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Extract ISBN

kiwidude68 edited this page Mar 3, 2024 · 2 revisions

MobileRead History


This plugin can be used to try to find the ISBN for a book using the text within a book format. It is intended as an alternative to various script based solutions to this problem posted in this thread.

Main Features

  • Scans all formats for the selected book(s) in preferred input format order until an ISBN-13 or ISBN-10 is found
  • Runs as a background job in Calibre, prompting you to update when the scanning is completed.
  • Scans only the book content, excluding HTML tag markup.
  • For PDF formats, scans only the first 10 pages, then if ISBN not found, the last 5 pages in reverse order.
  • For other formats, scans files at the front, then a number of end files in reverse order before the remainder of the book.
  • Restricts valid ISBN-13s to those that start with 977, 978 or 979. You can add additional prefixes in the configuration if required.
  • Optionally perform a search when completed showing you only the books updated (default is off). Some users may use this to then perform a metadata download.


Access the configuration dialog via:

  • Preferences -> Plugins -> User interface action -> Extract ISBN -> Customize plugin

Configuration Dialog

Option Description
When scan completes Do not change my search - Default behavior of keeping calibre view unchanged.
Show the books that have new or updated ISBNs - Apply a search to show books this plugin changed.
Selected books before background job Running as a background job keeps your UI more responsive.
By default if one book is selected, plugin runs immediately.
More than one book selected queues up as a calibre job instead.
Batch size running as background job When running in background, how many books to put in each job batch.
Display failure dialog If ISBN is identical or not found, a dialog informs you of that result.
Uncheck this option to have any such failures happen silently.
Prompt to apply ISBN changes A prompt will appear before making changes to your library.
Uncheck this option to have all changes made silently.
There is a small risk of data loss if you make other changes to that book at the exact same time.


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