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Stephan Pauxberger edited this page Mar 18, 2022 · 11 revisions


Turn your models into supermodels!

What is KlumAST?

KlumAST is the first part of the KlumDSL suite. It provides and easy way to create a complete DSL for a simple model class.

There are two main objectives for this project:

  • be as terse as possible while still being readable and using almost no boilerplate code

  • Offer as much IDE-based assistance as possible.

    • In IDEA this works by including a custom gdsl file (mostly working)
    • In Eclipse, inclusion of a custom dsld file is planned


Given the following config classes:

class Config {
    Map<String, Project> projects
    boolean debugMode
    List<String> options

class Project {
    @Key String name
    String url
    MavenConfig mvn

class MavenConfig {
    List<String> goals
    List<String> profiles
    List<String> cliOptions

A config object can be created with the following dsl:

def github = ""

def config = Config.create {

    debugMode true
    options "demo", "fast"
    option "another"
    projects {
        project("demo") {
            url "$github/x/y"
            mvn {
                goals "clean", "compile"
                profile "ci"
                profile "!developer"
                cliOptions "-X -pl :abc".split(" ")
        project("demo2") {
            url "$github/a/b"
            mvn {
                goals "compile"
                profile "ci"

Note that since 0.17.0, the projects closure is only optional syntactic sugar, project entry could also be out directly under config.

Since complete objects are created, using the configuration is simple:

if (config.debugMode) println "Debug mode is active!"

config.projects.each { name, project ->
    println "Running $name with '${project.mvn.goals.join(' ')}'"

def projectsWithoutClean = config.projects.findAll { !it.value.mvn.goals.contains("clean")}.values()

if (projectsWithoutClean) {
    println "WARNING: The following projects do not clean before build:"
    projectsWithoutClean.each {
        println it    

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