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Systems language in Swift and ANTLR. Earlier version.

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Second version of Pinn. Archived.

Pinn is a computer language that lets you be correct..

Pinn is a statically typed, imperative language for computers.

  • Syntax taken mostly from Go.
  • Carefully chosen ideas from Swift.


  • swift run pinn. plays an optimal game of tic-tac-toe.

Element Types

  • int. Always a signed 64-bit.
  • bool. Standard, true or false.
  • string. Immutable Unicode. "string" "this is a double quote:\""
  • decimal. Decimal.
  • self. Only allowed in a pointer--points to itself.

Group Types

  • Scalar is a single element.
  • map. A map produces a unique value for each key. The key is always a string. Like Go, a missing string returns the zero value for an element.
  • array. An array is a group of elements with a constant size. It is only produced in a variable declaration. It never shares its storage, even if sliced.
  • slice. A slice is an array that can be grown. It can be produced by variable declaration, slicing, and ranges. It shares a reference on assignment.
  • tuple. A tuple is a group of elements with a constant size and possibly different types.
  • pointer. A pointer is a tuple that can be nil. The zero value is nil.


  • <ID>
    • Consists of the letters a through z, A through Z, _, and digits 0-9. May not start with a digit.
  • <FLOAT>
  • <STRING>
    • Starts and ends with a ". In a string, use \" to refer to a " character. Use \\ to refer to a \ character. Otherwise, \ is illegal.
  • <NIL>
    • nil. The null value.


  • From highest precedence
  • <ID> "[" (<expr>? (: | @) <expr>? | <expr>) "]" Index expression. With a : or @, slices the ID.
  • "[" <expr_list> "]" Array literal
    • All expressions must be of the same type.
  • ..."[" <expr_list> "]" Slice literal
  • "{" <STRING> ":" <expr> { "," <STRING> ":" <expr> } } Map literal
    • Expressions must be of the same type.
  • + - ! Unary
  • <op> := + - * / % Binary (simplified precedence), string concatenation
  • == != < <= > >= Comparison, string comparisons
  • && || Short-circuit AND and OR
  • <ID> "(" <expr_list>? ")" Call function
  • "(" <expr> ")" Parenthesize expression
  • "(" <expr_list> ")" Tuple literal
  • *"(" <expr-list> ")" Pointer literal
  • <expr> ( ":" | "@" ) <expr> Range generator. Both generate one through ten: 1:11 1@10.
  • <expr> "?" <expr> ":" <expr> Ternary conditional. First expr is evaluated. If true, resolve to second expr. If false, resolve to third expr.
  • <ID> <FLOAT> <INT> <BOOL> <STRING> Tokens representing symbols, decimals, integers, booleans, and strings.

Compilation unit

  • ( <function> | <statement>)+ <EOF>

Function, <function>

  • func <ID> "(" (<fVarDecl> { , <fVarDecl> } )? ")" <kind>? <block>
    • fVarDecl := <ID> ...? <kind>

A function calls a piece of code, assigning each variable in the parameter list to each the value in the calling list. The ... is allowed for the last parameter. It is expanded into an array carrying zero or more calling expressions.


  • "{" { <statement> } "}"
    • A block is a series of zero or more statements.


  • <L-expr> [ "[" <expr> "]" ] = <expr> Simple set
    • The expr to the right of the = is assigned to the L-expr.
  • <L-expr> <op> = <expr> Compound set
    • x += 2 is equivalent to x = x + 2

grammar fragments


  • <ID> ( "[" <expr> "]" )*
    • An L-expr can be assigned to.


  • <expr> { , <expr> }
    • Used in various productions. Note that at least one expr is required.


  • int | bool | string | decimal | self
    • Primitive types.
  • "[" (map | <expr>)? "]" <kind>
    • map declares a map. An expr declares an array. Empty brackets indicates a slice.
  • "(" <kind> ( , <kind>)* ")"
    • Declares a tuple type.
  • *"(" kind> ( , <kind> )* ")", declares a pointer type.


  • <var_decl> ;
  • while <expr> <block>
    • Evaluate expr. If true, execute block and repeat this line. If false, go on.
  • repeat <block> while <expr> ;
    • Execute block. Evaluate expr. If true, repeat this line.
  • return [<expr>] ;
    • Return from function. The expr must match the return type, or empty if there is none. If global, there is no return type.
  • if <expr> <statement> [else <statement>]
    • Evaluate expr. If true, exectue first statement. If false, either move on or execute second statement.
  • guard <expr> else <block>
    • Evaluate expr. If false, execute block. The block must relinquish control, with a return, break, or continue.
  • for <ID> [, <ID>] = range <expr> <block>
    • If id is alone, it becomes the values of the expr. If a second id is present, it becomes the values and the first id are the keys. The expr must evaluate to an array, slice, or map. The block iterates through the elements. Note that id1 and id2 must be predeclared.
  • "{" { <statement> } "}" Block statement
  • match <expr> "{" { when <expr_list> : { <statement> } } [ default : { <statement> } ] "}" expr is compared to each when clause in order.
  • ( break | continue | fallthrough ) ;
    • break stops execution of the current loop. It then exits the loop.
    • continue stops execution of the current loop. It then continues execution of the next loop.
    • fallthrough falls through to the next when in a match block.
  • <expr> ; Evalutate expr. The result is thrown away.
  • ; Empty statement.
  • <ID> | <FLOAT> | <INT> | <BOOL> | <STRING> | <NIL> Literals.

Variable declaration (<var_decl>)

  • var <ID> <kind> ;
    • Declare id of kind type.
  • <ID> ":=" <expr> ;
    • Short declaration. The id is set to the type and value of the expr.

The grammar is clean of implementation language and is written in ANTLR as a visitor to the tree.

Built-in functions

  • exit()
    • Exit the program. No parameters allowed.
  • len(<expr>)
    • Return the length of the expression. For compound types, return the count of data. For strings, return the length of the string.
  • print(<expr_list>)
    • Print each expr in the list, with a space between them.
  • println(<expr_list>)
    • print() with a line feed at the end.
  • stringValue(<expr>)
    • Returns a string representation of the expr--the same printed with print.
  • delete(<expr>, <expr>)
    • Delete key(second expr) from map(first expr). Return bool indicating whether the key existed.
  • key(<expr>, <expr>)
    • Determine if key(second expr) exists in map(first expr).


|            alternation
()           grouping
[]           option (0 or 1 times)
{}           repetition (0 to n times)
:=           assign to token or production on left
literal      literal characters as typed--"literal"
<prod>       grammar rule specified elsewhere
<TOKEN>      lexer rule specified elsewhere

"{" "[" ...  notation elements as literals

Solving Tic-Tac-Toe (tic.pinn)

EMPTY := 0;
TIE := 3;
PLAYER_A := 1;
PLAYER_B := 2;
SIZE := 3;
var rHashMap [map]int;

func rHash(board [SIZE][SIZE]int, player int) int {
    rt := 0;
    var v int;
    var x int;
    var y int;
    for x = range 0:SIZE {
        for y = range 0:SIZE {
            v = board[x][y];
            rt *= SIZE;
            rt += v;
    rt *= 2;
    rt += player - 1;
    return rt;
func printBoard (board [SIZE][SIZE]int) {
	var y int;
	var x int;
	for y = range 0:SIZE {
        print (board[0][y]);
		for x = range 1:SIZE {
        print (" ");
        print (board[x][y]);
	println ("---");

func full (board [SIZE][SIZE]int) bool {
    var x int;
    var y int;
    for x = range 0:SIZE {
        for y = range 0:SIZE {
            if board[x][y] == EMPTY {
                return false;
    return true;

func line (board [SIZE][SIZE]int, x int, y int, dx int, dy int) int {
    comp := board[x][y];
    if comp == EMPTY {
        return TIE;
    while x + dx < SIZE && y + dy < SIZE {
        x += dx;
        y += dy;
        if board[x][y] != comp {
            return TIE;
    return comp;

func winner (board [SIZE][SIZE]int) int {
	var i int;
    var rt int;

    for i = range 0:SIZE {
        rt = line(board, i, 0, 0, 1);
        if rt != TIE
            return rt;
        rt = line(board, 0, i, 1, 0);
        if rt != TIE
            return rt;
    rt = line(board, 0, 0, 1, 1);
    if rt != TIE
        return rt;
    rt = line(board, 0, SIZE - 1, 1, -1);
    return rt;

func opposite (x int) int { return x == PLAYER_A ? PLAYER_B : PLAYER_A; }
func minimax (player int, board [SIZE][SIZE]int) int
	var result int;
	best := opposite(player);

	result = winner(board);
	if result != TIE {
		return result;
    if full(board) {
        return TIE;
	var x int;
	var y int;
    var strRHash string;
	for x = range 0:SIZE {
		for y = range 0:SIZE {
			if board[x][y] == EMPTY {
				board[x][y] = player;
                strRHash = stringValue(rHash(board, player));
                if rHashMap[strRHash] > 0 {
                    result = rHashMap[strRHash];
                } else {
                    result = minimax(opposite(player), board);
                    rHashMap[strRHash] = result;
				if result == player {
					return player;
				if result == TIE {
					best = TIE;
				board[x][y] = EMPTY;
	return best;

func main() {
    var    board [SIZE][SIZE]int;
    println("Initial board");

    result := minimax (PLAYER_A, board);
    resultString := "";
    match result {
        when TIE:
            resultString = "Tie.";
        when PLAYER_A:
            resultString = "Player A.";
        when PLAYER_B:
            resultString = "Player B.";
    println ("Winner:", resultString);


Systems language in Swift and ANTLR. Earlier version.







No releases published


