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Readme for 5-Card-Draw Game by Xiaoyu Jin
1. How to compile and run the game:

       go to ./game/ directory
       make clean

   I add comments in each head file to describe each function. Sometimes you can know what the functions do
   by their names.
   I am writing and running the code on linux based machine. I call some unix commands, such as "clear".
   So, make sure running the program on unix based computer.

2. The directories and files for the game

   The project directory includes 5 directories:
       list: implement the structure List
       queue: implement the structure Queue
       deck: implement the structure Card and Deck
       player: implement the structure Player, and Player's funcions
       game: implement the structure Game, and Game's funcions
   and 2 files:
       readme: the instructions and important idea of the game.
       bet_probability: the strategies for AI in the betting round.

   I don't implement Hand structure since I think it is unnecessary. Instead,
   I implement Card structure, and define a Card array in my Player structure.
   The funcions of each structure can be checked in each *.h file.

3. Some important ideas in the project

    I define 3 arrays: Suit, Face and Type in /player/player.c
    Suit: 0-3 standing for hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades
    Face: 0-12 standing for 2, 3 ,...Q, K, A 
    Type: 0-9 standing for High Card, One Pair,...Straight Flush, Royal Straight Flush
    A "card" is an integer in the range 0..51, hence
    Suit = card/13
    Face = card%13

    a. How can I compare 2 hands?

       For each hand, namely 5 cards, I will check their type(High card, one pair...) at first
       place. (/player/player.h check_type)

       After determining their type, I will sort them by their type. (/player/player.h sort_by_type)
       e.g If I get A, 2, 3, A, J. Firstly, I will know its type will be 1(value of One Pair). And then I sort
       them as: A, A, J, 3, 2. The face value will be 12, 12, 9, 1, 0.
       Finally, I add type value in front of these face values: 1, 12, 12, 9, 1, 0. I can use 4 bits to represent
       each value in the sequence. So, I can encode this sequence as 24 bits. In order to get an integer, I set
       rest 12 bits be 0. Therefore, I can encode a hand of cards to be an integer, and store it in hand_value in 
       Player structure.(/player/player.h)

       Since each hand have a value, with type value in higher bits, and cards are sorted by type, we can compare their
       value to get the result. Tie will happen if and only if two hands have exactly 5 cards with same face.

       I get this idea from

    b. How can I implement Monte Carlo Method
       When I get a hand of cards, there are 32 cases I can choose to discard cards. For each case, I can run MC to get
       an expected value of hand. Finally, I compare these 32 expected value, and choose the case with max expected 
       To get the expect value of each case, I will run simulation on this case many times(such as 10000), and get	
       an average value from this simulation, this average value will be the expected value of this case.

       e.g If I have (A, A, J, 3, 2), I can run MC this hand. In MC, I will run simulation for these 32 cases. 
       For the case of discarding Card 4(3) and Card 5(2). I run simulation 10000 times to discard these two cards, 
       the result may be:(A, A, J, 4, 2), (A, A, J, 10, 7), (A, A, J, J, 8)...I can get an average value of these 
       simulated hands. This average value will be expected value for this case(discarding Card 4, 5).

       After I get 32 expected value, I will check which one is max, and which case it is. Then I will return the value
       from 1 to 32 to tell the AI to do the case with max expected value.

       This implement is a little different from the stuff in PDF, but I think it's better. It will not cause the problem
       mentioned in PDF.

   C. How can I implement betting part

      There are 3 rounds of betting:
      - Ante round: each player will be forced to put one chip in pot. So, before dealing, there will be 1*(number of players)
      	chips in the pot.

      - First betting round: After dealing, players can choose check, bet, call, raise and fold. I set probability for all these betting
        options depending on their hand type(bet_probability). The betting will continue until all the players on the table bet the 
	same number of chips.

      - Second betting: After discarding, players can bet again. The implement is same to the first betting.
      For first and seconde betting round, there is a maxium value of betting number. It is defined as NUMR in /player/player.h
      For simplicity, The user will always be the first one to bet. And, the player with less than 3 chips will be kicked out of the game.


5-card-draw poker game written in C






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