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Language Framework Platform Author
ASP.NET Core .NET Core 2.0 Azure Web App Kevin Gorski

Wheel of Fate Task

Problem Description

  • All engineers take it in turns to support the business for half a day at a time
  • This should select two engineers at random to both complete a half day of support each.
  • For the purposes of this task you are free to assume that we have 10 engineers
  • There are some rules and these are liable to change in the future:
    • An engineer can do at most one half day shift in a day
    • An engineer cannot have half day shifts on consecutive days
    • Each engineer should have completed one whole day of support in any 2 week period
  • At the end of the task, the following must be included:
    • A Presentation Layer (Front End)
    • An API

Design Decisions


.NET Core 2

Both the most modern version of ASP.NET available and the most practical for developing on my MacBook.


Live, versioned API documentation

Autofac & Dependency Injection

Supports applying SOLID principles and writing testable/mockable code in C#

React UI

Componentized, testable, readable JavaScript UIs, who doesn't like that?


Engineers Controller

Not used directly in the app as written, just straightforward get by ID and list all operations.

Support Schedules Controller

  • Get by date - the date is used as a unique identifier for each schedule
  • List with min/max filter
  • Create with SupportScheduleSpecification
    • This is more of an RPC-style call rather than being REST-ful since we're not sending exactly what we want to store in the request body, but unless we want to allow for both random scheduling and user-specified overrides (in which case the RPC/random style call could be on a separate route) this may be acceptable.

Scheduling Domain

The most important class here is SupportScheduler, which executes the process of randomly scheduling engineers while following the given rules by delegating the implementations to specific collaborators:

  • Validate the given date - I assumed scheduling in the past or on the weekends would be disallowed
  • Select the subset of all engineers that could be scheduled today based on the rules
  • Randomly select engineers from the subset
  • Create and store the new schedule


Coding task using .NET Core and React







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