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OUTLIER(1)                       User Commands                      OUTLIER(1)

       outlier - find outlier limits from numeric input

       outlier [options] [file]

       This  command  reads  from  input files, or stdin when file argument is
       omitted, numeric input and does  statistics  analysis  to  the  values.
       Output  put  has  is printed to each input file separately, and it con‐
       tains lof (low fench), q1 (first quartile), mean, q1 (third  quartile),
       hif  (high fench), range how much values differ, and samples that tells
       how many data points the calculation got as an input.   The  output  is
       same as what is basis of a traditional boxplot.

       -m, --min value
              Minimum allowed value.  When lof is calculated to be smaller the
              minimum value is printed instead.

       -x, --max value
              Maximum allowed value.  When hif is calculated to be greater the
              maximum value is printed instead.

       -r, --rrdxml
              Read  rrd archive database row values from rrdtool dump xml out‐

       -w, --whiskers multiplier
              Multiply interquartile range by a floating point number, to  set
              lof  and  hif  to be closer (multiplier < 1.0) or further (1.0 <
              multplier).  The default multiplier is 1.5.  If the dump has  in
              definition for min and/or max data set values they are used as a
              minimum and maximum printout values for lof  and  hif  when  the
              calculated  value  is  out  of range.  When multiplier is set to
              zero printing (and related computation) of lof, hif and range is

       -V, --version
              Display version information and exit.

       -h, --help
              Display help and exit.

       Dump  rrd a file, filter output to contain only measurement values, and

       rrdtool dump file.rrd | outlier --rrdxml
       cat lots_of_numbers | outlier
       outlier input_file_1 input_file_2

       This command was originally wrote to assist finding reasonable alarming
       thresholds from rrd files.  The lof and hif can be considered as a rea‐
       sonable guess when a measurement exceeds limit of begin normal, and  an
       alarm should be sent.

       rrdtool(1), ⟨⟩

       The  outlier  command  can  be  found  from github ⟨

outlier                               1.0                           OUTLIER(1)