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OpenApiTheme plugin for CakePHP


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require kaz29/cakephp-open-api-theme-plugin --dev



  • Copy swagger-settings.php to config directory.

  • Describe the settings of your application in swagger-settings.php.

  • Add "build:swagger" : "build-swagger-json" into your app's composer.json scripts section.

    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": "App\\Console\\Installer::postInstall",
        "post-create-project-cmd": "App\\Console\\Installer::postInstall",
        "check": [
        "cs-check": "phpcs --colors -p  src/ tests/",
        "cs-fix": "phpcbf --colors -p src/ tests/",
        "stan": "phpstan analyse",
        "test": "phpunit --colors=always",
                "build:openapi": "openapi -b ./vendor/autoload.php --output /srv/docs/openapi.yml ./src"  // <-- add this line
  • Add the following configuration to the end of config/bootstrap_cli.php.

Configure::write('Bake.theme', 'OpenApiTheme');
  • Change Application.php as follows.
#[OA\Info(title: '**Your Application name**', version: '**Your application version**')]
#[OA\Server(description: '**Environment name**', url: '**URL**')]
    schema: 'ValidationErrorResponse',
    title: 'Validation error response',
    required: ['message', 'errors'],
    properties: [
        new OA\Property(
            property: 'message',
            type: 'string',
            description: 'Error message',
        new OA\Property(
            property: 'errors',
            type: 'object',
            description: 'Error details',
class Application extends BaseApplication
    protected function bootstrapCli(): void
        try {
        } catch (MissingPluginException $e) {
            // Do not halt if the plugin is missing


        // Load more plugins here
        $this->addPlugin('OpenApiTheme');  // Add this line

Usage example

bake controller

$ bin/cake bake open_api_controller Articles --prefix Api

bake model

$ bin/cake bake open_api_model Articles

create swagger.json

$ composer build:swagger

Baked example

A baked example of the CakePHP CMS Tutorial can be found in the example directory.


Kazuhiro Watanabe - cyo [at] -


OpenApiTheme plugin for CakePHP is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details