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Kentik Image Cache

Application for caching of images rendered by the /query/topxchart Kentik API method.

The application provides API method allowing to invoke /query/topxchart Kentik API method and returns unique identifiers
which can be later used to retrieve the corresponding image (or error message).

TLS and eventual user authentication must be handled by external proxy (e.g. Traefik)

API endpoints

end-point method operation request data response data
/requests POST Initiate query request to Kentik API’s /query/topxchart end-point api_query: JSON object (passed to Kentik API without modification), ttl: (optional int) desired storage duration in seconds On success: image ID, On error: JSON error message
/image/{id} GET Retrieve previously requested image None On success: Image data according to the format specified in the corresponding request, On error: Status code and error message returned by Kentik API
/info GET Return information about cache content None JSON object
/favicon.ico GET Return favicon None image/x-icon

Image Identifiers

Unique image identifiers returned by the app are constructed as:

Application configuration

The application has following configurable parameters which can be either provided in environment variables (variables names must be all capital letters) or in the .env file in the root folder of the app:

parameter required purpose default value
KT_AUTH_EMAIL yes Authentication to Kentik API
KT_AUTH_TOKEN yes Authentication to Kentik API
KENTIK_API_URL no URL of Kentik API service
KENTIK_API_RETRIES no Number of retries on transient failures 3
KENTIK_API_TIMEOUT no Timeout for requests to Kentik API 60 seconds
DEFAULT_TTL no Default cache entry lifetime 300 seconds
ENTRY_WAIT_TIMEOUT no Timeout for cache entry to become active retries * timeout + 5 seconds
CACHE_PATH yes Directory for storing cached content
CACHE_MAINTENANCE_PERIOD no Interval for periodic cache pruning 60 seconds

Basic Operations

Happy Path

Normal operation sequence diagram

On POST request to the /requests end-point, the Image Cache performs following actions:

  1. generates unique image id
  2. attempts to locate entry with the same id in the cache
    if not found
       create new pending entry storing the request body
       start background task for retrieving the image from Kentik API
       store the image id of the entry
  3. returns the image id to the client

On successful retrieval of the image from Kentik API, Image Cache:

  1. stores the image data in the pending entry
  2. marks the entry active

On GET request to the /image/ end-point, the Image Cache:

  1. attempts to locate the entry in the cache
  if found
    if expired
      return 404 to the client
    if pending
        return 200 and image data to the client
    wait for entry to become active
    if active
        return 200 and image data to the client
        return 500 error to the client
    return 404 error to the client

Handling of Kentik API Errors

API error handling sequence diagram

Application Restart

The current design assumes that local storage used by the cache is persistent and services application/container restarts. If this is not true, application restart will obviously cause all cached content to be lost. On application restart, the Image Cache initializes the local cache before beginning to server requests on the 2 API end-points. Cache initialization steps:

  1. Load data to cache from filesystem
  2. Walk all pending entries
    • remove expired entries
    • start retrieval of images from Kentik API (using the query data stored in pending entries) for remaining entries
  3. Walk all active entries and remove expired ones


  • Python 3.8 or newer
  • FastAPI
  • kentik-api 0.2.0 (or newer)


Deployment in Docker

The bellow procedure assumes:

  • Unix/Linux-like operating system
  • functional git installation
  • Docker executed on the host on which the image is built
  • User running the procedure has sufficient permissions, including communication with the docker server

Clone repo to local disk:

git clone

Create docker image

cd kentik_image_cache
docker build -t kentik_image_cache .

Create cache directory (to be mounted in the container)

The directory should be located on filesystem with enough of disk space and must be readable and writeable to the user with whose identity Docker containers are executed.

mkdir -p /opt/kentik_image_cache
chown root:docker /opt/kentik_image_cache

Start the docker container

The bellow procedure passes Kentik authentication to the container via environment variables.

  • <kentik_user_mail> has to be replaced with the e-mail registered with the Kentik user
  • <kentik_api_token> has to be replaced with API token of that user.

Access to Kentik API must be allowed from the external IP address of the Docker container.

docker run -d --name kentik_image_cache \
    --env KT_AUTH_EMAIL=<kentik_user_mail> \
    --env KT_AUTH_TOKEN=<kentik_api_token> \
    -v /opt/kentik_image_cache:/cache -p 80:80 kentik_image_cache

Credentials and other configuration information can be also provided via environment file:

echo "KT_AUTH_EMAIL=<kentik_user_mail>" > .env
echo "KT_AUTH_TOKEN=<kentik_api_token>" >> .env
docker run -d --name kentik_image_cache --env-file .env \
           -v /opt/kentik_image_cache:/cache -p 80:80 kentik_image_cache

Local deployment for development

The bellow procedure assumes:

  • Unix/Linux-like operating system
  • functional git installation
  • Python 3.8 or newer installed as python3

Clone repo to local disk:

git clone

Create virtual environment

cd kentik_image_cache
python3 -m venv venv

Install dependencies

venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Create cache directory

Note: the cache directory must not be in the repo tree in order for the uvicorn --reload feature to work correctly.

mkdir /tmp/cache

Create environment file with Kentik credentials

echo "KT_AUTH_EMAIL=<kentik_user_mail>" > .env
echo "KT_AUTH_TOKEN=<kentik_api_token>" >> .env
echo "CACHE_PATH=/tmp/cache" >> .env

Start the server with debug messages enabled and in self-reload mode

DEBUG=1 venv/bin/uvicorn app.main:app --reload

Test access


Simple integration test script tests/ can be used to test a fully configured instance of the image cache (it must have nertwork access and valid credentials to access Kentik API). The test script (by default) uses requests stored in tests/data.

Example of running all test requests concurrently against URL

tests/ --concurrent --url
2021-05-27 23:00:53 Using URL:
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 0 loading request from: tests/data/bad_query.json
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 1 loading request from: tests/data/example_query_1.json
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 2 loading request from: tests/data/example_query_2.json
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 3 loading request from: tests/data/example_query_3.json
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 4 loading request from: tests/data/example_query_4.json
2021-05-27 23:00:53 5 requests loaded
2021-05-27 23:00:53 Running tests concurrently
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 0 posting request
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 1 posting request
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 2 posting request
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 3 posting request
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 4 posting request
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 0: got id: 53693a077a6e1eec6407df161ae964d34170a7743e67488b0ece175005ac69aa_1622181773.873009
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 2: got id: d8e8c3038d31e454971f6a067a4190d9a34f9d1a8415ff3260939a0ca53e6436_1622181953.864447
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 3: got id: 4f2278d1a4d4d5a202a9972027d05e9ac13032b00282b5c2b67a79b60002cb7c_1622181773.848177
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 3 requesting:
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 0 requesting:
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 1: got id: fbdaa71df680024289416c97b392d55c2ce218e8a69054ff084f032bbfb3f867_1622182253.88189
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 1 requesting:
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 2 requesting:
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 4: got id: 5d8ed88d722d32ca3b42883671a27a7cbd76140bf8b154dc471936b291118d1c_1622181713.891764
2021-05-27 23:00:53 tid: 4 requesting:
2021-05-27 23:00:54 tid: 0 got: status: 400 type: application/json length: 194
2021-05-27 23:01:01 tid: 1 got: status: 200 type: image/png length: 61117
2021-05-27 23:01:01 tid: 2 got: status: 200 type: image/png length: 71561
2021-05-27 23:01:02 tid: 3 got: status: 200 type: image/png length: 147938
2021-05-27 23:01:04 tid: 4 got: status: 200 type: application/pdf length: 73343

Example of running all tests matching example_*.json sequentially against

tests/ --glob 'example_*.json' --url
2021-05-27 22:59:21 Using URL:
2021-05-27 22:59:21 tid: 0 loading request from: tests/data/example_query_1.json
2021-05-27 22:59:21 tid: 1 loading request from: tests/data/example_query_2.json
2021-05-27 22:59:21 tid: 2 loading request from: tests/data/example_query_3.json
2021-05-27 22:59:21 tid: 3 loading request from: tests/data/example_query_4.json
2021-05-27 22:59:21 4 requests loaded
2021-05-27 22:59:21 Running tests
2021-05-27 22:59:21 tid: 0 posting request
2021-05-27 22:59:22 tid: 0: got id: fbdaa71df680024289416c97b392d55c2ce218e8a69054ff084f032bbfb3f867_1622182162.004539
2021-05-27 22:59:22 tid: 0 requesting:
2021-05-27 22:59:28 tid: 0 got: status: 200 type: image/png length: 60706
2021-05-27 22:59:28 tid: 1 posting request
2021-05-27 22:59:28 tid: 1: got id: d8e8c3038d31e454971f6a067a4190d9a34f9d1a8415ff3260939a0ca53e6436_1622181868.80616
2021-05-27 22:59:28 tid: 1 requesting:
2021-05-27 22:59:37 tid: 1 got: status: 200 type: image/png length: 72078
2021-05-27 22:59:37 tid: 2 posting request
2021-05-27 22:59:37 tid: 2: got id: 4f2278d1a4d4d5a202a9972027d05e9ac13032b00282b5c2b67a79b60002cb7c_1622181697.10503
2021-05-27 22:59:37 tid: 2 requesting:
2021-05-27 22:59:46 tid: 2 got: status: 200 type: image/png length: 146699
2021-05-27 22:59:46 tid: 3 posting request
2021-05-27 22:59:46 tid: 3: got id: 5d8ed88d722d32ca3b42883671a27a7cbd76140bf8b154dc471936b291118d1c_1622181646.687514
2021-05-27 22:59:46 tid: 3 requesting:
2021-05-27 22:59:56 tid: 3 got: status: 200 type: application/pdf length: 72974

Full usage help:

tests/ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]

  --url TEXT    URL to test against  [default:]
  --dir TEXT    Directory to load requests from  [default: tests/data]
  --glob TEXT   Globbing pattern for request files  [default: *.json]
  --concurrent  Run requests concurrently  [default: False]
  --help        Show this message and exit.

Note: Full unit test suite is in development.