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Node.js module to provide hardware PWM by PCA9685 via I2C, using raspi.js suite.


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Raspi PCA9685 PWM

npm version Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT

Hardware PWM by PCA9685. Raspi PCA9685 PWM is built upon Raspi i2c to provide PWM outputs by controlling PCA9685 via I2C connection. It's intended to work on PCA9685 boards such as from Adafruit.

System Requirements

  • Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 3 or newer (Not tested on older pi's) or Pi Zero.
  • At least one PCA9685 board.
  • raspi-i2c 6.2.4 or newer.
  • raspi-soft-pwm 6.0.2 or newer.
  • Node 11.15.0 or newer (perhaps older one with ES2015, but not tested).


Install with npm:

npm install raspi-pca9685-pwm

Example Usage

In TypeScript/ES2015:

import { init } from 'raspi';
import { PCA9685PWM } from 'raspi-pca9685-pwm';
import { IPWMConfig } from 'raspi-soft-pwm';

init(() => {
    // Use channel 0 on board 0, with 2kHz PWM frequency.
    let config: IPWMConfig = { pin: 0, frequency: 2000};
    const pwm = new PCA9685PWM(config);

    pwm.write(0.5); // 50% duty cycle.


Module Constants

publicConst defines convenient parameters.

export const publicConst = {
    maxChannelsPerBoard: 16,   // Number of channels in a PCA9685.
    maxBoards: 64,      // Number of boards that can cascade to I2C bus.
    inhibitedBoard: 0xB0, // PCA9685 AllCall address
    stepsPerCycle: 4096,    // PCA9685 has 12-bit PWM.
    defaultFrequency: 200,  // Used internally as constructor's default

PCA9685 has a hardware fixed reserved address 0xE0, AllCall address. inhibitedBoard is for this. Removing this, actual adressable boards are 63.

Actual maximum board number depends on your I2C addressing policy. While PCA9685 can assign I2C address ranging 0x40 - 0x7F, [the I2C bus protocol assigns special purposes above 0x78] ( You can still use these addresses if you keep your system closed and under your control. If you have other I2C devices in 0x40 - 0x7F, you need to exclude them from assining to PCA9685 of course.

Interface and Class

This module can use IPWMConfig for fake-polymorphism purpose to construct a PCA9685PWM object. It uses members differently from raspi-soft-pwm.

interface IPCA9685PWMConfig {
    pin: number | string; //  0 - maxChannelsPerBoard*maxBoards-1
    frequency?: number;   // in Hz.
    range?: number;       // Not used.

pin is the board address offset and a PWM channel. pin is calculated by Eq. 1.

  ( pin ) = ( board# ) * maxChannelsPerBoard + ( channel# ) ... (1)

Both count from zero. They don't need to start from zero - if you like to use hardware address offset 0x01, it's fine to skip 0x00. pin can be in string, such as '1'. Internally, the base address 0x40 is added to board#.

frequency is Hz. When omitted, defaultFrequency is used.
range is not used, because PCA9685 has 12-bit (fixed) PWM.

PCA9685PWM is a PWM channel on a PCA9685 board.

class PCA9685PWM {
  dutyCycle: number; // 0.0 - 1.0
  readonly ch: number;
  readonly board: number;
  readonly frequency: number; // in Hz
  readonly pins: number;

  write(dutyCycle: number): void; // Activate PWM by dutyCycle [0,1].
  on(): void; // Turn on this channel.
  off(): void; // Turn off this channel.
  allOff(): void; // Turn off all channels on the board.

new PCA9685PWM(config: number | string | object)

Instantiates a new PWM channel on a PCA9685 board. When the first channel is made, you may want to provide the PWM frequency by using IPWMConfig object. This sets the PWM frequency of the board. Since the frequency is set per board, when instantiating the rest of channels you can provide the port number only instead of IPWMConfig.

Currently, once you instantiate a new PWM channel, you can't change its PWM frequency. It's not a hardware restriction and you can easily modify the code to allow it.

If board# in Eq. 1 does not point physically existing board, new PCA9685PWM() will throw an exception.

Software PWM vs. Hardware PWM

You can use raspi-soft-pwm without paying extra cost to buy a hardware PWM board. But you may consider using hardware PWM if the following occasions required;

  • Jitter-free output,
  • Linearity at low PWM output,
  • Many outputs,
  • Less burden to CPU.

You can determine if you need hardware PWM, or software PWM is sufficient for your purpose, by prototyping using raspi-soft-pwm. A prototype code may look like this (the sample code modified from

import { init } from 'raspi';
import { SoftPWM } from 'raspi-soft-pwm'; // !!

init(() => {
    const pwm = new SoftPWM('GPIO22'); // !!
    pwm.write(0.5); // 50% Duty Cycle.

(To run this example, you need sudo, per pigpio library requirement.)
To modify it to use the hardware PWM, you modify two lines with '!!'.

Fake polymorphism

You can also use a 'fake' polymorphism between SoftPWM and PCA9685PWM objects. It's a fake because these objects indeed do not share a common base class, but they have a (partially) common interface. In javascript you can code as if there is polymorphism. There is a convenient object function module.createPWM(). Using it, you can do like:

import { init } from 'raspi';
import { PCA9685PWM, module } from 'raspi-pca9685-pwm';
import { SoftPWM, IPWMConfig } from 'raspi-soft-pwm';

init(() => {
    let pwm0: PCA9685PWM | SoftPWM;
    let pwm1: PCA9685PWM | SoftPWM;

    pwm0 = module.createPWM(0);        // returns PCA9685PWM
    pwm1 = module.createPWM('GPIO22'); // returns SoftPWM


createPWM() takes a parameter same as the constructor of PCA9685PWM and SoftPWM. When a number or a string that can be convertible to number is given to pin, createPWM() instantiates a PCA9685PWM object. Else, a SoftPWM object is returned. All public members and methods of SoftPWM are available in PCA9685PWM.

Caution and limitation

  • There is a difference in behavior of the PWM output of SoftPWM and PCA9685PWM. raspi-soft-pwm uses C library of pigpio. Due to this implementation, when the process terminates, PWM outputs turn off. In contrast, the outputs of PCA9685 persist unless an init is sent.

  • This module cannot detect how many PCA9685 boards are installed. If you attempt to access a port not physically existing, an exception will be thrown.



The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) K. Chinzei ( Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


Node.js module to provide hardware PWM by PCA9685 via I2C, using raspi.js suite.








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