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An AngularJS / Firebase / AngularFire single-page application for managing events and RSVPs.

How to Use


Setting up dependencies

  1. Install node (comes packaged with npm) and Gulp locally on your machine
  2. Sign up for a Firebase account
  • Create a new app (the free Hacker plan is fine for small apps)
  • Note your app's URL
  1. Sign up for any social media accounts you'd like to use to authenticate
  2. Create developer apps for OAuth
  3. Go to your Firebase app's URL and click Login & Auth
  4. For development, localhost redirection URLs are already enabled. If deploying, enter your site's domain in Authorized Domains for OAuth Redirects.
  5. Click the tabs for each third party service you'd like to authenticate with
    • Click the checkbox to enable
    • Enter your apps' IDs and secrets

Installation and Initial Build

firebase-rsvp needs a server in order to properly serve AngularJS routes. You may use a tool like MAMP or WAMP (an .htaccess file is provided in the repo for Apache servers), spin up a local Python or Node server, or use a development environment on a live web server.

  1. Clone the repo or download a release
  2. Open a terminal or command line and run npm install
  3. Open the src/ng-app/core/FIREBASE.constant.sample.js file and uncomment the code
  4. Change the URI constant to your Firebase app's URL
  5. Rename the file to FIREBASE.constant.js and Save
  6. Run gulp from the terminal / command line to build the project files

Firebase Configuration

You should already have set up your OAuth accounts (documented in the Setting up dependencies section above).

Setting up an Admin user

To create a single admin level user (the user who can manage events; everyone else will only be able to RSVP), do the following:

  1. Log into your running firebase-rsvp app with the OAuth account you wish to use as administrator
  2. In your code editor, open a secured view, for example, src/ng-app/events/Events.view.html
  3. Place the following code somewhere in the body of the view: <pre>{{events.user.uid}}</pre>
  4. In your browser, refresh the default route in your app / and if you're logged in, the code you added should be visible and will display your logged-in user's unique, persistent UID
  5. Copy this UID and delete the code from the view
  6. In your Firebase app, click Data
  7. Mouse over the name of your app in the data editor and click the little green + to add keys/values
  8. Enter data as the name (leave the value blank) and then click the + after the value field; this will add a child node
  9. Enter master as the name, paste your copied UID into the value, and click Add
  10. The app will now check the authenticated user's UID against the master to determine permissions

Security & Rules

Firebase provides back-end security which can be configured through their Security & Rules editor.

For basic read/write security, paste the following into the FIREBASE RULES field under Security & Rules in your Firebase app settings, and click SAVE RULES:

  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    "events": {
      ".write": "auth != null && root.child('data').child('master').val() === auth.uid",
      "$event": {
        ".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['title', 'startDate', 'startTime', 'endDate', 'endTime', 'location', 'viewPublic', 'rsvp'])"
    "rsvps": {
      "$rsvp": {
        ".write": "auth != null && (newData.child('userId').val() === auth.uid || root.child('data').child('master').val() === auth.uid)",
        ".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['name', 'userId', 'attending', 'eventId', 'eventName'])"

Important: These are very basic rules and can/should be expanded. Please see Firebase's documentation on Securing Your Data and Security API to learn more about writing your own database rules and validation.

Potential Future Enhancements

  • Allow realtime commenting on events
  • Allow users to subscribe to updates for events


  • v0.3.0 - 9/05/15: Upgraded Angular, jQuery, Firebase, AngularFire
  • v0.2.2 - 5/07/15: Bugs resolved, feature-complete for first release
  • v0.2.1 - 5/02/15: Device tested and most device-related bugs resolved
  • v0.2.0 - 5/01/15: Closed all priority bugs, deployed to shared hosting with Firebase backend