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Welcome to Fellow (because it's Penn LABs - badum tss) - a kanban board API.


This project was written using ES6 features (mostly) adhering to the Airbnb's ES6 Style Guide with a Node environment.

Front end

  1. Bulma for making forms look pretty.

Back end

  1. Express for server (npm has a great ecosystem).
  2. MongoDB for database (although the data is technically relational, NoSQL is fast to develop with and the schema dictates document-level references anyway).
  3. JWT/Passport for authentication (extra feature talked about at length in Documentation section).

Notable changes and additions

  1. The ids of cards and lists are immutable strings (not ints) as per MongoDB's standard schemas.
  2. The edit routes have been changed to /card/edit/:cardId and /list/edit/:listId for consistency.
  3. Added a /card/all route to return all cards made by the user.
  4. Added a /list/all route to return all lists made by the user (useful for debugging).
  5. Added timestamps using a createdAt field to all documents.
  6. Added an author field using creator to all documents.
  7. Built middleware in /server/auth/middleware.js to validate token authorization.

DevOps (Installation)

All environment variables are located in .env (I know this is isn't safe but I trust you guys), including PORT, DB_URI (currently hosted on MLab but can be changed) and SECRET (key used to sign tokens).

  1. Clone repo.
  2. Install packages using npm install.
  3. Run npm start to run project.


The code is commented but this section aims to provide a high-level overview of the project structure. Use this guide while exploring the codebase.

Server Behaviour

  1. Project is split into /server and /client folders. Project starts at server/index.js when running yarn start.
  2. Schemas for users, cards, and lists are in the /server/models folder with their own respective files linked together /server/models/index.js when connecting to the MongoDB instance.
  3. Routes are refactored into routers of their respective schema (and authentication protocol) in server/routes.
  4. CRUD operations within routes are standard with the exception of re-ordering lists in which other are moved around according instead of simple swapping (similar to Trello's actual behavior).


Tokens are used to authenticate routes in a stateless manner and are signed using the 256 bit secret found in .env (can be of arbitrary length). The procedure for token authentication in Fellow is as follows:

  1. User creates account using /signup route. Password is hashed using bcrypt and is stored. Independent salt is also generated and stored.
  2. User signs in using /login route. Provided password is hashed using bcrypt and is compared. If match, then token is generated by signing a payload of user's _id and username using a 256 bit secret.
  3. An Authorization header MUST be set to a signed token in order for protected routes (/card/* and /list/*) to be accessed when using the API. However, when using the static front end pages I've added a default token to be sent so that you don't have to worry about it when using the web form.
  4. Upon logout (or after 2 hours if you uncomment the comment in the signature line in /server/auth/login.js) tokens must be regenerated.


Express/MongoDB/Passport boilerplate.







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