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A Laravel package for SuperText Nigeria's SMS gateway API


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Laravel Package for SuperText Nigeria SMS Gateway

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This project is currently depreciated and archived because a framework agnostic PHP version is now available here: PHP Wrapper for SuperText Nigeria SMS Gateway


This is a simple Laravel wrapper for SuperText Nigeria's SMS API gateway.


Using Composer:

composer require kheme/laravel-supertext-nigeria

Installing on Laravel 5.5 or above

If you are using Laravel 5.5 or above, the package will automatically register the supertext provider and facade.

Installing on Laravel 5.4 and below

For Laravel 5.4 or below, add Kheme\SuperTextNg\SuperTextNgServiceProvider to the list of providers in your config/app.php:

'providers' => [
    // Other service providers...

If you want to use the facade interface, you can use the facade class when needed:

use Kheme\SuperTextNg\Facade\SMS;

Or add to the list of aliases in your config/app.php as follows:

'aliases' => [
    'SuperTextNg' => Kheme\SuperTextNg\Facade\SMS::class,

Installing on Lumen

Laravel SuperTextNg works with Lumen too! You will need to do a little work by hand to get it up and running. First, install the package using composer:

composer require kheme/laravel-supertext-nigeria

Next, we have to tell Lumen that our library exists. Update bootstrap/app.php and register SuperTextNgServiceProvider as follows:


At this point, set SUPERTEXTNG_USERNAME, SUPERTEXTNG_PASSWORD, SUPERTEXTNG_SENDER and SUPERTEXTNG_IGNORE_DND in your .env file and it should work for you.


Run artisan vendor:publish to copy the distribution configuration file to your app's config directory.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kheme\SuperTextNG\SuperTextNgServiceProvider"

Configuration on Lumen

Unfortunately, Lumen doesn't support publishing files, so you will have to create the config file yourself by creating a config directory (if it doesn't exist) and copying the config file out of the package into your project. From your project's root folder, run the following command in the terminal:

mkdir config
cp vendor/kheme/laravel-supertext-nigeria/config/supertextng.php config/supertextng.php

Update config/supertextng.php with your SuperText Nigeria credentials and settings. Alternatively, you can update your .env file with the respective values to the following:

SUPERTEXTNG_IGNORE_DND=('yes' or 'no' indicating whether to send to do-not-disturb numbers)

Finally, add $app->configure('supertextng'); to your bootstrap/app.php somewhere before registering the service provider above.


Don't forget to import the fascade before use:

use Kheme\SuperTextNg\Facades\SMS;

Sending to a single recipient

    ->message('Using the facade to send a message.')

On success, this should return true, otherwise, an exception will be thrown.

Sending to multiple recipients

You can send an SMS to multiple recipients by including multiple to() in your call:

    ->message('Using the facade to send a message.')

Or, by supplying an array of phone numbers to a single to():

    ->message('Using the facade to send a message.')

Send to DND enabled numbers

To send SMS to numbers that have Do Not Disturb (DND) enabled, include ignoreDND() to your call:

    ->message('Using the facade to send a message.')

Return unit balance after sending

If you would like to return your account balance after sending, include returnBalance() to your call:

    ->message('Using the facade to send a message.')

Return amount of units used for sending

If you would like to return the total amount of units used after sending, include returnUnitsUsed() to your call:

    ->message('Using the facade to send a message.')

Combining options

The above method options, exluding the balance() below, can be combined like in the following example:

    ->message('Using the facade to send a message.')

Checking account balance

To check your SuperText Nigeria credit balance, simply call balance():

return SMS::balance();


In the case of an error, a call will return an error as follows:

The numbers on the left are the corresponding error code from SuperText Nigeria, but will not be included in the error response

  • 100: One or more required url parameter is missing or misspelt
  • 101: Username is blank
  • 102: Password is blank
  • 103: Destination is blank
  • 104: Message is blank
  • 105: Sender is blank
  • 200: Wrong username or password
  • 201: Account has not been activated
  • 202: Inactive account
  • 300: Insufficient credit
  • 400: Failed delivery (no credit deducted)