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Kushan Joshi edited this page May 13, 2018 · 11 revisions

IdlyGL Store

IdlyGl uses a store object which is the central source of truth.

Jump to All Properties to see the list of all the possible values that you can read/write to the store.

Head over to the wiki for more examples.

Providing initial values to the store

// providing a mapbox-gl layer id to render idly-gl layers
// below it
const initialValue = {
  map: {
    beforeLayer: 'my-layer',
const idly = new IdlyGl(initialValue);

Getting current value of the store

const store = idly.getStore();
console.log(store.interaction.selectedId); // prints the currently selected ID.

Warning: Do not update the store or any of its property directly, treat the store as readonly!

Updating the store

// selecting a node
const nodeId = 'n1234';
  interaction: {
    selectedId: nodeId,
// updating multiple things
  tab: {
    active: 'tree',
  interaction: {
    selectedId: 'r123',

idly.updateStore takes a partial store and automatically merges it with the existing store, which means you do not have to provide the entire store every time you want to update it.

Warning: Do not directly set a value to store object, instead use updateStore instead.

let store = idly.getStore();
store.interaction.selectedId = 'r123'; // DO NOT DO THIS!

// Do this instead!
  interaction: {
    selectedId: 'r123',

Listening for changes

idly.onChange(store => {
  console.log(store.interaction.selectedId); // n1234

Warning: Do not directly set a value to store object, use updateStore instead.

Get tags, attributes and other data for an OSM ID

let store = idly.getStore();
const entityId = store.interaction.selectedId;
const dataPromise = idly.getEntity(entityId);

dataPromise.then(data => console.log(data)); // prints all of the associated OSM data

Note: It can be possible that the data is undefined

All Properties

Property Description Type Current value of the active tab. Info , Tags , Tree , Layers
interaction.hoverId The entity which is currently hovered. The hovering effect can be seen as an orange highlight around an entity. String (OSM iD prepended with n, w & r)
interaction.selectedId The entity which is currently selected. The selection effect can be seen as blue highlight around an entity. String (OSM iD prepended with n, w & r)
map.loading The current data loading state of idly. Boolean
map.layers All of the mapbox-gl layers of idly. Array<Mapboxgl layers>
map.featureCollection The geojson representation of all the osm entities in current view. FeatureCollection
map.layerOpacity The opacity of idly-gl layers. Number
map.quadkeys The current quadkeys of the current view. Array<String>
map.beforeLayer The layer id to render all of the idly-gl layers under it. Use it when you want to prevent idly-gl's layer from hiding your apps layer. Make sure the layer is already rendered on the map. String
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