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Markdown title-casing extension

Python's Markdown extension to apply proper English title-casing.

This project use titlecase module under the hood. Transformation is applied on content enclosed in <h1> to <h6> HTML tags. Meta-Data extension is supported so that document title can be transformed too.

Stable release: Last release Software license Requirements freshness Popularity

Development: Unit-tests status Coverage Status Code Quality


This package is available on PyPi, so you can install the latest stable release and its dependencies with a simple pip call:

$ pip install mdx_titlecase

See also pip installation instructions.


Parameter Default value Description
metadata ['title', ] List of metadata keys to which apply titlecasing.


Check out latest development branch:

$ git clone
$ cd ./mdx_titlecase
$ python ./ develop

Run unit-tests:

$ python ./ nosetests

Run PEP8 and Pylint code style checks:

$ pip install pep8 pylint
$ pep8 mdx_titlecase
$ pylint --rcfile=setup.cfg mdx_titlecase

Stability policy

Here is a bunch of rules we're trying to follow regarding stability:

  • Patch releases (0.x.n0.x.(n+1) upgrades) are bug-fix only. These releases must not break anything and keeps backward-compatibility with 0.x.* and 0.(x-1).* series.
  • Minor releases (0.n.*0.(n+1).0 upgrades) includes any non-bugfix changes. These releases must be backward-compatible with any 0.n.* version but are allowed to drop compatibility with the 0.(n-1).* series and below.
  • Major releases (n.*.*(n+1).0.0 upgrades) are not planned yet: we're still in beta and the final feature set of the 1.0.0 release is not decided yet.

Release process

Start from the develop branch:

$ git clone
$ git checkout develop

Revision should already be set to the next version, so we just need to set the released date in the changelog:

$ vi ./CHANGES.rst

Create a release commit, tag it and merge it back to main branch:

$ git add ./mdx_titlecase/ ./CHANGES.rst
$ git commit -m "Release vX.Y.Z"
$ git tag "vX.Y.Z"
$ git push
$ git push --tags
$ git checkout main
$ git pull
$ git merge "vX.Y.Z"
$ git push

Push packaging to the test cheeseshop:

$ pip install wheel
$ python ./ register -r testpypi
$ python ./ clean
$ rm -rf ./build ./dist
$ python ./ sdist bdist_egg bdist_wheel upload -r testpypi

Publish packaging to PyPi:

$ python ./ register -r pypi
$ python ./ clean
$ rm -rf ./build ./dist
$ python ./ sdist bdist_egg bdist_wheel upload -r pypi

Bump revision back to its development state:

$ pip install bumpversion
$ git checkout develop
$ bumpversion --verbose patch
$ git add ./mdx_titlecase/ ./CHANGES.rst
$ git commit -m "Post release version bump."
$ git push

Now if the next revision is no longer bug-fix only:

$ bumpversion --verbose minor
$ git add ./mdx_titlecase/ ./CHANGES.rst
$ git commit -m "Next release no longer bug-fix only. Bump revision."
$ git push


This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+).