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Default folders

Iker Nieto edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 5 revisions

Default folders

When using this utility, probably you will find yourself always making the backups from the same origin folder to the same target directory. That's why this option exists, to store default folders for you to only execute:


-s flag

Executing the utility with this flag (long option: --show-defaults) will show you the current default folders:

The current defaults:
Origin directory: ~/klone
Target directory: ~/kopy

NOTE: The paths you will see are going to be absolute, so you can execute them in any route

-d flag

Using the -d/--defaults flag will take a path with it that is going to be stored as the default origin or target. When you execute this flag with the path, you will be asked to tell if the path you want to change is the origin or the target one.
For deleting a default pass None with the flag


You can store one target default path, and store in there multiple backups for different files.
It will be something like this:

|\_ klone
|        \
|         |\_ src
|         |
|         |
|          \_ target
|\_ Pictures
|           \
|           |\_ Family pictures
|           |
|           |
|            \_ Holiday pictures
 \_ kopy
         \_ klone
         |       \
         |        |\_ src
         |        |
         |        |
         |         \_ target
          \_ Pictures
                     |\_ Family pictures
                      \_ Holiday pictures

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