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AIAD 2020-21

AI course project using JADE, Repast3, SaJas and JavaFX. Mafia in Town is an invented game by the group where N agents (all CPU) fight for their faction, like in Among Us or Town of Salem.

Run the project (Release 1)

  • Clone this repository for release 1
  • Launch IntelliJ IDEA and open this folder (on this level) as a project
  • Make sure you have both JavaFX and JADE in your machine
  • Go to project structure (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S)
    • Under Project select SDK 11
    • Under Project select a language level >= 11
    • Then on the Libraries tab add JADE and Java FX
      • Example: C:\Programs\JADE\lib\jade.jar
      • Example: C:\Programs\JavaFX11.0.2\lib\
    • After that, on the top right of your main window, edit your configuration and add --module-path <YOUR_PATH_TO_JAVA_FX> --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml to the VM Options. Your main class should be launcher.GameLauncher
  • Now you're ready to run the project, by pressing the play button next to the configuration

Run the project (Release 2)

  • Clone this repository for release 2
  • Launch IntelliJ IDEA and open this folder (on this level) as a project
  • Make sure you have JADE, SaJas and Repast3 in your machine
  • Go to project structure (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S)
    • Under Project select SDK 11
    • Under Project select a language level >= 11
    • Then on the Libraries tab add JADE, SaJas and Repast
      • Example: C:\Programs\JADE\lib\jade.jar
      • Example: C:\SAJaS/lib/SAJaS.jar
      • Example: C:\Repast3/RepastJ/repast.jar
      • Example: C:\Repast3/RepastJ/lib (add all jars below this folder)
    • Your main class should be launcher.GameLauncher.
  • Now you're ready to run the project. Do it by pressing the play button next to the configuration
  • This project can also be ran in Batch Mode, that allows for sequential runs. Those configurations are in