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Taskmin Version 1.0

my personal flavor of To-Do List App

I'm building a Terminal based task list application. I want to be able to run this at a command line or to be able to compile into it's own Terminal based application.

Feel free to clone and try the application yourself

  1. To run the application open a Terminal window or Command Prompt
  2. Verify that you're in the project root folder
  3. Run the command java -jar taskmin.jar

If you need help enter 3 at the main menu

Application Requirements

  1. The application creates numbered, editable task lists.
  2. The application saves and loads lists as/from text files (.txt)
  3. Upon running the software, a main menu displayed with the following options:
(1) Create New List
(2) Load List
(3) Help
(0) Exit 
  1. Selecting Help should display a screen of text that explains how the software works.
    • selecting Exit should exit the program
  2. When selecting Create New List, the user should be prompted to enter a title for the list.
    • After which they are presented with the Task List view of an empty list. As tasks are added to the list, they should generate their own id and should be displayed here as well.
(1) Add Task
(2) Remove Task
(3) Change Title
(4) Save List
(0) Exit
  1. The Task List control is as follows:
    • Selecting (1) Add Task will prompt the user to describe the task. Once entered, the user will return to the list control view, the task should appear on the list
    • Selecting (2) Remove Task will prompt the user to enter a Task ID number. Once entered the task will be removed from the list and the user will be returned to the list control view
    • Selecting (3) Change Title will prompt the user to rename their list. Once entered, the user will return to the list control view, and the title should show the change.
    • Selecting (4) Save List should prompt the user to enter a file name to save the list under.
      • a default file name should be in place in the event the user does not enter a file name.
    • Selecting (0) Exit should end the list control loop, clear any existing list, and return the user to the main menu.
  2. From the main menu again: If the user selects (2) Load List, the software will prompt the user to enter the file name of the list they wish to load.
    • if the file name the user entered is found it will load the list and populate the tasks.
    • the user will then be shown the list control view with their pre-made list of tasks.

Task Class

This will represent a single "To Do." It has an Id and a Description. Tasks will be compiled in a list List of Tasks.
future implementations may include a due date, and a status of a task

public class Task {
	private int id;
	private String description;

ToDoList Class

Here is the actual Task List Class. From here users will have their tasks shown to them as well as options to manipulate tasks and save list data for later use. When exiting this view for the main menu the list must clear itself, so if a new list is created at the main menu the current one is erased.

public class ToDoList {
	private String title;
	private List<Task> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
	+add task
	+edit task
	+remove task
	+change title

CommandLine Class

This class will handle taking in user input and displaying output. It uses a Scanner class to handle keyboard inputs, and contains pre-defined methods for displaying output such as a Banner, Command menus, List views, and Input prompts.

public class CommandLine {
	private final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
	+display banner
	+display main menu
	+display list menu
	+prompt for menu selection
	+prompt for integer

FileManager Class

This class will handle the opening and saving of Lists into the editor. The files will be saved as .txt files.

public class FileManager {
	private String fileName


My personal flavor of the ToDo App







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