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Create backend services for SmartChat, powered by OpenAI. This project includes robust user authentication, real-time chat processing, and seamless integration with OpenAI's CHATGPT API. Our primary focus is on scalability, security, and user privacy.

Key Components

  • User Authentication System: A robust authentication mechanism to securely identify users.
  • Message Handling Service: Handles incoming and outgoing messages, interfacing with the OpenAI ChatGPT API.
  • OpenAI ChatGPT API Integration: Seamlessly integrates with OpenAI's ChatGPT to provide intelligent responses based on user inputs.
  • Message Logging: Automatically logs both user queries and AI responses for data consistency and auditability.


  • User Sign-In: Users securely sign in, receiving an authentication token for session management.
  • CORS Handling: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configurations ensure secure interactions between different domains.
  • Message Submission: Authenticated users send messages, which are first logged and then passed to the OpenAI ChatGPT API.
  • Token Verification: Each request is verified for authenticity using the user's auth token.
  • Message Processing: The user's message is processed by OpenAI ChatGPT, generating a contextually relevant response.
  • Response Logging: The AI-generated response is logged alongside the user's original message.
  • Response Delivery: The response is streamed back to the user in real-time, providing an interactive experience.
  • Data Storage: All interactions are stored securely, adhering to privacy and security standards.

Future Improvements

  • Implement a scheduled task for deleting expired user accounts.
  • Enhance the user registration process to verify email ownership.
  • Develop more robust error handling mechanisms.
  • Optimize database queries for improved performance and scalability.


Our go-openai project represents a significant step towards enhancing user engagement through AI-powered conversations. We are committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to deliver an innovative, secure, and interactive user experience.


Create backend services for openai







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