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Insane thoughts on functional testing with webdriver

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This is an experiment of testing with concurrent multiple webdriver instances running.
A mocha-like test framework is created to run the tests. However, it differs from Mocha in that all it() are treated as individual tasks and scheduled as soon as possible. Therefore, local variables inside describe would not work in our case. We only allow passing information from beforeEach() to it() and then to afterEach() through env object. Furthermore, nested describe is not currently supported...

How to run

Put your tests in spec/**/*.js.

yarn install-drivers # install drivers. Just run once at the very beginning
yarn # install packages (express, etc.)
yarn server # start server at localhost:8080, allowing accessing pages in pages/ folder
yarn start [--spec="file1,file2"] [--cap="firefox,chrome,safari"] # run tests, with given files and capabilities. Separate with comma

Tests should look like this:

const fs = require('fs');

describe('Test suite', () => {
  beforeEach((browser, env) => { = 1;

  afterEach((browser, env) => {

  it('should take screenshot', async (browser, env) => {
    await browser.get('');
    // save screenshot
    fs.writeFileSync(`screenshots.png`, await browser.takeScreenshot(), 'base64');

To change the capability available (which browsers, how many), go to config.js and change there.

Custom Test Suite API

// Create a new suite. Suite name MUST be unique!
describe('suite name', () => {
  beforeEach((browser, env) => {}); // OPTIONAL Runs before each test unit. `env` is passed across beforeEach, it and afterEach
  afterEach((browser, env) => {}); // OPTIONAL Runs after each test unit. `env` is passed across beforeEach, it and afterEach
  it('test name', (browser, env) => {}) // A single test unit. `env` is passed across beforeEach, it and afterEach
    .timeout(1000) // OPTIONAL Set timeout for this single test (beforeEach and afterEach has their own timeout, inherited from suite)
  it.skip('skipped', (browser, env) => {}); // This test is skipped
  it.only('only', (browser, env) => {}); // Only run this test in the suite
}) // create a test suite
.timeout(1000) // OPTIONAL Set timeout for suite (will be applied to beforeEach, afterEach, and by default on all it() test units)

describe.skip('suite name', () => {}); // This suite is skipped
describe.only('suite name', () => {}); // This suite will be the only one to be run
describe.withCapabilities(['chrome'], 'suite name', () => {}); // This suite will only run under the specified capabilities (edit config.js for new ones)
describe.exceptForCapabilities(['mobile-chrome'], 'suite name', () => {}); // This suite will only run if current capabilities is not in specified capabilities
describe.onlyWithCapabilities(['chrome'], 'suite name', () => {}); // .only version of withCapabilities
describe.onlyExceptForCapabilities(['mobile-chrome'], 'suite name', () => {}); // .only version of exceptForCapabilities

Known issues

setTimeout would block process from ever exist or more... AVOID using it.


Insane thoughts on functional testing with webdriver






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