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Moved two WLB actions to the same folder as the rest of the WLB actio… #446

Moved two WLB actions to the same folder as the rest of the WLB actio…

Moved two WLB actions to the same folder as the rest of the WLB actio… #446

Workflow file for this run

name: Run checks
on: [push, pull_request]
name: Run checks
runs-on: windows-latest
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Run copyright check
shell: powershell
run: ./scripts/check_copyright.ps1 -NOISY
- name: Run I18n check
shell: powershell
run: ./scripts/check_i18n.ps1 -NOISY
- name: Run spell check
shell: powershell
run: |
# package support for windows is not great; this is ugly, but will do for now
choco install cyg-get --no-progress
cyg-get.bat aspell aspell-en
$env:Path += ";C:\tools\cygwin\bin;"
./scripts/check_spelling.ps1 -NOISY
- name: Run string sort check
shell: powershell
run: ./scripts/check_strings_sorting.ps1 `
-PATHS ./XenModel/Messages.resx, ./XenModel/FriendlyNames.resx, `
./XenModel/InvisibleMessages.resx, ./XenModel/UnitStrings.resx, `
./XenOvfApi/Content.resx, ./XenOvfApi/Messages.resx; `
if($lastexitcode -eq 0){ `
./scripts/check_strings_sorting.ps1 `
-PATHS ./Branding/Branding.resx `