one the list of fields for every table and their references with the others.


let tables = ["tableA","tableB","tableC"];

Fields and their references

let fields = {
	"tableA": ["fieldA TEXT","fieldB TEXT","unixtime INTEGER"], // Table without references
	"tableB": ["tableAid INTEGER","fieldA TEXT","unixtime INTEGER", // Table with references
		["tableAid","tableA","id"]], // 0 => foreign key, 1 => reference table, 2 => reference key
	"tableC": ["tableAid INTEGER","tableBid INTEGER","unixtime INTEGER",
		["tableAid","tableA","id"], // Adding more references

Using this SQL Service

You can see a basic use on app/app.component.ts checking if table exists or is the first time (or also the user has removed data) creating the database schema. It's usefull for a welcome page for example.

Create table:

this.sqlService.create('myNewTable').execute(); // Return a promise

Insert a single data:

this.sqlService.insert('myNewTable', {
	'name': 'Dick',
	'lastName': 'Tracy'
}).execute(); // Return a promise

Insert a multiple data: (from the @pablopereira27 fork)

let multipleInserts: Object[] = [{'name': 'Dick','lastName': 'Tracy'},{'name': 'Big Boy','lastName': 'Caprice'}];
this.sqlService.insert('myNewTable', multipleInserts).execute(); // Return a promise

Update data:

this.sqlService.update('myNewTable', {
		'name': 'Bruce',
		'lastName': 'Wayne'
	.where([{ 'field': 'id', 'value': 1, 'operator': '=', 'table': 'myNewTable' }])
	.execute(); // Return a promise

Find data:

Simple find (return all fields)
this.sqlService.find('myNewTable', []).execute(); // Return a promise
Simple find returning specific fields
this.sqlService.find('myNewTable', ['name', 'lastname']).execute(); // Return a promise
Simple find using order by and group by
this.sqlService.find('myNewTable', ['name', 'lastname'])
	.orderBy(['id, name'], 'ASC')
	.execute(); // Return a promise
Find using where conditions
this.sqlService.find('myNewTable', ['name', 'lastname'])
		{ field: 'name', operator: '=', value: 'Bruce', table: 'myNewTable' },
		'AND (',
		{ field: 'language', operator: '=', value: 'es_ES', table: 'myNewTable' },
		{ field: 'language', operator: '=', value: 'en_GB', table: 'myNewTable' },
	.execute(); // Return a promise
Complex find using joins
	.find(['myNewTable', 'A'], ['', '', 'A.lastname AS category', 'sum(B.amount) AS amount', 'C.unit'])
	.join('LEFT', ['tableB', 'B'],  { from: 'B.tableAId', operator: '=', to: '' })
	.join('LEFT', ['tableC', 'C'],  { from: 'C.tableBId', operator: '=', to: '' })
	.join('INNER', ['tableD', 'D'],  { from: 'D.tableCId', operator: '=', to: 'C.anotherId' })
	    { field: '', operator: '<>', value: 1, table: 'tableC' }
	.groupBy(['', 'C.unit'])
	.orderBy(['', ''], 'ASC')
	.execute(); // Return a promise


You can use transactions but only works over Android 4.1 or higher. Over Web SQL don't works!

if (this.sqlService.hasTransaction()){
    .insert('myNewTable', {'name': 'Dick','lastName': 'Tracy'})
    .insert('myNewTable', {'name': 'Bruce','lastName': 'way'})
    .update('myNewTable', {'lastName': 'Wayne'})

Delete data:

		field: 'id',
		operator: '=',
		value: 1,
		table: 'myNewTable'
	.execute(); // Return a promise

Drop table:

this.sqlService.dropTable('myNewTable').execute(); // Return a promise