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Deser-node is a script to automatically generate serialized payloads for NodeJS driven applications, which deserialize data from user input using one of the following vulnerable module:

  • node-serialize
  • funcster
  • cryo

The generated payloads are designed to operate in standard RCE mode, that allows to execute system commands on the target, and in reverse-shell (rshell) mode, which is designed to obtain shell access using a non-blocking reverse TCP connection from the target to an attacker controlled machine.


Using deser-node is very straightforward::

$ node deser-node.js --help
Usage: node deser-node.js -s [serializer] [options]

  --version            Show version number                             [boolean]
  -f, --file           Input file
  -m, --mode           Operational mode, may be serialize or deserialize
                    [choices: "serialize", "deserialize"] [default: "serialize"]
  -s, --serializer     The serializer module to use
                                      [required] [choices: "ns", "fstr", "cryo"]
  -v, --vector         The vector is command exe or reverse shell
                                                      [choices: "rce", "rshell"]
  -c, --command        The command to execute (-v rce must be used)
  -e, --encode         Charencode the payload (not implemented yet)
                                                    [choices: "charcode", "b64"]
  -H, --lhost          Local listener IP (-v rshell must be used)
  -P, --lport          Local listener PORT (-v rshell must be used)
  -t, --target         Target machine OS, may be Win or Linux
                              [choices: "linux", "windows"] [default: "windows"]
  -h, --help           Show help                                       [boolean]
  -p, --cryoprototype                                      [default: "toString"]

Attention: Using -m deserialize, the serialized payload will be executed on your system!

Note: Cryo, by default, doesn't allow for direct RCE upon deserialization, but can give an attacker RCE capabilities if a prototype method (toString, valueOf, ...) of the deserialized object is then called. For further information, consider reading the following article:


In order to use deser-node, the following node modules must be installed:

npm install yargs
npm install node-serialize
npm install funcster
npm install cryo


  • Implement encoding schemes:
    • base64
    • charcode encoding
    • others



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