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Close #281 - [refined4s-core] Add NonBlankString which can be neither…
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… all whitespace chars nor an empty String
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kevin-lee committed Apr 6, 2024
1 parent 82c8e54 commit 3c9cd3d
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Showing 3 changed files with 297 additions and 3 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ lazy val props =
val RepoName = GitHubRepo.fold("refined4s")(_.nameToString)

val Scala3Version = "3.1.3"
// val Scala3Version = "3.3.1"
// val Scala3Version = "3.3.3"

val ProjectScalaVersion = Scala3Version

Expand All @@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ lazy val props =
val IncludeTest = "compile->compile;test->test"

val HedgehogVersion = "0.10.1"
val HedgehogExtraVersion = "0.8.0"

val ExtrasVersion = "0.44.0"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,6 +349,8 @@ lazy val libs = new {
).map(_ % Test)

lazy val hedgehogExtraCore = "io.kevinlee" %% "hedgehog-extra-core" % props.HedgehogExtraVersion % Test

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,7 +384,7 @@ def module(projectName: String, crossProject: CrossProject.Builder): CrossProjec
scalacOptions ++= (if (isScala3(scalaVersion.value)) List("-no-indent") else List("-Xsource:3")),
// scalacOptions ~= (ops => ops.filter(_ != "UTF-8")),
libraryDependencies ++= libs.tests.hedgehog,
libraryDependencies ++= libs.tests.hedgehog ++ List(libs.tests.hedgehogExtraCore),
wartremoverErrors ++= Warts.allBut(Wart.Any, Wart.Nothing, Wart.ImplicitConversion, Wart.ImplicitParameter),
Compile / console / scalacOptions :=
(console / scalacOptions)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ trait strings {
final type NonEmptyString = strings.NonEmptyString
final val NonEmptyString = strings.NonEmptyString

final type NonBlankString = strings.NonBlankString
final val NonBlankString = strings.NonBlankString

final type Uuid = strings.Uuid
final val Uuid = strings.Uuid

Expand All @@ -40,6 +43,42 @@ object strings {

private[types] val WhitespaceCharRange: List[(Int, Int)] =
9 -> 13,
28 -> 32,
5760 -> 5760,
8192 -> 8198,
8200 -> 8202,
8232 -> 8233,
8287 -> 8287,
12288 -> 12288,

type NonBlankString = NonBlankString.Type
object NonBlankString extends InlinedRefined[String], CanBeOrdered[String] {

override inline val inlinedExpectedValue = "not all whitespace non-empty String"

override inline def inlinedPredicate(inline a: String): Boolean = ${ isValidNotAllWhitespaceNonEmptyString('a) }

override def invalidReason(a: String): String =
expectedMessage("not all whitespace non-empty String")

override def predicate(a: String): Boolean = a != "" && !a.forall(c => WhitespaceCharRange.exists((min, max) => c >= min && c <= max))

extension (inline thisNbs: Type) {
inline def ++(thatNbs: Type): Type = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(thisNbs.value + thatNbs.value)

inline def prependString(that: String): Type = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(that + thisNbs.value)

inline def appendString(that: String): Type = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(thisNbs.value + that)


type Uuid = Uuid.Type
object Uuid extends InlinedRefined[String], CanBeOrdered[String] {
override inline val inlinedExpectedValue = "UUID"
Expand All @@ -66,6 +105,31 @@ object strings {


def isValidNotAllWhitespaceNonEmptyString(stringExpr: Expr[String])(using Quotes): Expr[Boolean] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
stringExpr.asTerm match {
case Inlined(_, _, Literal(StringConstant(str))) =>
try {
// Expr(str != "" && !str.forall(c => WhitespaceCharRange.exists((min, max) => min <= c && c <= max)))
} catch {
case ex: Throwable =>

Check warning on line 118 in modules/refined4s-core/shared/src/main/scala/refined4s/types/strings.scala

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L116 - L118 were not covered by tests
"Error when checking validity of NotAllWhitespaceNonEmptyString. Error: " + ex.getMessage,

Check warning on line 121 in modules/refined4s-core/shared/src/main/scala/refined4s/types/strings.scala

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L121 was not covered by tests
case _ =>

Check warning on line 124 in modules/refined4s-core/shared/src/main/scala/refined4s/types/strings.scala

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added lines #L123 - L124 were not covered by tests
"The argument passed to NotAllWhitespaceNonEmptyString.apply must be a string literal.",

Check warning on line 128 in modules/refined4s-core/shared/src/main/scala/refined4s/types/strings.scala

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L128 was not covered by tests

val UnexpectedLiteralErrorMessage: String =
"""Uri must be a string literal.
|If it's unknown in compile-time, use `Uuid.from` or `Uuid.unsafeFrom` instead.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import java.util.UUID
* @since 2023-04-25
object stringsSpec extends Properties {
override def tests: List[Test] = NonEmptyStringSpec.tests ++ UuidSpec.tests
override def tests: List[Test] = NonEmptyStringSpec.tests ++ NonBlankStringSpec.tests ++ UuidSpec.tests

object NonEmptyStringSpec {
import all.NonEmptyString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,6 +131,233 @@ object stringsSpec extends Properties {


object NonBlankStringSpec {
import all.NonBlankString

def tests: List[Test] = List(
example("test NonBlankString.apply", testApply),
example("test NonBlankString.apply (2)", testApply),
example("test NonBlankString.apply with invalid", testApply),
property("test NonBlankString.from(valid)", testFromValid),
property("test NonBlankString.from(invalid)", testFromInvalid),
property("test NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(valid)", testUnsafeFromValid),
property("test NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(invalid)", testUnsafeFromInvalid),
property("test NonBlankString.value", testValue),
property("test NonBlankString.unapply", testUnapplyWithPatternMatching),
property("test NonBlankString ++ NonBlankString", testNonBlankStringPlusNonBlankString),
property("test NonBlankString.prependString(String)", testNonBlankStringPrependStringString),
property("test NonBlankString.appendString(String)", testNonBlankStringAppendStringString),
property("test Ordering[NonBlankString]", testOrdering),
property("test Ordered[NonBlankString]", testOrdered),

def testApply: Result = {
/* The actual test is whether this compiles or not actual ==== expected is meaningless here */
val expected = NonBlankString("blah")
val actual = NonBlankString("blah")
actual ==== expected

def testApply2: Result = {

import scala.compiletime.testing.typeChecks

val shouldCompile1 = typeChecks(
import strings.*


def testApplyWithInvalid: Result = {

import scala.compiletime.testing.typeChecks

val shouldFail1 = typeChecks(
import strings.*

val shouldFail2 = typeChecks(
import strings.*
NonBlankString(" ")

val shouldFail3 = typeChecks(
import strings.*

val shouldFail4 = typeChecks(
import strings.*

(shouldFail1 ==== false).log("Compilation should have been failed but it didn't for NonBlankString(\"\")"),
(shouldFail2 ==== false).log("Compilation should have been failed but it didn't for NonBlankString(\" \")"),
(shouldFail3 ==== false).log("Compilation should have been failed but it didn't for NonBlankString(\"\\n\")"),
(shouldFail4 ==== false).log("Compilation should have been failed but it didn't for NonBlankString(\"\\t\")"),

def testFromValid: Property =
for {
nonWhitespaceString <- Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genNonWhitespaceChar, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("nonWhitespaceString")
whitespaceString <-
Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genCharByRange(strings.WhitespaceCharRange), Range.linear(1, 10)).log("whitespaceString")
s <- Gen.constant(scala.util.Random.shuffle((nonWhitespaceString + whitespaceString).toList).mkString).log("s")
} yield {
val expected = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s)
val actual = NonBlankString.from(s)
actual ==== Right(expected)

def testFromInvalid: Property =
for {
s <-
5 -> Gen.constant(""),
95 -> Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genCharByRange(strings.WhitespaceCharRange), Range.linear(1, 10)),
} yield {
val expected = s"Invalid value: [$s]. It must be not all whitespace non-empty String"
val actual = NonBlankString.from(s)
actual ==== Left(expected)

def testUnsafeFromValid: Property =
for {
nonWhitespaceString <- Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genNonWhitespaceChar, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("nonWhitespaceString")
whitespaceString <-
Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genCharByRange(strings.WhitespaceCharRange), Range.linear(1, 10)).log("whitespaceString")
s <- Gen.constant(scala.util.Random.shuffle((nonWhitespaceString + whitespaceString).toList).mkString).log("s")
} yield {
val expected = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s)
val actual = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s)
actual ==== expected

def testUnsafeFromInvalid: Property =
for {
s <-
5 -> Gen.constant(""),
95 -> Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genCharByRange(strings.WhitespaceCharRange), Range.linear(1, 10)),
} yield {
val expected = s"Invalid value: [$s]. It must be not all whitespace non-empty String"
try {
.log("""IllegalArgumentException was expected from NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(""), but it was not thrown.""")
} catch {
case ex: IllegalArgumentException =>
ex.getMessage ==== expected


def testValue: Property =
for {
s <- Gen.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s")
} yield {
val expected = s
val actual = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s)
actual.value ==== expected

def testUnapplyWithPatternMatching: Property =
for {
s <- Gen.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s")
} yield {
val expected = s
val nes = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s)
nes match {
case NonBlankString(actual) =>
actual ==== expected

def testNonBlankStringPlusNonBlankString: Property =
for {
s1 <- Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genNonWhitespaceChar, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s1")
s2 <- Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genNonWhitespaceChar, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s2")

expected <- Gen.constant(s1 + s2).map(NonBlankString.unsafeFrom).log("expected")
} yield {
val nbs1 = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s1)
val nbs2 = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s2)
val actual = nbs1 ++ nbs2
actual ==== expected

def testNonBlankStringPrependStringString: Property =
for {
s1 <- Gen.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 3)).log("s1")
s2 <- Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genNonWhitespaceChar, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s2")

expected <- Gen.constant(s1 + s2).map(NonBlankString.unsafeFrom).log("expected")
} yield {
val nbs = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s2)
val actual = nbs.prependString(s1)
actual ==== expected

def testNonBlankStringAppendStringString: Property =
for {
s1 <- Gen.string(hedgehog.extra.Gens.genNonWhitespaceChar, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s1")
s2 <- Gen.string(Gen.unicode, Range.linear(1, 3)).log("s2")

expected <- Gen.constant(s1 + s2).map(NonBlankString.unsafeFrom).log("expected")
} yield {
val nbs1 = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s1)
val actual = nbs1.appendString(s2)
actual ==== expected

def testOrdering: Property =
for {
s1 <- Gen.string(Gen.alphaNum, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s1")
s2 <- Gen.string(Gen.alphaNum, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s2")
} yield {
val input1 = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s1)
val input2 = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s2)
val expected =
Result.diff(input1, input2)(Ordering[NonBlankString].compare(_, _) == expected)

def testOrdered: Property =
for {
s1 <- Gen.string(Gen.alphaNum, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s1")
s2 <- Gen.string(Gen.alphaNum, Range.linear(1, 10)).log("s2")
} yield {
val input1 = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s1)
val input2 = NonBlankString.unsafeFrom(s2)
val expected =
Result.diff(input1: Ordered[NonBlankString], input2: NonBlankString)( == expected)


object UuidSpec {

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