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Back end for funcster (Udacity Full-Stack Nanodegree Capstone Project)

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Funcster-api is the back end of a capstone project for the Udacity Full-Stack Developer Nanodegree. The repository for the front end of the project is here.

funcster is a simple app allowing 'Coders' to post, store and edit snippets of python code in their own snippet library, and their 'Mentors' to view, revise and comment on that code.

The project utilizes auth0 for authentication and some authorization, and postgresql as a database for the back end. The back end is built in python, using the flask framework with flask-sqlalchemy as an ORM to manage and connect with the database.

The project is currently deployed on heroku:


The application has two types of users: 'Mentors' and 'Coders'. Coders can write and save code snippets (python functions and classes), select a mentor and ask their mentor to review their code. Mentors can select coders and review code posted by their coders who have asked for review. When reviewing, Mentors can edit the code and can also leave notes for their coders.

Each Coder can only have one Mentor, but each Mentor can have many Coders. Each Coder can have many Snippets, but each Snippet belongs to one Coder.

Getting Started

After downloading/cloning the projects, you should run pip install -r requirements.txt to be sure that you have the required dependencies available in your environment.

You will also need to set some environment variables in order to get the app to work. You can do so manually in your CLI using 'export' (or 'set' on Windows machines) for each of the variables, or you can create a file named '.env' in the root folder for this project and define the variables in that file. If you use the second menthod, in order to have flask automatically pick up the variables in your .env file, you will need to have dotenv installed locally, so if you do not have it, run pip install python-dotenv from your command line to install it. After installing dotenv, Flask will automatically run the .env file each time you use flask run.

The environment variables you will need to set are:
DATABASE_URL={path to your local postgres database for this app, including any needed password}
TEST_DATABASE_URL={ path to your local postgres testing database, which should be separate from your regular database (only needed for}

AUTH0_CLIENT_ID={the auth0 client ID for your funcster application on auth0}
AUTH0_CONNECTION={the name of the auth0 database you will use to store user information. If you go with the default provided by auth0, it will be 'Username-Password-Authentication'}
API_IDENTIFIER={the auth0 identifier for the auth0 API you'll be using to get user info}

AUTH0_CODER_TOKEN={a valid JWT access token provided for a Coder registered on the application (only needed for}
AUTH0_MENTOR_TOKEN={ valid JWT access token provided for a Mentor registered on the application (only needed for}

Once requirements have been installed and environment variables defined, run the app by running flask run in the root folder. If run locally, the api will be served on http://localhost:5000. The endpoints are all defined and described in the file. Many of the endpoints are restricted and require authentification with a working jwt access token from auth0. In some cases, the endpoints require certain permissions which are provided in the token.


Funcster-api is built using:

  • SQLAlchemy ORM as our ORM layer
  • PostgreSQL as our database
  • Python3 and Flask as our server language and server framework
  • Flask-Migrate for creating and running schema migrations

Using the API: Endpoints

The endpoints in the API are:

  • '/' (GET)

just returns a success message to let you know you are communicating with the funcster-api.

  • '/signup' (POST)

runs through the signup process to register a new user with auth0 and with the postgresql database. Expects data in the body of the request with the following information:
'usertype' {either 'coder' or 'mentor'}

will check to see if there is already a conflicting username (in which case it will return a 409 error), and then attempt to register the user with auth0 and if that succeeds, will register the user in the api's postgresql database as either a mentor or a coder, as applicable. If successful, returns a JSON object with "success": True and a "message" indicating that the signup was successful.

  • '/userinfo/<username>' (GET)

returns profile information for a user based upon the username passed in the URL. Does not expect any information in the body of the request, but does require an Authorization header with a Bearer token (which is a valid jwt Auth0 access token) having the appropriate permission (either a Coder or Mentor access token will carry the needed permission). Searches the Mentor & Coder database tables to see if the username exists and if not will return a 404 error. If successful, returns a JSON object with information about the user. The exact information depends on whether the user is a Mentor or a Coder, and will include:

for a Coder:

  • "success": True
  • "user_id": {the Coder's ID from the Coder table in the postgresql database}
  • "usertype": "Coder"
  • "mentor": {the username (string) of the coder's mentor - if the coder does not have a mentor, this will be null}
  • "snippets": {a list of snippets, with each snippet in JSON form - if the coder does not yet have any snippets, will be an empty list}

for a Mentor:

  • "success": True

  • "user_id": {the Mentor's ID from the Mentor table in the postgresql database}

  • "usertype": "Mentor"

  • "coders": {a list of coders (if any) belonging to this Mentor. Each coder in the list is provided as a JSON object with the coder's username, ID and a list of any snippets}

  • '/coders' (GET)

returns a list of all coders in the database. Does not expect any information in the body of the request, but does require an Authorization header with a Bearer token (which is a valid jwt Auth0 access token) having the proper permission (only a Mentor token has the proper permission for this endpoint). Returns a JSON object with a "success" key having a value of true, and a list of coders, each of which is a JSON object containing the information about each coder stored in the postgresql database (id, username, mentor_id, snippets)

  • '/coders/available' (GET)

similar to '/coders' (see above), but provides list of only those coders who do not currently have a Mentor associated with them. Same Authorization header and permissions required as for the '/coders' endpoint.

  • '/coder/<coder_id>/mentor' (PATCH)

this endpoint allows a Coder to select a Mentor. It requires an Authorization header with a valid Auth0 jwt 'Coder' access token. The coder's id is to be included in the URL of the request, and this expects a body with a 'mentorId' consisting of the selected mentor's ID from the Mentor table of the postgresql database. If successfule, returns a JSON object with 'success' equal to true, and a message verifying that the mentor was successfully added.

  • '/mentors' (GET)

this endpoint returns a list of mentors, with each mentor represented as a JSON object containing the mentor's information from the Mentor table of the postgresql database (id, username, coders (which is a list of coder JSONs)). This endpoint requires an Authorization header consisting of a valid 'Mentor' jwt Auth0 access token.

  • '/mentor/<mentor_id>/coder' (PATCH)

this endpoint allows a Mentor to add a specified Coder to the Mentor's list of Coders. The Mentor's id is included in the URL of the request, and the body should include a 'coderId' which is the selected Coder's id from the Coder table of the postgresql database. This endpoint requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token consisting of a valid 'Mentor' jwt Auth0 access token.

  • '/snippet/<snippet_id>' (GET)

this endpoint returns a requested code snippet from the database based on the snippet's id in the postgresql database which is provided in the URL. This request requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token consisting of a valid Auth0 jwt access token (may be either a Coder or a Mentor token).

  • '/snippet' (POST)

this endpoint is used to post a new code Snippet to the database. It requires an Authorization header with a Bearer token consisting of a valid 'Coder' Auth0 jwt access token. The Snippet information should be provided in the body of the post request, and should include:\

  • 'name': {name for the snippet}\
  • 'code': {the actual code of the snippet as a string}\
  • 'needsReview': {a boolean indicating whether the code need to be reviewed by the applicable Mentor}\
  • 'comments': {optional, probably a blank string for initial post (comments are intended to be added later by a Mentor)}
  • '/snippet/<snippet_id>' (PATCH)

this endpoint is used to update an existing snippet (after being edited or reviewed by the Coder or by a Mentor). The Snippet's id is provided in the URL and the request must include an Authorization header consisting of a Bearer token which may be either a 'Coder' or 'Mentor' Auth0 jwt access token. The body of the request can include the same parameters as the POST method for a new snippet (see above). NOTE that if a parameter is not provided, this will change the attribute to a blank string, null or False in the database (basically erasing the existing value), so please provide the original value for each attribute if not intending to change the existing value.

  • '/snippet/<snippet_id>' (DELETE)

this endpoint allows a coder to delete an existing Snippet (identified by the Snippet's id provided in the URL). This request must include an Authorization header consisting of a Bearer token which is a valid 'Coder' Auth0 jwt access token. This enpoint expects a 'coderId' to be provided in the body of the request, which id must match the id of the Coder associated with the Snippet in the postgresql database.

Main Files: Project Structure

├── *** the main driver of the app. Includes your routes (controllers).
                  "flask run" to run after installing dependences and setting environment
├── *** helper functions relating to authenticating auth0 access tokens, and
                checking permissions from request headers
├── funcsterdb_test.psql *** a psql 'dump' from a test database with mock data; can be used
                             to set up a database with users and code for testing purposes
├── *** sets up flask-migrate to run database migrations
├── *** the models to be used to set up tables/schema in the database, along with some
                  helpful methods to interact with those tables from the application
├── Procfile *** utility file needed for deployment to heroku
├── requirements.txt *** The dependencies we need to install with "pip install -r requirements.txt"
└── *** a suite of test functions utilizing python unit_test; this also utilizes dotenv
                    to load environment variables necessary for testing. A postgresql testing database
                    will need to be created to provide a database for testing that will not interfere
                    with any actual data in your app (testing will empty and recreate the database each
                    time it is run)


Back end for funcster (Udacity Full-Stack Nanodegree Capstone Project)






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