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Stephan Pauxberger edited this page Mar 18, 2022 · 5 revisions


In this documentation, we differentiate between three kinds of values:


DSL Objects are annotated with @DSL. These are (potentially complex) objects enhanced by the transformation. They can either be keyed or unkeyed. Keyed means they have a designated field of type String (currently) decorated with the @Key annotation, acting as key for this class. DSL classes are automatically made Serializable.


Collections are (currently either List or Map). Map keys are always Strings, List values and Map values can either be simple types or DSL-Objects. Collections of Collections are currently not supported.

A collection field has two name properties: the collection name an the element name. The collection name defaults to the name of the field, the element name is the name of the field minus any trailing s:

If the field name is roles, the default collection name is roles and the element name is role.

If the field name does not end with an 's', the field name is reused as is (information -> information | information).

Collection name and element name can be customized via the @Field Annotation (see below).

Collections must be strongly typed using generics!

Simple Values

Are everything else, i.e. simple values as well as more complex not-DSL objects.