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The Weekly Meal Planner is a simple application that will allow users to store recipes into a weekly meal plan that will hold the total calories and macronutrients (i.e., Protein) of the user's own collection of recipes which must be added manually. I would advise the user to have an account or access to sites with recipes such as 'FitMenCook' to utilize the app effectively. It is a react on rails project which utilizes postgresQL as the database client. It is an complementary project to the Maintenance calculator.


The _Weekly Meal Planner MVP requirements are the following:


  • Build a Ruby on Rails API with RESTful JSON endpoints
  • Build a database with minimum of 3 tables and 1 association between tables
  • Use only Rails to build models
  • Build Full CRUD for minimum of one controller of the non-user tables (index, show, create, update, destroy)


  • Build a react app via npx-create-react-app -Build 8 separate components in an organized file structure -Use only React for DOM manipulation -Access data from your Rails API and render data in react components -Use React-Router for client-side routing -Build full CRUD actions for minimum 1 non-auth based service (index, show, create, update, destroy)


  • Style using CSS, SASS, SCSS, Styled Components, or Material_UI
  • Use Flexbox or Grid
  • Use 2 media queries to design for 3 different screen sizes (1 must be desktop)


  • Deploy the fully functional front-end via Surge or Netlify.
  • Deploy the back-end via Heroku.
  • Deploy early and often(this will help to debug small issues before they become large issues)


  • Indent properly.
  • Utilize high-quality, semantic variable names.
  • Follow camelCase, snake_case, and kebab-case convention.
  • Remove unnecessary boilerplate React files and code.
  • Remove all console.log() s and commented out code (functional notes and comments are okay).


  • Initialize a git repo on Github, with a link to your hosted project.
  • Have frequent commits, making a robust commit history at least every day. (75 commits minimum)
  • Use effective and safe branching and merging processes.


  • Enable user auth,
  • Enable full CRUD on weekly meal plans
  • Enable full CRUD on recipes

Libraries and Dependencies

Library Description
React The only way to react is react
React Router Client-side routing
Material-UI Library of re-usable and customizable components
React-Lotte Animation Library from AirBnB ported for react

Client (Front End)


Wireframe Paths

  • Desktop Landing

Landing Page - Desktop

-Tablet Landing Landing Page - Tablet

-Mobile Landing Mobile - Landing Page

  • Resource Index

  • Tablet Resource Index

  • Tablet - index   show

  • Mobile Resource Index + Show

Index + Show - Mobile

Component Tree

Component Tree Sample

Component Architecture

|__ animations/
      |__ cooking.json
      |__ fatigue.josn
      |__ path.json
|__ assets/
|__ components/
      |__ Footer
           |__ Theme.js
            |__ MainContainer.jsx
|__ services/

Time Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Add Contact Forms H 10+ hrs 10+ hrs 10+ hrs
Create CRUD Actions x 2 H 20+ hrs 20+ hrs 20+hrs
Screens H 10+hrs 10+hrs 10+hrs
Services H 10+hrs 10+hrs 10+hrs
TOTAL 50+hrs 50+hrs 50+hrs

Server (Back End)

ERD Model

ERD Table


  • Voice Enabled Input
  • Grocery List (API from local grocers)
  • Google Maps integration
  • Calorie Tracking and handling on menu
  • Chart.js library for macros as well
  • Add a feedback section to get feedback from beta-testers

Code Showcase

Cool Code #1

functionality: _This function works like a history.push to go back 1 specific page

const goBack = () => {


  <button onClick={() => goBack()}>Back</button>

Cool Code #2

functionality: _This is actually an eventHandler with multiple functions loaded onto it. It is useful to make multi-state components _

onClick={() => {fxn1; function2}}

Cool Code #3

@material_ui docs: I highly recommend material ui. It's fun.

Code Issues & Resolutions

React Lottie - read lottie animation and google

Hero Page - udemy

@material-ui - YT,udemy, google, @material-ui

deployment - google, heroku, and feedback


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