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A skeleton for new symfony1 projects.


  • Apache Ant build file
  • script for displaying project information in dev/staging environments
  • special symfony library include file for working in different environments

Creating a New Project

The following are my recommended instructions for creating a new project based on this skeleton.

Step 1 - Clone this repository

Clone symfony1-skeleton repo locally (do not fork for new projects)

git clone [project-name]

Step 2 - Setup your project

Delete .git folder

rm -rf .git

Clear out

Open config/properties.ini - set your project information

Open build.xml and update <project name=""...

Step 3 - Initialize your new project's repository

Initialize new git repository

git init

Add all files

git add .

Initial commit

git commit -m "initial commit"

Step 4 - Push your new project to github (or equivalent)

Add remote

git remote add origin [remote]

Push to remote

git push origin master

symfony library configuration

The path to the symfony library is specified in config/include.php. By default, this file is ignored so that you may have different symfony libraries on different machines.

For example, if you develop on 2 different machines (linux and windows), you would have a different symfony library location for both. On your staging/production server you would embed the library. config/config.php.dist has some examples.

Bundled are two ant targets for updating that file: symfony.lib.embed and symfony.lib.shared.

The idea of having this additional include file is something I struggle with. This functionality can be easily removed. Feedback appreciated.


The file web/version.php can be included at the bottom of your index file. The script displays useful information about the project:

  • Project name (config/properties.ini)
  • Version (./VERSION)
  • Build number (./BUILD_NUMBER) - generated by your CI server (ant build)

Example index.php for staging server:


$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'staging', false);

require_once 'info.php';


This skeleton comes with an Apache Ant build.xml file that includes some useful targets. Make sure you have Apache Ant installed or use an IDE like Netbeans. Additional comments are in the build.xml file.

  • symfony.dir: creates directories in your project required by symfony
  • symfony.lib.embed: checks out the symfony library to lib/vendor/symfony
  • symfony.lib.shared: adds a shared symfony library to config/include.php
  • symfony.clearcache: calls symfony cc
  • symfony.permissions: calls symfony project:permissions
  • symfony.plugins: installation of 3rd party plugins
  • project.config: any configuration to be run on CI server (ie. load fixtures)
  • project.test: runs your project's test suite

There are some additional targets that are intended for you CI server.

Hudson CI setup

The included Apache Ant build script integrates nicely into Hudson. There are predefined build and release targets.

build: cleans up the workspace, runs your test suite and outputs the current build number to ./BUILD_NUMBER.

release: Utilizes the Hudson Release Plugin to git tag a release.



  1. Add a new Job and configure
  2. Source Code Management -> Git
    • Set URL of repository
    • Branch Specifier: master
    • Click Advanced...
    • Checkout/merge to local branch: master
  3. Add Build Step -> Invoke Ant
    • Targets: build
  4. (optional) Build Environment -> Configure release build
  5. (optional) Post-Build Actions -> Git Publisher
    • Push Only If Build Succeeds
    • Add branch
    • Branch to push: latest-stable
    • Target remote name: origin
  6. Invoke initial build!

Step 4 requires Release Plugin

Step 5 creates a latest-stable branch in your git repository


A skeleton for new symfony 1.x projects






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