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Yii Framework 2 Change Log

2.0.0-rc under development

  • Bug #1263: Fixed the issue that Gii and Debug modules might be affected by incompatible asset manager configuration (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2314: Gii model generator does not generate correct relation type in some special case (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2563: Theming is not working if the path map of the theme contains ".." or "." in the paths (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2801: Fixed the issue that GridView gets footer content before data cells content (ElisDN)
  • Bug #2821: Console help command incorrectly lists non-console controllers as available commands (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2853: ActiveRecord did not handle resource-typed columns well (chris68, qiangxue)
  • Bug #3042: yii\widgets\Pjax should end application right after it finishes responding to a pjax request (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3066: yii\db\mssql\Schema::getTableSchema() should return null when the table does not exist (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3091: Fixed inconsistent treatment of Widget::run() when a widget is used as a container and as a self-contained object (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3118: Ensure client validation has the same behavior as server side validation for number validator (cebe)
  • Bug #3121: yii\base\Application::bootstrap may fail to load some components if they are specified as class names (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3125: yii\console\controllers\AssetController now respects data URL resources (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #3128: Fixed the bug that defaultRoles set in RBAC manager was not working as specified (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3153: Fixed the bug that using "between" operator to build a SQL query will cause a PHP notice (gonimar)
  • Bug #3184: Fixed the bug that client validation for string length comparison did not set error message correctly (Sergeygithub)
  • Bug #3194: Date formatter works only for timestamps in the year range 1970 to 2038 (kartik-v)
  • Bug #3204: yii\di\Container did not handle the $config parameter well in case when it does not have a default value (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3216: Fixed the bug that yii.activeForm.destroy() did not remove submit event handlers (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3233: Ensure consistent behavior in ActiveRecord::afterSave() (cebe, qiangxue)
  • Bug #3236: Return value for DateTime->format('U') casted to double to allow correct date formatting (pgaultier)
  • Bug #3268: Fixed the bug that the schema name in a table name was not respected by yii\db\mysql\Schema (terazoid, qiangxue)
  • Bug #3311: Fixed the bug that yii\di\Container::has() did not return correct value (mgrechanik, qiangxue)
  • Bug #3327: Fixed "Unable to find debug data" when logging objects with circular references (jarekkozak, samdark)
  • Bug #3368: Fix for comparing numeric attributes in JavaScript (technixp)
  • Bug #3393: Fix yii\helpers\FileHelper::copyDirectory() pattern not working (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #3431: Allow using extended ErrorHandler class from the app namespace (cebe)
  • Bug #3436: Fixed the issue that ServiceLocator still returns the old component after calling set() with a new definition (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3458: Fixed the bug that the image rendered by CaptchaAction was using a wrong content type (MDMunir, qiangxue)
  • Bug #3473: Allow postgreSQL to specify timestamp precision via abstract types in QueryBuilder (cebe)
  • Bug #3478: Fixed yii\console\Controller::select accept empty input as '0' value (lynicidn)
  • Bug #3522: Fixed BaseFileHelper::normalizePath to allow a (.) for the current path. (skotos)
  • Bug #3548: Fixed the bug that X-Rate-Limit-Remaining header is always zero when using RateLimiter (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3559: Use native support for batchInsert in SQLite versions >= 3.7.11 and avoid limitations of the fallback (cebe)
  • Bug #3564: Fixed the bug that primary key columns should not take default values from schema (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3567: Fixed the bug that smallint was treated as string for PostgreSQL (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3568: When the primary query sets asArray, it is not respected by the via relational query (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3578: Fixed postgreSQL column type detection, added missing types (MDMunir, cebe)
  • Bug #3583: Added typecast to auto value of primary key on insert of sql active record (cebe)
  • Bug #3591: Fixed incomplete obsolete filling in i18n MessageController::saveMessagesToDb() (advsm)
  • Bug #3601: Fixed the bug that the refresh URL was not generated correctly by Captcha (qiangxue, klevron)
  • Bug #3638: yii\filters\HttpCache does not work as expected when session is started before the filter (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3681: Fixed problem with AR::findOne() when a default scope joins another table so that PK name becomes ambigous (cebe)
  • Bug #3715: Fixed the bug that using a custom pager/sorter with GridView may generate two different pagers/sorters if the layout configures two pagers/sorters (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3716: DynamicModel::validateData() does not call validate() if the $rules parameter is empty (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3751: Fixed postgreSQL schema data for enum values, do not add values if there are none (makroxyz)
  • Bug #3752: QueryBuilder::batchInsert() does not typecast input values (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3756: Fix number formatting error for \yii\base\Formatter by converting strings to float (kartik-v)
  • Bug #3772: Behaviors adding validation rules do not work as expected (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3817: yii\rbac\PhpManager::getChildren() returns null instead of expected empty array (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3843: Fixed Menu bug when using template with encodeLabel => false (creocoder, umneeq)
  • Bug #3863: Fixed incorrect js selector for \yii\widgets\ActiveForm::errorSummaryCssClass when it contains multiple classes (creocoder, umneeq)
  • Bug #3893: Headers did not overwrite default setting by webserver (cebe)
  • Bug #3909: Html::to() should not prefix base URL to URLs that already contain scheme (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3934: yii.handleAction() in yii.js does not correctly detect if a hyperlink contains useful URL or not (joni-jones, qiangxue)
  • Bug #3968: Messages logged in shutdown functions are not handled (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3996: Traversing Yii::$app->session may cause a PHP error (qiangxue)
  • Bug #4020: OCI column detection did not work so gii and other things failed (Sanya1991)
  • Bug: Fixed inconsistent return of \yii\console\Application::runAction() (samdark)
  • Bug: URL encoding for the route parameter added to \yii\web\UrlManager (klimov-paul)
  • Bug: Fixed the bug that requesting protected or private action methods would cause 500 error instead of 404 (qiangxue)
  • Bug: Fixed Object of class Imagick could not be converted to string in CaptchaAction (eXprojects, cebe)
  • Enh #87: Helper yii\helpers\Security converted into application component, cryptographic strength improved (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #422: Added Support for BIT(M) data type default values in Schema (cebe)
  • Enh #1452: Added Module::getInstance() to allow accessing the module instance from anywhere within the module (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2264: CookieCollection::has() will return false for expired or removed cookies (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2435: yii\db\IntegrityException is now thrown on database integrity errors instead of general yii\db\Exception (samdark)
  • Enh #2558: Enhanced support for memcached by adding yii\caching\MemCache::persistentId and yii\caching\MemCache::options (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2837: Error page now shows arguments in stack trace method calls (samdark)
  • Enh #2906: Added support for using conditional comments for js and css files registered through asset bundles and Html helper (exromany, qiangxue)
  • Enh #2942: Added truncate and truncateWord methods (Alex-Code, samdark)
  • Enh #3008: Added Html::errorSummary() (qiangxue)
  • Enh #3088: The debug and gii modules will manage their own URL rules now (hiltonjanfield, qiangxue)
  • Enh #3101: Improved handling of log target failures. It will now skip target and log reason instead of going into infinite cycle (samdark)
  • Enh #3103: debugger panel is now not displayed when printing a page (githubjeka)
  • Enh #3108: Added yii\debug\Module::enableDebugLogs to disable logging debug logs by default (qiangxue)
  • Enh #3132: yii\rbac\PhpManager now supports more compact data file format (qiangxue)
  • Enh #3154: Added validation error display for GridView filters (ivan-kolmychek)
  • Enh #3196: Masked input upgraded to use jquery.inputmask plugin with more features. (kartik-v)
  • Enh #3220: Added support for setting transaction isolation levels (cebe)
  • Enh #3221: Added events for DB transaction commit/rollback (drcypher, qiangxue)
  • Enh #3222: Added useTablePrefix option to the model generator for Gii (horizons2)
  • Enh #3230: Added yii\filters\AccessControl::user to support access control with different actors (qiangxue)
  • Enh #3232: Added export() and exportAsString() methods to yii\helpers\BaseVarDumper (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #3244: Allow logging complex data such as arrays and object via the log system (cebe)
  • Enh #3252: Added support for case insensitive matching using ILIKE to PostgreSQL QueryBuilder (cebe)
  • Enh #3280: Support dynamically attaching anonymous behaviors (qiangxue)
  • Enh #3284: Added support for checking multiple ETags by yii\filters\HttpCache (qiangxue)
  • Enh #3298: Supported configuring View::theme using a class name (netyum, qiangxue)
  • Enh #3328: BaseMailer generates better text body from html body (armab)
  • Enh #3380: Allow value in defaultValueValidator to be a closure (Alex-Code)
  • Enh #3399, #3241: Added support for MS SQL Server older than 2012 (fourteenmeister, samdark)
  • Enh #3472: Added configurable option to encode spaces in dropDownLists and listBoxes (kartik-v)
  • Enh #3518: yii\helpers\Html::encode() now replaces invalid code sequences with "�" (DaSourcerer)
  • Enh #3520: Added unlinkAll()-method to active record to remove all records of a model relation (NmDimas, samdark, cebe)
  • Enh #3521: Added yii\filters\HttpCache::sessionCacheLimiter (qiangxue)
  • Enh #3542: Removed requirement to specify extensions in application config (samdark)
  • Enh #3562: Adding rotateByCopy to yii\log\FileTarget (pawzar)
  • Enh #3574: Add integrity check support for SQLite (zeeke)
  • Enh #3597: Nested array support for HTML5 custom "data-*" attributes (armab)
  • Enh #3607: Added support for limit in migrations actions: history, new, redo (Ragazzo)
  • Enh #3631: Added property currencyCode to yii\i18n\Formatter (leandrogehlen)
  • Enh #3636: Hide menu container tag with empty items in yii\widgets\Menu (arturf)
  • Enh #3643: Improved Mime-Type detection by using the mime.types file from apache http project to dected mime types by file extension (cebe, pavel-voronin, trejder)
  • Enh #3765: Added yii\web\User::enableSession to support authentication without using session (qiangxue)
  • Enh #3773: Added FileValidator::mimeTypes to support validating MIME types of files (Ragazzo)
  • Enh #3774: Added FileValidator::checkExtensionByMimeType to support validating file types against file mime-types (Ragazzo)
  • Enh #3801: Base migration controller yii\console\controllers\BaseMigrateController extracted (klimov-paul)
  • Enh #3811: Now Gii model generator makes autocomplete for model class field (mitalcoi)
  • Enh #3926: yii\widgets\Breadcrumbs::$links. Allows individual link to have its own template (creocoder, umneeq)
  • Enh #3939: \yii\Inflector::slug() improvements (samdark)
    • Added protected \yii\Inflector::transliterate() that could be replaced with custom translit implementation.
    • Added proper tests for both intl-based slug and PHP fallback.
    • Removed character maps for non-latin languages.
    • Improved overall slug results.
    • Added note about the fact that intl is required for non-latin languages to requirements checker.
  • Enh #4028: Added ability to yii\widgets\Menu to encode each item's label separately (creocoder, umneeq)
  • Enh: Added support for using sub-queries when building a DB query with IN condition (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Supported adding a new response formatter without the need to reconfigure existing formatters (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added yii\web\UrlManager::addRules() to simplify adding new URL rules (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added support to insert an event handler at the beginning of class-level event handler queue (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added yii\console\Controller::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL and yii\console\Controller::EXIT_CODE_ERROR constants (samdark)
  • Enh: yii\console\MigrateController now returns yii\console\Controller::EXIT_CODE_ERROR in case of failed migration (samdark)
  • Enh: Added method ErrorHandler::unregister() for unregistering the ErrorHandler (cebe)
  • Enh: Added all option to MigrateController::actionDown() action (creocoder, umneeq)
  • Enh: Added support for array attributes in exist validator (creocoder)
  • Enh: Added support for using path alias with FileDependency::fileName (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added param hideOnSinglePage to yii\widgets\LinkPager (arturf)
  • Enh: Added support for array attributes in in validator (creocoder)
  • Enh: Improved yii\helpers\Inflector::slug to support more cases for Russian, Hebrew and special characters (samdark)
  • Chg #2287: Split yii\db\ColumnSchema::typecast() into two methods phpTypecast() and dbTypecast() to allow specifying PDO type explicitly (cebe)
  • Chg #2898: yii\console\controllers\AssetController is now using hashes instead of timestamps (samdark)
  • Chg #2913: RBAC DbManager is now initialized via migration (samdark)
  • Chg #3036: Upgraded Twitter Bootstrap to 3.1.x (qiangxue)
  • Chg #3175: InvalidCallException, InvalidParamException, UnknownMethodException are now extended from SPL BadMethodCallException (samdark)
  • Chg #3358: Removed automatic CSRF meta tag generation by View. Added Html::csrfMetaTags() and its call to main layout files (qiangxue)
  • Chg #3383: Added $type parameter to IdentityInterface::findIdentityByAccessToken() (qiangxue)
  • Chg #3531: \yii\grid\GridView now allows any character (except ":") in the attribute part of the shorthand syntax for columns (rawtaz)
  • Chg #3544: Added $key as a parameter to the callable specified via yii\grid\DataColumn::value (mdmunir)
  • Chg #3640: All cookies are now httpOnly by default in order to increase overall security (samdark)
  • Chg #3687: Default sourceLanguage and language are now en-US in order for i18n formatter to work correctly (samdark)
  • Chg #3804: Added fileinfo PHP extension to the basic requirement of Yii (Ragazzo)
  • Chg #3866: The FileValidator::types property is renamed to FileValidator::extensions (Ragazzo)
  • Chg #3897: Raised visibility of yii\web\View::registerAssetFiles() to protected (samdark)
  • Chg #3899: Moved MailEvent class to yii\mail namespace (cebe)
  • Chg #3956: Flash messages set via Yii::$app->session->setFlash() will be removed only if they are accessed (qiangxue)
  • Chg #4071: mail component renamed to mailer, yii\log\EmailTarget::$mail renamed to yii\log\EmailTarget::$mailer (samdark)
  • Chg: Replaced clearAll() and clearAllAssignments() in yii\rbac\ManagerInterface with removeAll(), removeAllRoles(), removeAllPermissions(), removeAllRules() and removeAllAssignments() (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Added $user as the first parameter of yii\rbac\Rule::execute() (qiangxue)
  • Chg: yii\grid\DataColumn::getDataCellValue() visibility is now public to allow accessing the value from a GridView directly (cebe)
  • Chg: yii\data\ActiveDataProvider::$query will not be modified directly with pagination and sorting anymore so it will be reuseable (cebe)
  • Chg: Removed yii\rest\ActiveController::$transactional property and connected functionality (samdark)
  • Chg: Changed the default value of the keyPrefix property of cache components to be null (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Added prefix column to yii\log\DbTarget to have the same amount of information logged as in files and emails (cebe)
  • New #3911: Added yii\behaviors\SluggableBehavior that fills the specified model attribute with the transliterated and adjusted version to use in URLs (creocoder)

2.0.0-beta April 13, 2014

  • Bug #1265: AssetController does not override 'js' and 'css' for compressed bundles (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #1326: The visible setting for DetailView doesn't work as expected (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1412: FileValidator and ImageValidator still trigger uploadRequired error in some case when skipOnEmpty is true and no upload is provided (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1446: Logging while logs are processed causes infinite loop (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1497: Localized view files are not correctly returned (mintao)
  • Bug #1500: Log messages exported to files are not separated by newlines (omnilight, qiangxue)
  • Bug #1504: Debug toolbar isn't loaded successfully in some environments when xdebug is enabled (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1509: The SQL for creating Postgres RBAC tables is incorrect (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1545: It was not possible to execute db Query twice, params where missing (cebe)
  • Bug #1550: fixed the issue that JUI input widgets did not property input IDs.
  • Bug #1654: Fixed the issue that a new message source object is generated for every new message being translated (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1582: Error messages shown via client-side validation should not be double encoded (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1591: StringValidator is accessing undefined property (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1597: Added enableAutoLogin to basic and advanced application templates so "remember me" now works properly (samdark)
  • Bug #1631: Charset is now explicitly set to UTF-8 when serving JSON (samdark)
  • Bug #1635: yii\jui\SliderInput wasn't properly initialized (samdark)
  • Bug #1659: MSSQL doesn't support limit (Ana1oliy)
  • Bug #1686: ActiveForm is creating duplicated messages in error summary (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1704: Incorrect regexp is used in Inflector::camelize() (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1710: OpenId auth client does not request required attributes correctly (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #1798: Fixed label attributes for array fields (zhuravljov)
  • Bug #1800: Better check for $_SERVER['HTTPS'] in yii\web\Request::getIsSecureConnection() (ginus, samdark)
  • Bug #1812: Hide potential warning message due to race condition occurring to Session::regenerateID() call (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1827: Debugger toolbar is loaded twice if an action is calling run() to execute another action (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1868: Added ability to exclude tables from FixtureController apply/clear actions. (Ragazzo)
  • Bug #1869: Fixed tables clearing. TRUNCATE changed to DELETE to avoid postgresql tables checks (and truncating all tables) (Ragazzo)
  • Bug #1870: Validation errors weren't properly translated when using clientside validation (samdark)
  • Bug #1930: Fixed domain based URL matching for website root (samdark)
  • Bug #1937: Fixed wrong behavior or advanced app's init --env when called without parameter actually specified (samdark)
  • Bug #1959: Html::activeCheckbox wasn't respecting custom values for checked/unchecked state (klevron, samdark)
  • Bug #1965: Controller::findLayoutFile() returns incorrect file path when layout name starts with a slash (qiangxue)
  • Bug #1992: In module scenario that use 'site/captcha' will get wrong refreshUrl (callmez)
  • Bug #1993: afterFind event in AR is now called after relations have been populated (cebe, creocoder)
  • Bug #1998: Unchecked required checkbox never pass client validation (klevron)
  • Bug #2084: AssetController adjusting CSS URLs declared at same line fixed (klimov-paul)
  • Bug #2091: QueryBuilder::buildInCondition() fails to handle array not starting with index 0 (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2160: SphinxQL does not support OFFSET (qiangxue, romeo7)
  • Bug #2209: When I18N message translation is missing source language is now used for formatting (samdark)
  • Bug #2212: yii\gridview\DataColumn generates incorrect labels when used with nosql DB and there is no data (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2298: Fixed the bug that Gii controller generator did not allow digit in the controller ID (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2303: Fixed the bug that yii\base\Theme::pathMap did not support dynamic update with path aliases (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2324: Fixed QueryBuilder bug when building a query with "query" option (mintao)
  • Bug #2399: Fixed the bug that AssetBundle did not handle relative URLs correctly (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2502: Unclear error message when $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is empty (samdark)
  • Bug #2519: MessageSource removed translation messages when event handler was bound to missingTranslation-event (cebe)
  • Bug #2527: Source language for app message category was always en no matter which application sourceLanguage was used (samdark)
  • Bug #2559: Going back on browser history breaks GridView filtering with Pjax (tonydspaniard)
  • Bug #2571: Fixed the bug that batchInsert will fail for SQLite if the values contain null or boolean false (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2607: yii message tool wasn't updating message table (mitalcoi)
  • Bug #2624: Html::textArea() should respect "name" option. (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2653: Fixed the bug that unsetting an unpopulated AR relation would trigger exception (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2681: Fixed the bug of php build-in server (dizews)
  • Bug #2683: Fixed the bug that batchInsert will fail for MySQL if the values contain boolean false (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2695: Fixed the issue that FileValidator::isEmpty() always returns true for validate multiple files (ZhandosKz)
  • Bug #2739: Fixed the issue that CreateAction::run() was using obsolete Controller::createAbsoluteUrl() method (tonydspaniard)
  • Bug #2740: Fixed the issue that CaptchaAction::run() was using obsolete Controller::createUrl() method (tonydspaniard)
  • Bug #2760: Fixed GridView filterUrl parameters (qiangxue, AlexGx)
  • Bug #2834: When overriding i18n translation sources from config using app* or yii* default app and yii sources were not removed (samdark)
  • Bug #2848: Individual queries should be enclosed within parenthesis in a UNION query (qiangxue)
  • Bug #2862: Using DbCache while enabling schema caching may cause infinite loops (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3052: Fixed the issue that cache dependency data is not reused when reusable is set true (qiangxue)
  • Bug #3691: Fixed the issue that CookieCollection::has always returns false for cookies from browser (sonicgd)
  • Bug: Fixed Call to a member function registerAssetFiles() on a non-object in case of wrong sourcePath for an asset bundle (samdark)
  • Bug: Fixed incorrect event name for yii\jui\Spinner (samdark)
  • Bug: Json::encode() did not handle objects that implement JsonSerializable interface correctly (cebe)
  • Bug: Fixed issue with tabular input on ActiveField::radio() and ActiveField::checkbox() (jom)
  • Bug: Fixed the issue that query cache returns the same data for the same SQL but different query methods (qiangxue)
  • Bug: Fixed URL parsing so it's now properly giving 404 for URLs like (samdark)
  • Bug: Fixed HelpController::getModuleCommands issue where it attempts to scan a module's controller directory when it doesn't exist (jom)
  • Bug: Fixed an issue with FileHelper and not accessible directories which resulted in endless loop (cebe)
  • Bug: Fixed $model->load($data) returned true if $data and formName were empty (samdark)
  • Bug: Fixed issue with ActiveRelationTrait preventing ActiveQuery from clearing events and behaviors on clone (jom)
  • Bug: Query::queryScalar wasn't making SELECT DISTINCT queries subqueries (jom)
  • Bug: Fixed use $files instead of self::$_files[$key] to allow inheritance (pgaultier)
  • Enh #46: Added Image extension based on Imagine library (tonydspaniard)
  • Enh #364: Improve Inflector::slug with intl transliteration. Improved transliteration char map. (tonydspaniard)
  • Enh #497: Removed \yii\log\Target::logUser and added \yii\log\Target::prefix to support customizing message prefix (qiangxue)
  • Enh #499: Decoupled Rule from RBAC Item (samdark, qiangxue)
  • Enh #797: Added support for validating multiple columns by UniqueValidator and ExistValidator (qiangxue)
  • Enh #802: Added support for retrieving sub-array element or child object property through ArrayHelper::getValue() (qiangxue, cebe)
  • Enh #938: Added yii\web\View::renderAjax() and yii\web\Controller::renderAjax() (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1293: Replaced Console::showProgress() with a better approach. See Console::startProgress() for details (cebe)
  • Enh #1406: DB Schema support for Oracle Database (p0larbeer, qiangxue)
  • Enh #1437: Added ListView::viewParams (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1467: Added support for organizing controllers in subdirectories (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1469: ActiveRecord::find() now works with default conditions (default scope) applied by createQuery (cebe)
  • Enh #1476: Add yii\web\Session::handler property (nineinchnick)
  • Enh #1499: Added ActionColumn::controller property to support customizing the controller for handling GridView actions (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1523: Query conditions now allow to use the NOT operator (cebe)
  • Enh #1535: Improved yii\web\User to start session only when needed. Also prepared it for use without session. (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1562: Added yii\bootstrap\Tabs::linkOptions (kartik-v)
  • Enh #1572: Added yii\web\Controller::createAbsoluteUrl() (samdark)
  • Enh #1579: throw exception when the given AR relation name does not match in a case sensitive manner (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1581: Added ActiveQuery::joinWith() and ActiveQuery::innerJoinWith() to support joining with relations (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1585: added schema parameter to createAbsoluteUrl() to force 'http' or 'https' (cebe)
  • Enh #1601: Added support for tagName and encodeLabel parameters in ButtonDropdown (omnilight)
  • Enh #1611: Added BaseActiveRecord::markAttributeDirty() (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1633: Advanced application template now works with MongoDB by default (samdark)
  • Enh #1634: Use masked CSRF tokens to prevent BREACH exploits (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1641: Added BaseActiveRecord::updateAttributes() (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1646: Added postgresql QueryBuilder::checkIntegrity and QueryBuilder::resetSequence (Ragazzo)
  • Enh #1645: Added Connection::$pdoClass property (Ragazzo)
  • Enh #1645: Added support for nested DB transactions (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1681: Added support for automatically adjusting the "for" attribute of label generated by ActiveField::label() (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1706: Added support for registering a single JS/CSS file with dependency (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1773: keyPrefix property of Cache is not restricted to alnum characters anymore, however it is still recommended (cebe)
  • Enh #1809: Added support for building "EXISTS" and "NOT EXISTS" query conditions (abdrasulov)
  • Enh #1839: Added support for getting file extension and basename from uploaded file (anfrantic)
  • Enh #1852: ActiveRecord::tableName() now returns table name using DbConnection::tablePrefix (creocoder)
  • Enh #1881: Improved yii\bootstrap\NavBar with containerOptions, innerContainerOptions and renderInnerContainer (creocoder)
  • Enh #1894: The path aliases @webroot and @web are now available right after the application is initialized (qiangxue)
  • Enh #1921: Grid view ActionColumn now allow to name buttons like {controller/action} (creocoder)
  • Enh #1973: yii message/extract is now able to generate .po files (SergeiKutanov, samdark)
  • Enh #1984: ActionFilter will now mark event as handled when action run is aborted (cebe)
  • Enh #2002: Added filterWhere() method to yii\db\Query to allow easy addition of search filter conditions by ignoring empty search fields (samdark, cebe)
  • Enh #2003: Added filter property to ExistValidator and UniqueValidator to support adding additional filtering conditions (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2008: yii message/extract is now able to save translation strings to database (kate-kate, samdark)
  • Enh #2043: Added support for custom request body parsers (danschmidt5189, cebe)
  • Enh #2051: Do not save null data into database when using RBAC (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2054: Added support for using custom application configuration with the console command runner (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2079:
    • i18n now falls back to en from en-US if message translation isn't found (samdark)
    • View now falls back to en from en-US if file not found (samdark)
    • Default sourceLanguage and language are now en (samdark)
  • Enh #2101: Gii is now using model labels when generating search (thiagotalma)
  • Enh #2102: DetailView now allow use as attribute name (creocoder)
  • Enh #2102: DetailView now allow use custom label in string format like name:format:label (creocoder)
  • Enh #2103: Renamed AccessDeniedHttpException to ForbiddenHttpException, added new commonly used HTTP exception classes (danschmidt5189)
  • Enh #2124: Added support for UNION ALL queries (Ivan Pomortsev, iworker)
  • Enh #2132: Allow url of CSS and JS files registered in yii\web\View to be url alias (cebe)
  • Enh #2144: Html helper now supports rendering "data" attributes (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2156: yii migrate now automatically creates migrations directory if it does not exist (samdark)
  • Enh #2211: Added typecast database types into php types (dizews)
  • Enh #2240: Improved yii\web\AssetManager::publish(), yii\web\AssetManager::getPublishedPath() and yii\web\AssetManager::getPublishedUrl() to support aliases (vova07)
  • Enh #2325: Adding support for the X-HTTP-Method-Override header in yii\web\Request::getMethod() (pawzar)
  • Enh #2364: Take into account current error reporting level in error handler (gureedo)
  • Enh #2387: Added support for fetching data from database in batches (nineinchnick, qiangxue)
  • Enh #2392: Added addCssStyle(), removeCssStyle(), cssStyleFromArray() and cssStyleToArray() to Html (qiangxue, kartik-v, Alex-Code)
  • Enh #2406: Added support for conditional validation (drenty, cebe, qiangxue)
  • Enh #2411: Added Gii extension generator (schmunk42)
  • Enh #2415: Added support for inverse relations (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2417: Added possibility to set dataType for $.ajax call in yii.activeForm.js (Borales)
  • Enh #2436: Label of the attribute, which looks like relatedModel.attribute, will be received from the related model if it available (djagya)
  • Enh #2490: yii\db\Query::count() and other query scalar methods now properly handle queries with GROUP BY clause (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2491: Added support for using the same base class name of search model and data model in Gii (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2499: Added ability to downgrade migrations by their absolute apply time (resurtm, gorcer)
  • Enh #2525: Added support for formatting file sizes with yii\base\Formatter (VinceG)
  • Enh #2526: Allow for null values in batchInsert (skotos)
  • Enh #2646: Added support for specifying hostinfo in the pattern of a URL rule (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2661: Added boolean column type support for SQLite (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2670: Changed console\Controller::globalOptions() to options($actionId) to (make it possible to) differentiate options per action (hqx)
  • Enh #2714: Added support for formatting time intervals relative to the current time with yii\base\Formatter (drenty)
  • Enh #2726: Added yii\db\ActiveRecord::loadDefaultValues() that fills default values from DB schema (samdark)
  • Enh #2729: Added FilterValidator::skipOnArray so that filters like trim will not fail for array inputs (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2735: Added support for DateTimeInterface in Formatter (ivokund)
  • Enh #2756: Added support for injecting custom isEmpty check for all validators (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2775: Added yii\base\Application::bootstrap and yii\base\BootstrapInterface to support running bootstrap classes when starting an application (qiangxue)
  • Enh #2892: ActiveRecord dirty attributes are now reset after call to afterSave() so information about changed attributes is available in afterSave-event (cebe)
  • Enh #2910: Added Application::end() (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added support for using arrays as option values for console commands (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added favicon.ico and robots.txt to default application templates (samdark)
  • Enh: Added Widget::autoIdPrefix to support prefixing automatically generated widget IDs (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Support for file aliases in console command 'message' (omnilight)
  • Enh: Sort and Pagination can now create absolute URLs (cebe)
  • Enh: Added support for using array-typed arguments for console commands (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added support for installing packages conforming to PSR-4 standard (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Better exception message when class cannot be loaded (samdark)
  • Enh: init of advanced application now allows to specify answer for overwriting files via init --overwrite=n (samdark)
  • Enh: Added TableSchema::fullName property (qiangxue)
  • Enh: yii\codeception\TestCase now supports loading and using fixtures via Yii fixture framework (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added ability to get incoming headers (dizews)
  • Enh: Added beforeRun() and afterRun() to yii\base\Action (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added support for using timeZone with yii\base\Formatter (dizews)
  • Enh: Added yii\web\View::POS_LOAD (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added yii\web\Response::clearOutputBuffers() (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Improved QueryBuilder::buildLimit() to support big numbers (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added support for building SQLs with sub-queries (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added Pagination::getLinks() (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added support for reading page size from query parameters by Pagination (qiangxue)
  • Enh: LinkPager can now register relational link tags in the html header for prev, next, first and last page (cebe)
  • Enh: Added yii\web\UrlRuleInterface and yii\web\CompositeUrlRule (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added yii\web\Request::getAuthUser() and getAuthPassword() (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added summaryOptions and emptyTextOptions to BaseListView (johonunu)
  • Enh: Implemented Oracle column comment reading from another schema (gureedo, samdark)
  • Enh: Added support to allow an event handler to be inserted at the beginning of the existing event handler list (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Improved action filter and action execution flow by supporting installing action filters at controller, module and application levels (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added isAssociative() and isIndexed() to yii\helpers\ArrayHelper (qiangxue)
  • Enh: Added addSelect to yii\db\Query (Alex-Code)
  • Enh: Added ODBC support in yii\db\Connection (nineinchnick, resurtm)
  • Chg #47: Changed Markdown library to cebe/markdown and adjusted Markdown helper API (cebe)
  • Chg #735: Added back ActiveField::hiddenInput() (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1186: Changed Sort to use comma to separate multiple sort fields and use negative sign to indicate descending sort (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1519: yii\web\User::loginRequired() now returns the Response object instead of exiting the application (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1564: Removed yii\web\Session::autoStart and added hasSessionId. Session will be automatically started when accessing session data (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1586: QueryBuilder::buildLikeCondition() will now escape special characters and use percentage characters by default (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1610: Html::activeCheckboxList() and Html::activeRadioList() will submit an empty string if no checkbox/radio is selected (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1643: Added default value for Captcha::options (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1796: Removed yii\base\Controller::getActionParams() (samdark)
  • Chg #1835: CheckboxColumn now renders checkboxes whose values are the corresponding data key values (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1821: Changed default values for yii\db\Connection username and password to null (cebe)
  • Chg #1844: Response::sendFile() and other file sending methods will not send the response (qiangxue)
  • Chg #1852: DbConnection::tablePrefix default value now 'tbl_' (creocoder)
  • Chg #1958: beforeSubmit in yii.activeform is now executed after validation and before form submission (6pblcb)
  • Chg #2025: Removed ability to declare scopes in ActiveRecord (samdark)
  • Chg #2043:
    • Renamed yii\web\Request::acceptedLanguages to acceptableLanguages (qiangxue)
    • Removed yii\web\Request::getPost(), getPut(), getDelete(), getPatch() in favor of getBodyParam() (cebe)
    • Renamed yii\web\Request::get() to getQueryParams() and getRestParams() to getBodyParams() (cebe)
    • Added yii\web\Request::get($name = null, $defaultValue = null) and yii\web\Request::post($name = null, $defaultValue = null) (samdark)
  • Chg #2059: Implemented git-flavored file excluding/filtering for FileHelper (nineinchnick)
  • Chg #2063: Removed yii\web\Request::acceptTypes and renamed yii\web\Request::acceptedContentTypes to acceptableContentTypes (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2103: Renamed AccessDeniedHttpException to ForbiddenHttpException (danschmidt5189)
  • Chg #2146: Removed ActiveRelation class and ActiveRelationInterface, moved the functionality to ActiveQuery. All relational queries are now directly served by ActiveQuery allowing to use custom scopes in relations and also to declare arbitrary queries as relations. Also removed ActiveRecordInterface::createActiveRelation() (cebe)
  • Chg #2157: The '*' category pattern will match all categories that do not match any other patterns listed in I18N::translations (qiangxue, Ragazzo)
  • Chg #2161: Added ability to use return in Widget::run (samdark)
  • Chg #2173: Removed StringHelper::diff(), Moved phpspec/php-diff dependency from yiisoft/yii2 to yiisoft/yii2-gii (samdark)
  • Chg #2175: QueryBuilder will now append UNION statements at the end of the primary SQL (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2210: Mysql driver will now treat tinyint(1) as integer instead of boolean (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2248: Renamed yii\base\Model::DEFAULT_SCENARIO to yii\base\Model::SCENARIO_DEFAULT (samdark)
  • Chg #2281: Renamed ActiveRecord::create() to populateRecord() and changed signature. This method will not call instantiate() anymore (cebe)
  • Chg #2405: The CSS class of MaskedInput now defaults to form-control (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2426: Changed URL creation method signatures to be consistent (samdark)
  • Chg #2516: Moved error handling from application to ErrorHandler class and fixed problems with HTTP Exception response code (cebe)
    • Yii::$app->exception has now moved to Yii::$app->errorHandler->exception
    • yii\base\ErrorHandler was split into yii\web\ErrorHandler and yii\console\ErrorHandler
  • Chg #2544: Changed DetailView's name:format:label to attribute:format:label to match GridView (samdark)
  • Chg #2603: yii\base\ErrorException now extends \ErrorException (samdark)
  • Chg #2629: Module::controllerPath is now read only, and all controller classes must be namespaced under Module::controllerNamespace. (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2630: API changes for URLs generation (samdark, qiangxue, cebe)
    • Added yii\helpers\Url.
    • Removed yii\helpers\Html::url, use yii\helpers\Url::to instead.
    • Removed yii\web\Controller::createUrl and yii\web\Controller::createAbsoluteUrl, use yii\helpers\Url::toRoute instead.
    • Removed yii\web\Controller::getCanonicalUrl, use yii\helpers\Url::canonical instead.
  • Chg #2691: Null parameters will not be included in the generated URLs by UrlManager (gonimar, qiangxue)
  • Chg #2734: FileCache::keyPrefix defaults to empty string now (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2796: Removed Application::preload in favor of Application::bootstrap (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2816: Changed default date and time format of yii\base\Formatter to Y-m-d and H:i:s (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2911: Removed tbl_ default for table prefix (samdark)
  • Chg #2912: Relative view files will be looked for under the directory containing the view currently being rendered (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2955: Changed the signature of ActiveQuery constructors and replaced ActiveRecord::createQuery() with find() to simplify customizing ActiveQuery classes (qiangxue)
  • Chg #2999: Added findOne() and findAll() to replace the usage of ActiveRecord::find($condition). (samdark, qiangxue)
  • Chg: Renamed yii\jui\Widget::clientEventsMap to clientEventMap (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Renamed ActiveRecord::getPopulatedRelations() to getRelatedRecords() (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Renamed attributeName and className to targetAttribute and targetClass for UniqueValidator and ExistValidator (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Added yii\widgets\InputWidget::options (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Changed the signature of urlCreator and button creators for yii\gridview\ActionColumn (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Updated HTMLPurified dependency to 4.6.*.
  • Chg: Changed Yii autoloader to support loading PSR-4 classes only (i.e. PEAR-styled classes not supported anymore) (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Changed the directory structure according to PSR-4. You have to update your application index.php, index-test.php and yii files to point to the new location of Yii.php (qiangxue, cebe)
  • Chg: Advanced app template: moved database connection DSN, login and password to -local config not to expose it to VCS (samdark)
  • Chg: Renamed yii\web\Request::acceptedLanguages to acceptableLanguages (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Removed implementation of Arrayable from yii\Object (qiangxue)
  • Chg: The scripts in asset bundles are now registered in View at the end of endBody(). It was done in endPage() previously (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Renamed csrf-var to csrf-param for CSRF header name (Dilip)
  • Chg: The directory holding email templates is renamed from mails to mail (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Renamed properties fooVar to fooParam for various classes (qiangxue)
    • Renamed ActiveForm::ajaxVar to ajaxParam
    • Renamed Pagination::pageVar to pageParam
    • Renamed Sort::sortVar to sortParam
    • Renamed yii\web\Request::csrfVar to csrfParam
    • Renamed yii\web\Request::methodVar to methodParam
    • Renamed UrlManager::routeVar to routeParam
    • Renamed yii\web\Session::flashVar to flashParam
    • Renamed yii\web\User::idVar to idParam
    • Renamed yii\web\User::authTimeoutVar to authTimeoutParam
    • Renamed yii\web\User::returnUrlVar to returnUrlParam
  • Chg: Added View::viewFile and removed ViewEvent::viewFile (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Changed Controller::afterAction(), Module::afterAction() and ActionFilter::afterAction() to pass $result by value instead of reference (qiangxue)
  • Chg: yii\base\Extension::init() is renamed to bootstrap() (qiangxue)
  • Chg: getComponent() and setComponent() in Application and Module are renamed to get() and set() respectively. (qiangxue)
  • Chg: The signature of Yii::createObject() is changed. Constructor parameters must be passed as the second parameter. (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Yii::$objectConfig is removed. You should use Yii::$container->set() to configure default settings of classes. (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Removed yii\grid\Column::getDataCellContent() and renamed yii\grid\DataColumn::getDataCellContent() to yii\grid\DataColumn::getDataCellValue() (cebe)
  • Chg: yii\log\Logger is split into yii\log\Logger and yii\log\Dispatcher. (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Moved all filter classes to namespace yii\filters (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Re-implemented RBAC by following more closely to the original NIST RBAC model. Dropped yii\rbac\PhpManager. (qiangxue)
  • Chg: Renamed yii\web\User::checkAccess() to yii\web\User::can() (qiangxue)
  • New #66: Auth client library OpenId, OAuth1, OAuth2 clients (klimov-paul)
  • New #303: Added built-in support for REST API (qiangxue)
  • New #503: Added yii\di\Container and yii\di\ServiceLocator (qiangxue)
  • New #706: Added yii\widgets\Pjax and enhanced GridView to work with Pjax to support AJAX-update (qiangxue)
  • New #1393: Codeception testing framework integration (Ragazzo)
  • New #1438: MongoDB integration ActiveRecord and Query (klimov-paul)
  • New #1956: Implemented test fixture framework (qiangxue)
  • New #2034: Added ContentNegotiator to support response format and language negotiation (qiangxue)
  • New #2149: Added yii\base\DynamicModel to support ad-hoc data validation (qiangxue)
  • New #2360: Added AttributeBehavior and BlameableBehavior, and renamed AutoTimestamp to TimestampBehavior (lucianobaraglia, qiangxue)
  • New #2932: Added yii\web\ViewAction that allow you to render views based on GET parameter (samdark)
  • New #2998: Added framework\log\SyslogTarget that is able to write log to syslog (miramir, samdark)
  • New #3029: Added yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm and yii\bootstrap\ActiveField (mikehaertl)
  • New: Yii framework now comes with core messages translated into 26 languages, many thanks to all our translators!
  • New: Added yii\codeception\DbTestCase (qiangxue)
  • New: Added yii\web\GroupUrlRule (qiangxue)
  • New: Added yii\filters\RateLimiter (qiangxue)
  • New: Added various authentication methods, including HttpBasicAuth, HttpBearerAuth, QueryParamAuth, and CompositeAuth (qiangxue)
  • New: Added HtmlResponseFormatter and JsonResponseFormatter (qiangxue)

2.0.0-alpha, December 1, 2013