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KF7EEL edited this page Mar 11, 2022 · 7 revisions

The payload of the MQTT messages is in JSON. This page describes the various aspects of the implementation of MQTT into HBNet, in the hopes that it is useful for those who want to write an external application/gateway.

All messages are sent with a QOS of 0.

Topic Structure

All networks and applications publish to the topic ANOUNCE to announce their presence.

The topic ANNOUNCE/MQTT contains announcements from the MQTT server operator. This is intended for maintenance announcements, etc.

Network gateways are subscribed to MSG/[GATEWAY CALLSIGN]/[DMR ID] for incoming messages destined for a radio user. For example, a message to 1234567 on network ABCDE would be published to MSG/ABCDE/1234567.

External applications should be subscribed to APP/[APP NAME]. For example, application TEST should be subscribed to APP/TEST to receive messages from radio users.


Service announcements: ANNOUNCE

Announcements from MQTT server operator: ANNOUNCE/MQTT

Application messages: APP/[APP NAME]

Message to user: MSG/[GATEWAY CALLSIGN]/[DMR ID]

Message Payloads

Here is an example of a payload going from one network to another:

Example of payload going from network to application:

Example of announcement. This is sent to topic ANNOUNCE so other networks and applications are aware:

Payload Data



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