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Neighborhood Map

The Neighborhood Map displays mine and my husbands (Kathi & KJ) favorite locations in NYC. It is great for visitors who like our recommendations. With this app they can get a visual overview and filter our favorites according to their needs.

Test the application in the Demo.

About the app

The neighborhood map is built using Knockout.js for data binding and utilizes various APIs. The used APIs are:

  • Google Maps
  • Giphy (for displaying GIFs that are highly relevant and amusing to the user)
  • FourSquare (to show more details about the specific locations)
  • (to show the current weather in NYC)

How to contribute to this project

  1. Check out the repository by cloning the project with

    git clone

  2. To add location data to the model you have to keep the following format:

      title: 'MY LOCATION TITLE',
      query: 'MY+LOCATION+TITLE',
      tags: 'coffee, muffins, yoga, whatever, you, want', // used in the filter
      position: {lat: LOCATION_LAT, lng: LOCATION_LNG},
      description: 'describe your location here in your own words',
      iconImage: 'IMG_USED_FOR_MAP_ICON',
      searchTerm: 'search+term+for+Giphy',
      gif: 'find a giphy link for the default gif to be shown',
      id: 'find the google id for the location',
      liked: false,
      owner: 'Kathi, KJ' // (or only one of them)
  3. You can obtain the lat, lng and place id from here

  4. You can search for you favorite default GIF here. I recommend testing the searchTerm as well so it gives you automatic results for gifs that you like. You need to use the format for the GIF link. You can get that link for a Giphy GIF when you go to YOUR_GIF_ON_GIPHY --> Advanced --> Gif download. How to find the right link on Giphy

  5. Remember that the query (for FourSquare) as well as the searchTerm (for Giphy) need to be words connected with plus signs and no spaces in between.

  6. To optimize the CSS, JS and HTML files, you need to install grunt, as well as all packages used in Gruntfile.js. After that optimize the JS, CSS and HTML files with

$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder/
$> grunt
  1. Update gh-pages to only contain dist:
$> cd /path/to/your-project-folder/
$> git push origin `git subtree split --prefix dist master`:gh-pages --force

TO DO / Collaboration sought to do

  • The GIfs tend to repeat themselves even after you click on them (which should change the GIF). It would be nice to check that the next GIF is not the same as the previous one, or even keep a longer history of GIFs. Alternatively Giphy TV might be an option to consider.
  • Sort the list of locations alphabetically?
  • Add more tags such that the search will work better.
  • Improve the search input for the mobile version, add an X which will delete all input.
  • Add a clear button to clear all filters
  • Add flickr images to the infowindow and implement a rotator, such that the user can rotate through all images.
  • In that case, maybe put the google street view in a modal, it might be more useful that way since it will show more too.


The code is written by Katharina Kufieta.


The neighborhood shows my favorite places in NYC.






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