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Basic behaviour

Iker Nieto edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 5 revisions

Basic behaviour

Here I will explain a little bit of the more basic options, regarding to the -o, -t, -n When you execute the program you will be asked to enter two paths.

-o flag

The one following -o/--origin-dir is the folder where are located the files you want to backup. When executing, this path must be valid, must exist and must be a folder.

-t and -n flag

The other path, the one following -t/--target-dir is the folder where all the files that are backed up are going to be stored, the path must be valid and must be a folder. If it doesn't exist, you will be asked if you want to create it in case you didn't mean to enter that path. To skip this step and ensure you want to create the target folder you can add the -n/--new flag.
The first time you execute the program or the folder was just created, it will make a copy of all the files, with respect for exclusions.

File structure

The generated file structure will look something like this:

|\_ klone
|        \
|         |\_ src
|         |
|         |
|          \_ target
 \_ kopy
         \_ klone
                  |\_ src
                   \_ target

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