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Neovim plugin for taking screenshots

Take Screenshots directly from Neovim and embed references into markdown documents. This plugin relies on maim being installed on your system.


Using lazy.nvim:

{ 'kiran94/maim.nvim', config = true, cmd = {"Maim", "MaimMarkdown"} },

Once installed, you can check if the plugin is ready to work via :checkhealth maim. Note that if you take the lazy loaded approach, the plugin will likely needs to be loaded to check health.



Command Description
:Maim output_path Take a screenshot and save to output_path
:MaimMarkdown output_path [title] Take a screenshot and save a markdown reference to the current buffer. The title is optional.


Writing a Markdown file and need to take a screenshot from reference material and attach. You can use :MaimMarkdown to do this without leaving the editor. This will launch maim so you can take a screenshot, save the file to the specified location and then add a markdown link in your current buffer.



Assuming you are at the root of the repo.

  1. run make
    • This will add the local plugin to your runtimepath and open the main init.lua along with a sample markdown file in a split.
  2. Within Neovim, run :checkhealth maim
    • If you do not have maim installed then refer to this.