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For example, you might want to mention here which versions of CKAN this extension works with.


To install ckanext-mk_dcatap:

  1. Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:

    . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
  2. Install the ckanext-mk_dcatap Python package into your virtual environment:

    pip install ckanext-mk_dcatap
  3. Add mk_dcatap to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN config file (by default the config file is located at /etc/ckan/default/production.ini).

  4. Restart CKAN. For example if you've deployed CKAN with Apache on Ubuntu:

    sudo service apache2 reload

Config Settings

Document any optional config settings here. For example:

# The minimum number of hours to wait before re-checking a resource
# (optional, default: 24).
ckanext.mk_dcatap.some_setting = some_default_value

Development Installation

To install ckanext-mk_dcatap for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do:

git clone
cd ckanext-mk_dcatap
python develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Running the Tests

To run the tests, do:

nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini

To run the tests and produce a coverage report, first make sure you have coverage installed in your virtualenv (pip install coverage) then run:

nosetests --nologcapture --with-pylons=test.ini --with-coverage --cover-package=ckanext.mk_dcatap --cover-inclusive --cover-erase --cover-tests

Registering ckanext-mk_dcatap on PyPI

ckanext-mk_dcatap should be availabe on PyPI as If that link doesn't work, then you can register the project on PyPI for the first time by following these steps:

  1. Create a source distribution of the project:

    python sdist
  2. Register the project:

    python register
  3. Upload the source distribution to PyPI:

    python sdist upload
  4. Tag the first release of the project on GitHub with the version number from the file. For example if the version number in is 0.0.1 then do:

    git tag 0.0.1
    git push --tags

Releasing a New Version of ckanext-mk_dcatap

ckanext-mk_dcatap is availabe on PyPI as To publish a new version to PyPI follow these steps:

  1. Update the version number in the file. See PEP 440 for how to choose version numbers.

  2. Create a source distribution of the new version:

    python sdist
  3. Upload the source distribution to PyPI:

    python sdist upload
  4. Tag the new release of the project on GitHub with the version number from the file. For example if the version number in is 0.0.2 then do:

    git tag 0.0.2
    git push --tags

CKAN Configuration Settings

To use the Macedonian RDF DCAT profile you need to install this extension and set up some properties in CKAN:

  • ckan.site_url (URL)- set this to your site.
  • ckan.dcat.publisher (URI) - sets dct:publisher (URIRef) in the DCAT Catalog. If not set, then ckan.site_url + "/publisher/" is used as the publisher URI.
  • ckan.dcat.publisher.identifier - sets dct:identifier (Literal) in the DCAT Catalog. The identifier of the data catalog publisher. The default value is MISA.
  • ckan.dcat.publisher.webpage - sets foaf:homepage (URIRef) in the DCAT Catalog. The webpage of the publisher. Default is
  • ckan.dcat.catalog.title - sets dct:title (Literal) in the DCAT Catalog. Data catalog title. Default:
  • ckan.dcat.catalog.license_url - sets dct:license (URIRef) in the DCAT Catalog. This is the data catalog license (not data license). Default:
  • ckan.dcat.catalog.issued - sets dct:issues (Literal) in the DCAT Catalog. Date of issuing of the catalog. Must be in format, for example: 24.05.2018
  • ckan.dcat.theme_taxonomy_uri - sets dcat:themeTaxonomy (URIRef) in the DCAT Catalog. Taxonomy theme URI. Default:
  • ckan.dcat.spatial - sets dct:spatial (URIRef) in the DCAT Catalog. Spatial location. Default value is:
  • ckan.dcat.catalog.is_part_of - sets dct:isPartOf (URIRef) in the DCAT Catalog. URI to the catalog of which this catalog is part of. Not used by default.
  • ckan.dcat.catalog.has_part - sets dct:hasPart (URIRef) in the DCAT Catalog. URI to the catalog that is part of this catalog. Not used by default.
  • ckan.dcat.catalog.rights_statement - sets dct:rights (Literal) in the DCAT Catalog. The access rights statement. Not used by default.

RDF DCAT to CKAN dataset mapping

The follwing table describes the mapping between CKAN dataset field and RDF DCAT fields.

DCAT class DCAT property CKAN dataset field CKAN fallback fields Stored as  
dcat:Dataset   extra:uri   text See note about URIs
dcat:Dataset dct:title title   text  
dcat:Dataset dct:description notes   text  
dcat:Dataset dcat:keyword tags   text  
dcat:Dataset dcat:theme extra:theme   list See note about lists
dcat:Dataset dct:identifier extra:identifier extra:guid, id text  
dcat:Dataset adms:identifier extra:alternate_identifier   text  
dcat:Dataset dct:issued extra:issued metadata_created text  
dcat:Dataset dct:modified extra:modified metadata_modified text  
dcat:Dataset owl:versionInfo version extra:dcat_version text  
dcat:Dataset adms:versionNotes extra:version_notes   text  
dcat:Dataset dct:language extra:language   list See note about lists
dcat:Dataset dcat:landingPage url   text  
dcat:Dataset dct:accrualPeriodicity extra:frequency   text  
dcat:Dataset dct:conformsTo extra:conforms_to   list See note about lists
dcat:Dataset dct:accessRights extra:access_rights   text  
dcat:Dataset foaf:page extra:documentation   list See note about lists
dcat:Dataset dct:provenance extra:provenance   text  
dcat:Dataset dct:type extra:dcat_type   text As of DCAT-AP v1.1 there's no controlled vocabulary for this field
dcat:Dataset dct:hasVersion extra:has_version   list See note about lists. It is assumed that these are one or more URIs referring to another dcat:Dataset
dcat:Dataset dct:isVersionOf extra:is_version_of   list See note about lists. It is assumed that these are one or more URIs referring to another dcat:Dataset
dcat:Dataset dct:source extra:source   list See note about lists. It is assumed that these are one or more URIs referring to another dcat:Dataset
dcat:Dataset adms:sample extra:sample   list See note about lists. It is assumed that these are one or more URIs referring to dcat:Distribution instances
dcat:Dataset dct:spatial extra:spatial_uri   text If the RDF provides them, profiles should store the textual and geometric representation of the location in extra:spatial_text and extra:spatial respectively
dcat:Dataset dct:temporal extra:temporal_start + extra:temporal_end   text None, one or both extras can be present
dcat:Dataset dct:publisher extra:publisher_uri   text See note about URIs
foaf:Agent foaf:name extra:publisher_name   text  
foaf:Agent foaf:mbox extra:publisher_email organization:title text  
foaf:Agent foaf:homepage extra:publisher_url   text  
foaf:Agent dct:type extra:publisher_type   text  
dcat:Dataset dcat:contactPoint extra:contact_uri   text See note about URIs
vcard:Kind vcard:fn extra:contact_name maintainer, author text  
vcard:Kind vcard:hasEmail extra:contact_email maintainer_email, author_email text  
dcat:Dataset dcat:distribution resources   text  
dcat:Distribution   resource:uri   text See note about URIs
dcat:Distribution dct:title resource:name   text  
dcat:Distribution dcat:accessURL resource:url   text If accessURL is not present, downloadURL will be used as resource url
dcat:Distribution dcat:downloadURL resource:download_url   text  
dcat:Distribution dct:description resource:description   text  
dcat:Distribution dcat:mediaType resource:mimetype   text  
dcat:Distribution dct:format resource:format   text This is likely to require extra logic to accommodate how CKAN deals with formats (eg ckan/ckanext-dcat#18)
dcat:Distribution dct:license resource:license   text See note about dataset license
dcat:Distribution adms:status resource:status   text  
dcat:Distribution dcat:byteSize resource:size   number  
dcat:Distribution dct:issued resource:issued   text  
dcat:Distribution dct:modified resource:modified   text  
dcat:Distribution dct:rights resource:rights   text  
dcat:Distribution foaf:page resource:documentation   list See note about lists
dcat:Distribution dct:language resource:language   list See note about lists
dcat:Distribution dct:conformsTo resource:conforms_to   list See note about lists
spdx:Checksum spdx:checksumValue resource:hash   text  
spdx:Checksum spdx:algorithm resource:hash_algorithm   text  


Macedonian DCAT Profile for CKAN



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