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Scala REST API Application with Play Framework

Technology Stack

  • Scala 2.13
  • Play Framework 2.8.19
  • Slick 5.0.0 (DB Access/Evolutions)
  • PostgreSQL
  • Guice (DI)
  • Silhouette (Authn/Authz)
  • HTTPClient (Play WS)
  • JSON Conversion (Play JSON)
  • Logging (Logback)

Project Structure

── scala-demo
   ├── app                                            # The Scala application source code
   │   ├── utils
   │   │   └── auth                                   # Authentication utils
   │   ├── domain
   │   │   ├── tables                                 # Slick tables
   │   │   │   ├── OrderTable.scala                   # Represents order table
   │   │   │   ├── OrderDetailTable.scala             # Represents order details table
   │   │   │   ├── ProductTable.scala                 # Represents products table
   │   │   │   └── UserTable.scala                    # Represents users table
   │   │   ├── models                                 # Models
   │   │   │   ├── Order.scala                        # Order model
   │   │   │   ├── OrderDetail.scala                  # OrderDetail model
   │   │   │   ├── Product.scala                      # Product model   
   │   │   │   └── User.scala                         # User model
   │   │   ├── daos                                   # Data access objects
   │   │   │   ├── DaoRunner.scala                    # Run Slick database actions by transactions
   │   │   │   ├── DbExecutionContext.scala           # Custom ExecutionContext for running DB connections
   │   │   │   ├── PasswordInfoDao.scala              # Password dao
   │   │   │   ├── PostDao.scala                      # Post dao
   │   │   │   └── UserDao.scala                      # User dao
   │   │   └── dtos                                   # Data transfer objects
   │   │       ├── request                            # Request dtos
   │   │       │   ├── LoginPostRequest.scala         # Request dto for login
   │   │       │   ├── OrderItemsRequest.scala        # Request dto for create/update order items
   │   │       │   ├── OrderPostRequest.scala         # Request dto for create order
   │   │       │   ├── OrderPutRequest.scala          # Request dto for update order
   │   │       │   ├── ProductPostRequest.scala       # Request dto for create/update product
   │   │       │   └── UserPostRequest.scala          # Request dto for create/update user
   │   │       └── response                           # Response dtos
   │   │           ├── OrderItemsResponse.scala       # Response dto for order items
   │   │           ├── OrderResponse.scala            # Response dto for order
   │   │           ├── ProductResponse.scala          # Response dto for product
   │   │           └── UserResponse.scala             # Response dto for user
   ├── httpclient                                     # Play modules
   │   │   ├── AbstractHttpClient.scala
   │   │   ├── ErrorResponse.scala
   │   │   ├── ExternalProductClient.scala
   │   │   └── ExternalServiceException.scala
   │   ├── system                                     # Play modules
   │   │   └── modules
   │   │       └── SilhouetteModule.scala             # Bind silhouette components
   │   └── controllers                                # Application controllers
   │       ├── AuthenticationController.scala         # Login/Register controllers
   │       ├── SilhouetteController.scala             # Abstract silhouette controller
   │       ├── ProductController.scala                # Product controllers for CRUD a product
   │       ├── OrderController.scala                  # Order controllers for CRUD an order
   │       └── UserController.scala                   # User controllers for CRUD an user
   ├── test                                           # Unit tests
   ├── it                                             # Integration tests
   ├── conf
   │   ├── evolutions                                 # Play evolutions SQL queries
   │   │   └── default                                # Default database
   │   │       └── 1.sql                              # Creates db tables
   │   ├── application.conf                           # Play configuration
   │   ├── default.conf                               # All aplication default configurations
   │   ├── routes                                     # Play routing
   │   ├── database.conf                              # Database configuration
   │   ├── httpclient.conf                            # Config for external API
   │   └── silhouette.conf                            # Silhouette configuration
   ├── postgresql
   │   └── postgresql.conf                            # PostgreSQL configuration
   ├── postman
   │   └── Scala.postman_collection.josn              # Postman collection
   ├── project
   ├── .gitignore
   ├── build.sbt
   └── docker-compose.yml                             # Docker compose for PostgreSQL

Getting Started

1. Setup PostgreSQL Database

You can install PostgreSQL on your local machine (need to update connection strings in ./conf/application.conf) or running the docker compose in the root folder to get PostgreSQL ready.

2. Run application

You need to download and install sbt for this application to run. Note: I've added the SBT bin to this project to build the source code without SBT installation Once you have sbt installed, the following at the command prompt will start up Play in development mode:

./sbt run

Play will start up on the HTTP port at http://localhost:9000/. You don't need to deploy or reload anything -- changing any source code while the server is running will automatically recompile and hot-reload the application on the next HTTP request.

3. Run Unit Tests

./sbt clean test

or to generate code coverage report with SCoverage

./sbt clean coverage test coverageReport

4. Run Integration Tests

./sbt clean integration/test


  1. Import Postman collection at postman folder and create a new environment with the X-Auth variable
  2. Using POST /login endpoint to login with Admin account | Admin@123456 to get JWT token in X-Auth response header
  3. Do any things you want with the application


License & Copyright

© 2023 Khoa Dang Hoang khoahd7621

🤟 Feel free to use my repository and star it if you find something interesting 🤟