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This directory contains tests and testing docs for Knative Eventing.

Running tests with scripts

Presubmit tests is the entry point for the tests before code submission.

You can run it simply with:


By default, this script will run build tests, unit tests and integration tests. If you only want to run one type of tests, you can run this script with corresponding flags like below:

test/ --build-tests
test/ --unit-tests
test/ --integration-tests

Note that if the tests you are running include integration tests, it will create a new GKE cluster in project $PROJECT_ID, start Knative Serving and Eventing system, upload test images to $KO_DOCKER_REPO, and run all e2e-* scripts under test. After the tests finish, it will delete the cluster.

E2E tests is the entry point for running all e2e tests.

You can run it simply with:


By default, it will create a new GKE cluster in project $PROJECT_ID, start Knative Serving and Eventing system, upload test images to $KO_DOCKER_REPO, and run the end-to-end tests. After the tests finishes, it will delete the cluster.

If you have already created your own Kubernetes cluster but haven't installed Knative, you can run with test/ --run-tests.

If you have set up a running environment that meets the e2e test environment requirements, you can run with test/ --run-tests --skip-knative-setup.

Running tests with go test command

Running unit tests

You can also use go test command to run unit tests:

go test -v ./pkg/...

By default go test will not run the e2e tests, which needs -tags=e2e to be enabled.

Running end-to-end tests

To run the e2e tests with go test command, you need to have a running environment that meets the e2e test environment requirements, and you need to specify the build tag e2e.

go test -v -tags=e2e -count=1 ./test/e2e

By default, it will run all applicable tests against the cluster's default ClusterChannelProvisioner.

If you want to run tests against other ClusterChannelProvisioners, you can specify them through -clusterChannelProvisioners.

go test -v -tags=e2e -count=1 ./test/e2e -clusterChannelProvisioners=in-memory,gcp-pubsub

One test case

To run one e2e test case, e.g. TestSingleBinaryEventForChannel, use the -run flag with go test:

go test -v -tags=e2e -count=1 ./test/e2e -run ^TestSingleBinaryEventForChannel$

By default, it will run the test against the default ClusterChannelProvisioner.

If you want to run it against another ClusterChannelProvisioner, you can specify it through -clusterChannelProvisioners.

go test -v -tags=e2e -count=1 ./test/e2e -run ^TestSingleBinaryEventForChannel$ -clusterChannelProvisioners=in-memory

Environment requirements

There's couple of things you need to install before running e2e tests locally.

  1. A running Knative cluster
  2. A docker repo containing the test images

Test images

Building the test images

Note: this is only required when you run e2e tests locally with go test commands. Running tests through will publish the images automatically.

The script can be used to build and push the test images used by the e2e tests. It requires:

To run the script for all end to end test images:

./test/ e2e

A docker tag is mandatory to avoid issues with using latest tag for images deployed in GCR.

Adding new test images

New test images should be placed in ./test/test_images. For each image create a new sub-folder and include a Go file that will be an entry point to the application. This Go file should use the package main and include the function main(). It is a good practice to include a readme file as well. When uploading test images, ko will build an image from this folder.


Flags are similar to those in Knative Serving.