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Kushan Joshi edited this page May 14, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to Idly-Gl's User Guide.


Idly-gl has two primary mouse intents, which are hover and select.


You can hover over an entity by simply putting your mouse on top of it. The entity would start showing an orange highlight around it.



You can select an entity by clicking on it. The entity would appear to have a blue highlight around it.


Visualing Turn Restriction

Currently Idly-Gl only provides visualization of Turn Restrictions on the map. You can spot a turn restriction by seeing a gray highlight around the members of the entity.


The gray highlight around an entity suggests that it is a part of turn restriction. If you bring your mouse on this area it will highlight the Turn restriction.


Note: It might possibly be confusing on how to Select a turn restriction. By definition restrictions are just a collection of other entities, bringing mouse near any member entity will only select/hover that member. If you want to select the turn restriction, make sure your mouse stays in the gray highlight of turn restriction!

Selecting/Hovering it will show colours around it.


  • from member will have a light violet highlight around them.
  • via members would have gray highlight around them.
  • to member can either have red indicating no and violet indicating only.



Action Bar

  • You can change the opacity on all idly-gl's layer by clicking the 🌘 button.
  • Clicking the ? will open up this document.
  • Clicking the Entity ID will take you Openstreemap's website.


The Idly-Gl UI can be broken down into 4 tabs (Info, Tags, Tree, Layers), each serving a special purpose.


The Info tab shows the basic information related to entity.



The Tags tab shows all tags of the entity.



The tree tab helps you figure out what other entities are associated with it. It can tell you all the relations the selected entity is part of or all the members of the current relation.


  • Clicking on any of the entity would let you hover over that entity and also open a Peak window below the Tree.
  • You can use this Peak window to quickly glance over the entity's information.
  • Clicking on the button on the extreme right of the entity ID will let you select the entity.
  • If an orange circle appears next to entity ID, it indicates it is being currently hovered, whereas a blue circle would indicate that the entity is currently selected.
  • Clicking the would let you expand the current entity to see all the entities that are related to it.



The colouring of the layers has been directly copied from iD editor's colouring scheme, if you find an entity which is rendered differently in iD, it would be helpful to open a Github issue so I can fix it.

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