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CS 107 Project 7 -- Enemy AI and Parsing JSON in HaverQuest

Due: Mon, Dec 3, 6PM

HaverQuest Gameplay

In this project you'll be implementing a variety of features expanding HaverQuest to a larger-scale game. The real point of this project is to give you experience working with a large codebase. This project is a bit more open-ended than the previous, allowing a little more exploration on your end.

For this project, grading / testing will be largely based on us playing your game and reading your code, since testing precise characteristics of the game mechanics via unit tests is a bit challenging here.

To load the game, you can do the same thing as last time:


The game is pretty boring right now, because you haven't implemented the logic to make it do the cool stuff. You should think of this project as the project where you start writing a lot of code. There's no specific concept you're going to be exercising, but you'll be using an ensemble of ideas to implement the main logic of HaverQuest.

Good luck! I hope you have a lot of fun.

Part 1: Implementing Player Movement

This part will have you make players move. Right now, the players in our game won't move at all. To make them move, we will associate players a "speed vector." Players are implemented in the Player class within the file You should take some time to read through this class right now, as it is the superclass of all of the things on the board that move.

In HaverQuest the game board is represented by a class named GameBoard, implemented in This class is comprised of a matrix of "priority queue" data structures: ordered lists of tiles, where the ordering occurs based on the tile's "priority," an attribute set as the tile is built. Priorities are used to order tiles so that, for example--when a player is sitting on top of a background--the player appears on top of the background. This class contains several important methods:

  • addTile, which adds a tile to the board. Where it is added depends on the tile's position.

  • removeTile, which removes a tile from the board. You will need to call this method during your assignment.

  • registerForClockTick, which registers a tile to receive clock ticks, discussed next.

  • unregisterForClockTick, which unregisters a tile to receive clock ticks.

Most games work by using a "game loop:" a big loop that gets called many times per second to move characters, redraw parts of the screen, and manage other parts of the game's state. Our game is no different, and several times a second our game will process what are called "clock ticks." You can find this in gameLoop within As a result, each of the player's clockTick method will be called.

Task 1: Implement clockTick in Player

You are to implement the clockTick function in the Player class. Handle a clock tick event. This is the main method in the game that will cause player movement. Be sure to use self.move for movement, as some Player subclasses may override movement (e.g., to subtract fuel). This method takes two arguments:

  • fps <-- The number of frames per second (i.e., number of times this method is called per second)

  • num <-- The number of frames since the last time this method was called.

As a result, this function should move the player the appropriate amount based on the speed vector. The speed vector is given in "tiles per second."

For example, let's say that self.speed = (10,10). This means that this tile should move 10 tiles to the right every second, and also 10 tiles down every second. So if clockTick(10,1) is called, this method should move the player right one tile and down one tile (i.e., (x+1, y+1)). However, let's instead say that self.speed is (5,5). Then...

  • self.clockTick(10,1) should do nothing the first time it is called.

  • self.clockTick(10,1) should move the tile right one tile and down one tile the second time it is called.

This accounts for the fact that objects will move across the board with variable speeds.

There are several things to keep in mind here:

  • To actually perform the movement, you should use the self.move(deltaX, deltaY) method, which takes a delta x and delta y (both in the range [-1,1]) and moves to (x + deltaX, y

    • deltaY)
  • Sometimes you can't move. For example, AI players should not be able to walk through walls. If a player attempts to move to a tile to which it cannot move, you must set the canMove field to False (it should be set to True) otherwise.

Once you implement this method, things should start to move..!

Part 2: Making Stones Move and Health Packs

As the game sits now, when you hit the space button, the squirrel will throw a stone in the direction that the squirrel is pointing. For example, when you boot up the game, the squirrel will be poised to shoot to the right. But this isn't ready yet: you'll do that later. For now, you'll just implement the logic to make the stones move. For this, you'll override the clockTick method in the Stone class.

Task 2: Making Stones Move

This method will be called in the same way as clockTick on the Player object, as this is a subclass of Player. Your clock tick method should:

  • Call the parent's clockTick method

  • If the movement failed (e.g., because the stone hit a wall) you should remove this tile from the board (consider using one of the board's methods). Don't forget to also unregister for clock ticks.

Task 3: Implementing the Health Object

The Health class implements a tile for a health pack. When the squirrel walks over this tile, it should increment your health by 15 and remove the tile from the board.

Whenever another tile "bumps into" this tile, its handleCollisionWith method will be called. You should implement this function by:

  • Check whether the tile being collided with is a squirrel

    • You can do this by checking the tile's type, or you can call isSquirrel.
  • If it is, it should increment the fuel by 15 and then remove the tile from the board.

    • Hint: the game board keeps track of fuel by a field named state. This object has a few methods, one of them being incrementFuel, the one you should use here.
  • If it is not, it should not do anything.

Part 3: Fire the Stones

The main logic for implementing the main character is in Squirrel. Notably, the code that responds to key presses is in the function handleEvent. This function moves the squirrel left, right, up, or down, and also sets a "movement vector", which keeps track of the last direction in which the squirrel is moving. This is useful for keeping track of the fact that the squirrel should shoot up if it was last traveling up. When the space bar is pressed, the fireStone method is called.

Task 4: Implement the fireStone method

This method should fire a stone. The stone should start at (x + mX, y + mY) where (mX, mY) is the movement vector. For example, if the squirrel is traveling to the right (because the last key pressed was the right) and the squirrel is currently at (3, 2), then the stone should start at (4, 2). Additionally, you must subtract 10 fuel after firing a stone.

Note that you will need to:

  • Check that the stone can actually start at that place. For example, if the stone should start at (4, 2) but there is a wall there, then you should not fire a stone.
  • Add the stone to the board (otherwise it won't show up)
  • Ensure there are at least 10 fuel tokens available
  • Ensure that you make the stone register for clock ticks (otherwise it won't move)

Task 5: Handle Collisions with Ferrets and Stones

Just like the health object, the squirrel should handle collisions with other objects on the board. The rules are as follows:

If you collide with a...

  • ferret <-- Subtract 15 fuel
  • stone <-- Subtract 10 fuel

Part 4: Implementing Enemy AI

For this part, you'll code up an enemy AI. Your enemy AI will be implemented as part of the SqureAIFerret class, the Squirrel's enemy. The job of the Ferret is to start at some initial position, walk five tiles to the right, walk down five tiles, walk left, walk up, and then start all over again. While walking around in a square, the ferret will fire stones in a random direction. Every seventh step, the ferret will choose a random direction and fire a stone. In the next assignment, we'll add more intelligence to this AI.

Task 6: The move function

Move should implemented in such a way that the ferret AI character walks around the board in a length 5 square. For example, if the ferret starts at (5,5), the first step should be to (6,5), then (7,5) and so on until reaching (10,5). At that point, it should start going downwards to (10,6) until it reaches (10,10), at which point it should go left. It should proceed to (5,10) until finally moving back up towards (5,5 and starting over again).

Additionally, every seventh call to move, the ferret should fire a stone by calling the fireStone function. As a hint: I would suggest adding a numTicks member variable to this class and then incrementing it upon each call to move.

Task 7: The fireStone function

The job of this function is to fire a stone in a random direction, with speed vector (x1 * self.SPEEDVECTOR, y1 * self.SPEEDVECTOR) where x1 and y1 are both in [-1,1] but crucially x1 and y1 cannot both be 0 (otherwise the stone would just sit there). Just as in Squirrel, your initial coordinate must be x + x1, y + y1.

Task 8: The subtractHp function

Subtract HP, potentially killing off the character

Takes a single argument, hp. The result of calling this function should be that:

  • self.hp becomes subtracted by the relevant amount.

  • If the hp now becomes below 0, this tile should be removed from the board.

Scoring Breakdown

Although there are more points in this assignment, it will be worth the same as the last projects. As this assignment is significantly more open-ended than previous assignments, we'll be a bit flexible when grading. For example, as long as we can see that you had the right ideas and satisfied the spirit of the specification, we're happy to give you the points.

Good luck!

  • Task 1 [10]
  • Task 2 [5]
  • Task 3 [3]
  • Task 4 [10]
  • Task 5 [3]
  • Task 6 [7]
  • Task 7 [5]
  • Task 8 [3]
  • Style: [4]
  • Total: 50


Project 7 in CS107: Fleshing Out HaverQuest






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