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Environment settings

klightspeed edited this page Jan 31, 2013 · 3 revisions

This file is encoded in a binary serialized format. Each value begins with a type byte. Following the type byte is the variable data.

The following types are known:

  • T (0x54): Dictionary - pairs of null-terminated string keys and typed values. Closed when a zero-length key is encountered.
  • I (0x49): Integer array - 32-bit integer count followed by count 32-bit integer values.
  • i (0x69): Integer - 32-bit integer.
  • F (0x46): Float array - 32-bit integer count followed by count 32-bit (single-precision) floating-point values.
  • f (0x66): Float - 32-bit (single-precision) floating-point value.
  • S (0x53): String array - 32-bit integer count followed by count null-terminated strings.
  • s (0x73): String - null-terminated string.
  • M (0x4D): Typed array - 32-bit integer count followed by count typed values.
  • R (0x52): Reference(?) array - 32-bit integer count followed by count null-terminated reference strings(?)
  • . (0x2E): Null