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Closed May 24, 2022 100% complete

This release has only to do with the ServiceChain, so there is no need to update your nodes that don’t support ServiceChain bridges.


Introduced the SC_VTRECOVERY_INTERVAL configuration which sets the recovery interval, and renames VTRECOVERY to SC_VTRECOVERY. (#1271)
Added two APIs for the Subbridge namespace subbridge_getChildBridgeContractB…

This release has only to do with the ServiceChain, so there is no need to update your nodes that don’t support ServiceChain bridges.


Introduced the SC_VTRECOVERY_INTERVAL configuration which sets the recovery interval, and renames VTRECOVERY to SC_VTRECOVERY. (#1271)
Added two APIs for the Subbridge namespace subbridge_getChildBridgeContractBalance and subbridge_getParentBridgeContractBalance to return the balance for the respective contracts. (#1254)
Added a logic in setBridge() to check whether an address is a contract. (#1299)
Added request timeout flag for KAS, which can be set in the configuration file.(#1284)
Introduced SC_DEFAULTGASLIMIT to make ServiceChain default gas limit configurable.(#1287)
Enabled separate gas limit setting for parent/child chains introducing new configurations and APIs. (#1353)
APIs: subbridge_setParentBridgeOperatorGasLimit, subbridge_setChildBridgeOperatorGasLimit, subbridge_getParentBridgeOperatorGasLimit, and subbridge_getChildBridgeOperatorGasLimit
Added the chaindatafetcher option in KSEN. (#1347 #1344)


Introduced a new value transfer event RequestValueTransferEncoded supporting URI of ERC-721 in the BridgeTransfer contract. (#1321 #1378)


Minor refactorings. (#1285 #1262)

This milestone is closed.

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