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Laravel Localize

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An as minimalistic as possible localization package, makes it so the app.locale is set to nl in the case of /nl/home.


Require the package.

composer require kingscode/laravel-localize

... and optionally publish the config.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="KingsCode\LaravelLocalize\LocalizeServiceProvider"

Add the middleware to the needed middleware groups, in our case only to the web group.


namespace App\Http;

class Kernel extends HttpKernel

     * The application's route middleware groups.
     * @var array
    protected $middlewareGroups = [
        'web' => [
            LocaleSelector::class,     // <<<<<< Here it is.
            SubstituteBindings::class, // Its best to register before substitute bindings.

Now you must register the route file that holds your localized routes, you will do this twice:

  • Once without a prefix and prefixed name.
  • Once with a prefix and prefixed name.

This makes it so that your default locale can use / instead of being forced to have /en when your website is english by default.


use Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository;
use Illuminate\Routing\Router;
use KingsCode\LaravelLocalize\Localize;

class RouteServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function map()
        // Web routes without localization, like a "/file/{file}" route or such.
        // And as the last method call you'll do the localized web routes.
     * Define the localized "web" routes for the application.
     * @return void
    protected function mapLocalizedWebRoutes()
        // We'll take stuff from the config to keep things easily configurable.
        // Not a must, but it prevents you from having to override stuff.
        $config = $this->app->make(Repository::class);
        // We'll need a router to register routes duh.
        $router = $this->app->make(Router::class);
        /** @var Localize $localize */
        $localize = $this->app->make(Localize::class);
        // Okay so here is an IMPORTANT part.
        // Register the {locale} routes first otherwise {locale}/{any} will not be reachable and {any} will catch everything.
            ->prefix('{' . $config->get('localize.route_parameter_key') . '}') // We add the prefix.
            ->where([$config->get('localize.route_parameter_key') => $localize->getRouteRegex()])
            ->name($config->get('localize.route_name_prefix') . '.') // And the name prefix.