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KRF Microservice common lib used on my dotnet 5.0 projects


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KRFCommon package - common parts of KRFApi

This nuget has all common parts to be used on microservices for KJohn React Framework

  • user context + user authorization and authentcation config
services.AddUserBearerContext( AppConfiguration configuration );
services.AddUserBearerContext( IConfiguration configuration );

"AppConfiguration" : {
    "ApiName": "Api_Name",
    "TokenIdentifier": "Token - Request Header Key",
    "TokenKey": "SigningKeyString",
    "TokenValidateLife": true/false,
    "TokenValidIssuers" : [ "Issuer1" ], -> or null to disable validation
    "TokenValidAudiences" : [ "Audience1" ] -> or null to disable validation,
    "EnableReqLogs": false, -> enable logs when not on development
    "RequestBufferSize": null, -> limit request content lenght on logs
    "LocalizationConfiguration": { -> app localization settings (null to disable)
      "LocalizationCode": "pt-PT", -> set app culture
      "CurrencyLocalizationCode": "en-US" -> set default currency (null to use same as LocalizationCode)
    "CorsConfiguration": { -> configure cors pollicy (null will allow all origin/methods/headers when on developer mode)
      "AllowAnyOrigin": true/false,
      "AllowAnyHeader": true/false,
      "AllowAnyMethod": true/false,
      "AllowedOrigins": ["http://localhost", "https://localhost", "", ""],
      "AllowedHeaders": ["Authorization", "content-type"],
      "AllowedMethods": ["GET", "POST"]

app.ApiConfigure( AppConfiguration configuration, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, bool isDev ); -> configure api

Auth token Errors:

  • when authentication is needed on endpoint: 401
  • when endpoint allows anonymous request: 200 (except when combining AllowAnonymousOnAuthorizeWithoutPolicy flag and [Authorize])

Authenticated endpoint will respond with Header on response 'www-authenticate' with error code: KRFTOKENSIGN -> invalid signature on token ---> App should force logout in case of this code KRFTOKENEXPIRE -> token lifetime expired ---> App should request new access Token with refresh token and old auth token KRFTOKENERROR -> other validation scenarios not specified

Forbidden: When user doesn't have role claim needed for endpoint. Currently only User and Admin

  • query and command abstractions
YourQuery IQuery<TReq, TResp>
where TReq is IQueryRequest
where TResp is IQueryResponse -> ICQRSResponse

Query method:
-> Task<IResponseOut<Toutput>> QueryAsync( TReq request )

- T Result
- ErrorOut Error

ErrorOut - error type that is handled by api

{ bool WithErrors int ErrorStatusCode string ErrorMessage string ErrorProperty ResponseErrorType ErrorType string ErrorCode bool ValidationError }

IUserContextBuilder.GetContext() => service that returns user context object generated from token

YourCommand ICommand<TReq, TResp>
where TReq is ICommandRequest
where TResp is ICommandResponse -> ICQRSResponse

Command methods:
-> Task<ICommandValidationError> ExecuteValidationAsync( TReq request );
-> Task<IResponseOut<TResp>> ExecuteCommandAsync( TReq request );

Validator (fluentValidator)
YourValidator : KRFValidator<TReq>, IKRFValidator<TReq>

helper: .WithErrorCode( GenerateErrorCodeWithHttpStatus( HttpStatusCode, "ERRORCODE" ) ) -> use this helper to change httpstatus to code different that BadRequest

result = IKRFValidator<TReq> validator -> await validator.CheckValidationAsync( TReq request );
Will retun output for command ExecuteValidationAsync
Will return output of type: ICommandValidationError -> ErrorOut GetError();
-> GenerateErrorCodeWithHttpStatus(httpStatusCode, ErrorCode) on ErrorCode field will allow to change httpStatusCode on response
  • Common controller:
 YourController : KRFController

 async Task<IActionResult> ExecuteAsyncQuery<Tinput, Toutput>( Tinput request, IQuery<Tinput, Toutput> query )
 async Task<IActionResult> ExecuteAsyncCommand<Tinput, Toutput>( Tinput request, ICommand<Tinput, Toutput> command, Func<Toutput, IActionResult> changeAction = null )
 async Task<IActionResult> ExecuteFileQueryAsync<Tinput, Toutput>( Tinput request, IQuery<Tinput, Toutput> query ) => special type of query to get files (ideal for file repository that returns raw data instead of json with encoded data)

Dependency: AddKRFController -> configures json serializer and controller on services.AddController()


Controller Authorization control:

[KRFUserAuthorize] -> Allow logged user or admin to access resource or return Unautorized status
[KRFAdminAuthorize] -> Allow Logged admin to access resource or return Forbidden status

[Authorize] -> Allow logged user to access resource. Enable flag on appsettings 'AllowAnonymousOnAuthorizeWithoutPolicy' to allow also anonymous users access.
The logged users will have token validated, in case of no token present, user will still be able to enter resource. Use KRFUserAuthorize or KRFAdminAuthorize in case you want to prevent anonymous user when setting is enabled. This is usefull in case of wanting to allways validate token when user is logged, or skip if not, like adding it to controller itself and using the specific roles on endpoints you don't want to allow anonymous.

  • sql EF query error and dependency injection and migration configuration helper
On KRFApi from template, use App -> Injection -> AppDBContextInjection
services.InjectDBContext<DBContextType>( KRFDatabases config );


KRFDatabases object includes settings for configuring the context

"KRFDatabases": {
    "Databases": {
      "DBContextType": {
        "ConnectionString": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=DBContextDB;AttachDbFilename=DBFiles\\DBContextDB.mdf;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true",
        "UseLocalDB": true,
        "ApiDBFolder": ""
    "EnableAutomaticMigration": true,
    "MigrationAssembly": "KRFTemplateApi.Infrastructure"

Databases -> dictionary of settings for context
"DBContextType" -> Key with same name as context class
"ConnectionString" -> MS SQL connection string
"UseLocalDB": set to true to auto complete AttachDbFilename with api (WebApi) path (connection string must have valid relative path). Send as null to use your own connection string
"ApiDBFolder": set absolute path for database file (UseLocalDB = false to enable this) - (connection string must have valid relative path or filename)

"EnableAutomaticMigration" -> flag can be used on KRFApi to prevent Migration -> ConfigureAutomaticMigrations
"MigrationAssembly" -> Project namespace where migrations will be generated -> recomended Infrastructure

DatabaseQueryHandlerMethod : QueryCommand
When the return result is just to express success or error, like additions or updates to database
  • middlewares,
- Allow request to be readed/ enable request seek
* app.UseMiddleware<KRFBodyRewindMiddleware>( BufferSize? or null );

- Log Request and response on json communication: (already includes logic to enable seek of request so no need for KRFBodyRewindMiddleware when using)
* app.UseMiddleware<KRFLogRequestResponseMiddleware>( loggerFactory, apiName, tokenIdentifier, reqBufferSize? or null );
  • exception handler middleware (added with ApiConfigure())
Log Request/Response and Exceptions: -> This will enable app.UseMiddleware<KRFLogRequestResponseMiddleware>( loggerFactory, AppConfiguration )

                    ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, 
                    isDev )

Log user request and exception to system events: -> This will activate midleware app.UseMiddleware<KRFBodyRewindMiddleware>( BufferSize )

                    ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, 
                    isDev )

  • swagger
services.SwaggerInit( AppConfiguration );
app.SwaggerConfigure( ApiName );
  • In-memory cache
 -> using KRFCommon.MemoryCache

-> configuration sample: (constant key for appsettings.json - KRFApiSettings.MemoryCacheSettings_Key)

 "KRFMemoryCacheSettings": {
    "CacheCleanupInterval": {
      "Hours": 0, 
      "Minutes": 30,
      "Seconds": 0
    "CachedKeySettings": {
      "SETTINGS_KEY": {
        "RemoveHours": 0,
        "RemoveMinutes": 60,
        "RemoveSeconds": 0
 configuration Class -> KRFMemoryCacheSettings
 add to services: -> services.AddKRFMemoryCache( KRFMemoryCacheSettings object/null ); 
 add to services: -> services.AddKRFMemoryCache( IConfiguration GetSection(KRFMemoryCacheSettings) ); 

if no settings are passed, default values are used: 10 minutes remove refresh and 60 minutes for each cached item.

  • Implementations:
 add dependency to constructor -> IKRFMemoryCache _memoryCache;

Get cached item or update from query lambda ->


 T value = GetCachedItem<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc )
 T value = GetCachedItem<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, string settingsKey )
 T value = GetCachedItem<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, bool preventCacheUpdate )
 T value = GetCachedItem<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, string settingsKey, bool preventCacheUpdate )

--Return Value with cache miss flag KRFCacheResult<T>

 KRFCacheResult<T> value = GetCachedItemWithMissReturn<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc )
 KRFCacheResult<T> value = GetCachedItemWithMissReturn<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, string settingsKey )
 KRFCacheResult<T> value = GetCachedItemWithMissReturn<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, bool preventCacheUpdate )
 KRFCacheResult<T> value = GetCachedItemWithMissReturn<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, string settingsKey, bool preventCacheUpdate )

 --Pass handler on method
 T value = GetCachedItemWithHandler<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, Func<KRFCacheResult<T>, T> handler )
 T value = GetCachedItemWithHandler<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, string settingsKey, Func<KRFCacheResult<T>, T> handler )
 T value = GetCachedItemWithHandler<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, bool preventCacheUpdate, Func<KRFCacheResult<T>, T> handler )
 T value = GetCachedItemWithHandler<T>( string key, Func<T> queryFunc, string settingsKey, bool preventCacheUpdate, Func<KRFCacheResult<T>, T> handler )

All of the above have async Task version, that terminates with Async ->

 T value = await this._memoryCache.GetCachedItemAsync<T>(Key: string, () => Task<T> GetValues() : Func)

KRFMemoryCache is an extension of MemoryCache

  • KRF Loggers
  • Log to multiple KRF providers: This logger builder will clear all providers and load configuration from logging. Providers must be defined on KRFLogDestination array
   services.AddLogging( l =>
       l.AddKRFLogger( IConfiguration this.Configuration )

   "KRFLogger": {
     "KRFLogDestination" : [ "ToConsole", "ToDebug", "ToEvents", "ToEventSource", "ToFile", "ToServer" ],
     "KRFFileLogger": {  -> only needed if ToFile is set as destination
         "Path": null, -> Path to log files, null to log on api/Logs, Relative path will log on api\Path, absolute path will log on Path\
         "FilterLogLevelArray": [ "Information", "Warning", "Trace", "Critical", "Error" ], -> Array of loglevels to be logged that are not from middleware. (None and Debug are not available)
         "DisableApiLogs": false, -> false or null will log api specific logs on Api folder, true to skip. Logs from Middleware.
         "DisableSQLLogs": false -> false or null will log EF specific logs on SQL folder, true to skip. Logs from Entity Framework.
     "KRFServerLogger": { -> only needed if ToServer is set as destination
         //Not Implemented
   "Logging": {
     "Logging": {
       "IncludeScopes": {},
       "LogLevel": {
         "Default": "Warning",
         "Microsoft": "Warning",
         "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information",
         "System": "Warning"
  • Log To File Provider
services.AddLogging( l =>
            a) l.AddKRFLogToFileLogger( IConfiguration GetSection() );
            b) l.AddKRFLogToFileLogger( IConfiguration GetSection( KRFApiSettings.KRFLoggerConfig_Key ) );
            c) l.AddKRFLogToFileLogger( IConfiguration GetSection( x => {
              x is Action<KRFLogToFileLoggerOptions>
            } ) );
  "KRFFileLogger": {
  "Path": null, -> Path to log files, null to log on api/Logs, Relative path will log on api\Path, absolute path will log on Path\
  "FilterLogLevelArray": [ "Information", "Warning", "Trace", "Critical", "Error" ], -> Array of loglevels to be logged that are not from middleware. (None and Debug are not available)
  "DisableApiLogs": false, -> false or null will log api specific logs on Api folder, true to skip. Logs from Middleware.
  "DisableSQLLogs": false -> false or null will log EF specific logs on SQL folder, true to skip. Logs from Entity Framework.

Each log origin has it's own folder and are created at start of app. There is a log folder for each loglevel, one for Api and one for SQL.
Files are created for each day and named after current date.
Api logs will have one file for each middleware used and current date

  • Service Proxy - External Services TODO: Common service handler for swagger generated proxy

KRFRestHandler handler for calling rest api

Task<KRFHttpResponse<TResp>> RequestHttp<TResp>( KRFHttpRequest request ) -> use this for when no body needs to be sent

Task<KRFHttpResponse<TResp>> RequestHttp<TBody, TResp>( KRFHttpRequestWithBody<TBody> request ) -> use this for when body needs to be sent (POST/PUT only)

Configuration -> KRFExternalServices

  "KRFExternalServices": {
    "ServerList": {
      "ServerImplTypeName" : {
        "ServerUrl" : "https://server.url:port",
        "CertificatePath" : "string", (to decide implementation)
        "CertificateKey" : "SomeStringKey",
        "TokenIdentifier" : "string - for sending krf token on header, use on krf api's",
        "TokenKey" : "string - signature key expected by krf api token",
        "Timeout" : null or number,
        "ForceDisableSSL" : null or boolean

Session api / auth api?? implementation without refreshToken ** CheckSessionResult -> class to be used as response from CheckSessionAlive Command (implements ICommandResponse)

JSON KRFJsonSerializerOptions -> common json serializer settings used on all api's



KRF Microservice common lib used on my dotnet 5.0 projects



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