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Kazuki : a harmonious data store

Kazuki is a set of data store interfaces that encapsulate well-known persistence patterns for high performance and/or scalable distributed solutions.

Developers often choose a NoSQL data store at the beginning of a project because they believe that it is the only way to acheive scalability and fault-tolerance.

Kazuki is built with the belief that the interface is more important than the implementation, so developers may choose an initial implementation that is the friendliest to their environment, and migrate to other implementations as needs arise.

Currently Supported

Persistence Interfaces:

  • Sequence Service: support for generating identifiers
  • Key-Value/Document Store: a persistent KV store with schema support and optional iterators
  • Journal Store: a partitioned store

Supported Backends:

  • H2 database (via jdbi): Sequence, KV Store, Journal Store
  • MySQL (via jdbi, in progress)

Notable Features:

  • Schema Support: including structured and primitive types, JSON-compatible
  • Schema Extraction: KV types may have an associated schema to reduce duplication
  • Compact Binary Encoding: using SMILE (binary JSON format)
  • Compression: using LZF

Sequence Service

The sequence store is an interface around identifier allocation. In a traditional database, this would be AUTOINCREMENT. As NoSQL data stores become more popular, folks are starting to use techniques like UUIDs to generate globally unique identifiers.

The current Sequence Service is based on JDBI/JDBC for a single instance. In the future, we would like to support interleaved sequences (each sequence server gets one or more values modulo the cluster size), as well as more natural distributed solutions (such as Twitter snowflake).

Implementors take note - since the current JDBI KV and Journal Store have grown up "in the same neighborhood" as the sequence service, there are bound to be some couplings (such as long id representation) that need to be revisited over the next few releases.

Key-Value Document Store

The Key-Value Document store is a "bare-bones as possible" document store implementation on top of a key-value store (initially, a JDBI-based implementation). The KV abstraction consists of 4 main operations (CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE, and DELETE), plus iteration (which will be optional or at least more restricted as we implement more distributed data stores).

On top of this KV base we implement Schema Extraction, which is just a fancy way of saying that developers can specify a subset of fields and types on their JSON documents, and the data store will store those fields in a more compact way. So if you say a field is of type DATETIME, we'll turn it into an 8-byte long millis instead of a 20-byte timestamp string.

In addition to Schema Extraction, we also provide Binary Encoding using SMILE (a binary representation of JSON). This means that JSON structures are natively supported, and primitive types such as integers are even more efficiently encoded.

Lastly, we include Compression using LZF so that larger documents enjoy up to 30-40% compression transparently in addition to the benefits of schema extraction and binary encoding.

Journal Store

The Journal store is a persistence pattern that emerged as we considered time-series data. Often time, it's important to keep a fixed amount of this data, removing large chunks of data from the beginning of time. It is inspired by Java Chronicle, although we haven't implemented the Java Chronicle Journal Store just yet.

The Journal Store consists of a single operation (APPEND), plus iteration (over entries in sequential order), plus the ability to drop a partition or close the currently active partition.

The Journal Store is efficient for JDBI-based stores because it does not have to support a fine-grained DELETE operation (we could actually implement an efficient in-place soft delete, just not yet). We can support partition DROP using TRUNCATE TABLE or DROP TABLE, allowing the underlying database to reclaim storage efficiently. With distributed backends in the future, this will use the most efficient bulk deletion mechanism available (KV stores like AWS S3 and Riak don't have efficient bucket destruction APIs just yet).

Secondary Index Store

The Secondary Index store is a persistence pattern that uses the relational table model in a frugal manner designed for efficient access (which hopefully also allows for efficient non-relational implementation). Secondary Indexes are declared on Key-Value schemas, with each index declaration including an ordered list of columns with sort orders. For each of these indexes, an index is built with just those columns as well as the identifier of the object and an integer primary key for the index row. The index describes a logical model of a multi-level tree where each query term operates at the corresponding level in the tree.

Indexes are queried by specifying a list of Query operators which must include at least one column starting at the "left side" of the index. The supported operators are EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, and GE; the supported value types are INTEGER, DECIMAL, STRING, REFERENCE, BOOLEAN and NULL.

In addition, index columns support Transforms: LOWER_CASE, UPPER_CASE or NONE (default) for cases when strings should be compared in a case-insensitive manner.

The area of Secondary Indexes is one that can commonly lead to performance issues - there are a couple techniques we use to mitigate those. The first is pagination: Secondary Indexes are designed for use in a paginated way. There is also a non-paginated interface, but it only returns Key objects for efficiency.

The Secondary Index Store also includes the ability to add at most one Unique Index per schema. Unique Indexes specify a subset of columns from the object which must always be non-null and which are always unique per-object when considered together. The Secondary Index Store includes an efficient multi-get operation which allows an encapsulated collection of unique values to be used as a primary key to retrieve the corresponding entities.


Sonatype has graciously provided support for Open Source development of Kazuki components for scalable persistence. We are extremely grateful for their support, contributions, feedback and use of Kazuki in Sonatype products.